THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY AUGUST 14TH: Today as the Sagittarius Moon glides through the day, Mars and Jupiter join up in brilliant Gemini to expand our thinking, inspiring us to act on our biggest best ideas. The Sagittarius Moon and Jupiter also partner to get us taking action on big brilliant projects and adventures that could be game changers, Meanwhile tonight at 8:16 PM EDT Mercury backs into Leo, moving our retrograde reflection from the head to the heart. It’s time to think about and reconnect with our creative brilliance, our power to love, our passion and what truly lights us up.

ARIES: Today the Sagittarius Moon partners with Jupiter, then Mars in Gemini to expand your thinking you’re thinking, and your capacity to act on big brilliant ideas and adventurous plans. Tonight, Mercury backs into Leo from Virgo, inviting you to reflect on the heart centered ideas you are considering. Today your retrograde reflection moves from your head to your heart.

TAURUS: Today as the Moon glides through Sagittarius, nurturing your need for adventure, Mars joins up with Jupiter in Gemini, inviting you to expand your thinking about profitable ideas and travel plans. Today the Sagittarius Moon will partner with both Jupiter and Mars inviting you to think bigger and act on your biggest best ideas, especially those involving mergers travels presentations and profitable possibilities.

GEMINI: It’s a big day for you, Gemini. Today, Jupiter and Mars join up in your sign to expand your thinking about yourself and your capacity to act on big brilliant ideas and authentic desires. Meanwhile, the Sagittarius Moon is cruising through your partnership sector, and will partner with both Mars and Jupiter, expanding your life exponentially through partnership. Tonight, Mercury retrogrades into Leo from Virgo, inviting you to move your reflection and review from analysis to passion, from the head to the heart. What lights you up and ignites your joy of living? Reflect on that.

CANCER: Today as the Moon waxes through Sagittarius in your work and health sector, Mars and Jupiter join up in your spiritual sector to expand your thinking, your vision and your consciousness. It’s a gorgeous day to consult with your angels, and your Heavenly Guidance system about big beautiful plans, daily habits, work projects that could be game changers, and the ideas that you’re now ready to act on.

LEO: Today as the Moon glides through Sagittarius in your creative sector, Mars and Jupiter join up in your social sector to expand your social life, your networking possibilities, and big brilliant ideas involving collaboration. Meanwhile, tonight Mercury will back into your sign Leo from Virgo as he continues his retrograde. It’s time to reclaim your creative power, your joy of living and to recalibrate your thinking about yourself. Reclaim your love of self and your personal brilliance. It’s time to reconnect with your Light.

VIRGO: Today as the Moon glides through Sagittarius in your home sector, Jupiter and Mars join up in Gemini in your career sector, inviting you to think much bigger about professional possibilities, long-term goals, and big success that could be yours as you find some work life balance. Tonight Mercury will back into Leo, from Virgo, inviting you to connect you with golden visions for your creative success, spiritual fulfillment and heart centered love.

LIBRA: Today as the Moon glides through Sagittarius in your sector of mind, Mars and Jupiter join up in Gemini in your publishing sector of the higher mind, inviting you to act on big, brilliant, beautiful, fun ideas and plans. Meanwhile, tonight, Mercury will back into Leo as he continues, his retrograde, moving from your spiritual sector to your social sector, where joyful fun, creative plans, and heart centered community await you.

SCORPIO: Today as the Moon waxes through Sagittarius in your fiscal sector. Mars and Jupiter join up in your sector of mergers where big brilliant possibilities are afoot. It’s time to think bigger about collaboration and joint efforts that could benefit all involved. Expand your thinking. Meanwhile, Mercury will assist with expanded thinking tonight, when he backs into Leo and your career sector as he continues his retrograde.Iit’s time to reconnect with your golden talent and creative bliss.

SAGITTARIUS: Today as the Moon glides through your sign Sagittarius, Mars and Jupiter your ruling planet, join forces in your partnership sector, expanding your possibilities exponentially through brilliant collaborations and partnerships. Meanwhile, tonight, Mercury retrogrades back into Leo from Virgo, connecting you with creative publishing ideas that you are passionate about.

CAPRICORN: Today as the Moon glides through Sagittarius in your spiritual sector, Jupiter and Mars join up in your work and health sector in Gemini, where big brilliant ideas that could be game changers await you. It’s time to act on them. Meanwhile, tonight, Mercury will back into Leo as he continues his retrograde. It’s time to reconnect with your deepest passion and the creative projects that may require mergers or some digging to unearth, but the golden treasure is there if you do the work.

AQUARIUS: Today as the Moon glides through Sagittarius in your social sector, Jupiter and Mars join forces in your sector of recreation, art and romance where big beautiful possibilities are in the air. It’s time to act on big, beautiful creative or romantic possibilities. Meanwhile, tonight, Mercury backs into Leo in your partnership sector, inviting you to reconnect with your heart and with your true desires regarding partnership, it’s time to let love guide your thinking and your reflection.

PISCES: Today as the Moon glides through Sagittarius in your career sector, Mars and Jupiter join up in Gemini in your home sector where massive possibilities, family plans, and opportunities are afoot. It’s time to act on big brilliant ideas and step out of your comfort zone. Meanwhile, tonight Mercury will back into Leo in your work and health sector, inviting you to connect with your heart, your passion and your capacity to rise and shine in the workplace.