THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY AUGUST 7TH: The waxing Moon continues her journey through pristine, organized, analytical Virgo, where today she will partner with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, to help us reconnect with beloved dreams that require some practical attention. It’s a beautiful day to admit what we truly want, and begin to take the actions to achieve our dreams and visions. Later today, Mercury retrograde, and Venus will join forces to remind us of the ideas, people, places and things that we truly, deeply love. It’s time to remember beloved visions and devote ourselves to what we love and find most beautiful. it’s a stellar day for practical and visionary action or to clear the way for our dreams and for the path of love and devotion.

ARIES: The Virgo Moon continues to nurture the details of your work, health and organizational life. Today she partners with Saturn, retrograde in Pisces to remind you of beloved dreams that require planning, organizing reviewing, revising and attention to detail. Later today, Mercury retrograde, and Venus join up in this same sector, to remind you of people and projects you truly love, and how to attend to the details that will take care of them.

TAURUS: The Virgo Moon continues to nurture your creative and romantic life, opening your heart and healing any heartache there. Today, Luna partners with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to refine creative projects, and visionary collaborations that require some organizing and attention to detail. Later today, Mercury retrograde joins up with Venus to remind you of who and what you truly madly deeply love and to also remind you of your most beloved creative projects. Devote yourself to them.

GEMINI: The Virgo Moon continues to focus on your home life, where it’s another stellar day for housekeeping, clearing and decluttering on every level. Today Luna will partner with Saturn retrograde in Pisces in your career sector, to remind you of your most beloved professional visionary ideas that also require some housekeeping and attention to detail. Later today, Mercury retrograde will join up with lovely Venus in your home sector to rekindle your love of home, your devotion to family, and your deep and loving connection to your roots.

CANCER: The Virgo Moon continues to nurture your best thinking, along with the clearing of your mind and the clarifying of ideas. Today, Luna partners with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to reconnect with and organize brilliant visionary ideas, that delight your soul, and feel like your calling. Mercury retrograde will join up with Venus in your sector of mind, to remind you of your most beautiful ideas, your most loving thoughts and patterns of communication. It’s a beautiful day to recalibrate your thinking with love and beauty as your main focus.

LEO: The Virgo Moon continues to nurture your material life, which is requiring some upkeep during this retrograde, as is your fiscal life. It’s a beautiful day to get organized for financial success. Luna will partner with Saturn retrograde in Pisces today, inviting you to explore some financial forensics regarding mergers joint finance and your long term dreams.. Mercury retrograde will join up with Venus in your fiscal sector, reminding you beautiful profitable ideas that you need to get clear about, and organize before they can succeed.

VIRGO: The Virgo Moon continues to nurture you and your capacity to refine yourself, your skills, and connect with your most beloved ideas. Luna will partner with Saturn retrograde in Pisces today, inviting you to review your vision for partnership in your life, and reconnect with visionary ideas or visionary relationships that require some healing attention. Mercury, your ruling planet will join up with Venus today, to remind you of your most beautiful loving and gracious ideas, starting with a new level of self-love.

LIBRA: The Virgo Moon continues to nurture your spiritual life, and your most beloved dreams that are calling for some reconnection, revision and organization. Today, Luna partners with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to reconnect with your larger vision and take smaller actions to achieve it. Mercury retrograde in Virgo, and Venus join up today, to awaken your love and your deep sense of devotion.

SCORPIO: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your social sector, continuing to nurture your friendships, alliances, community and teamwork. Today she partners with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, to nurture your reconnection to your creative dreams, with the social support that will help achieve them. Venus and Mercury retrograde join up today, to reconnect you with beloved friends, beautiful group ideas and brilliant collaborative possibilities.

SAGITTARIUS: the Virgo Moon is gliding through your career sector, where today she partners with Saturn retrograde, to nurture your career, your public life and your most beloved visions for your home life. Today, Venus and Mercury retrograde will connect in your career sector, inspiring brilliant, beautiful possibilities for professional success, that may come from the past, or may result from a new approach to organization and attention to detail and service!

CAPRICORN: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your publishing sector, nurturing your capacity to analyze and organize your very best ideas, projects, and presentations. Today, Mercury retrograde in Virgo and Venus, join forces in this sector, to reconnect you with gorgeous ideas and the exquisite details of them that require some tweaking and refinement.

AQUARIUS: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your deepest sector again today, inviting you to organize and attend to your feelings and finances today, with an eye to your long-term vision and happiness. Mercury retrograde will also join up with Venus in this sector today, to remind you of the deep love and connection that you desire, and that is yours, as you open your mind and heart to and beautiful loving possibilities.

PISCES: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your partnership sector, nurturing your capacity to analyze relationship patterns, and organize the logistics of either business or personal partnerships that require some attention. Today, Venus and Mercury retrograde, join up in your partnership sector to rekindle the flame of love and of beautiful ideas and projects with partners you are devoted to.