THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY AUGUST 16TH: The Capricorn Moon is gliding through the day, nurturing our executive intelligence, our deepest commitments, and our capacity for self-discipline, maturity and perseverance.
Today the Capricorn Moon is in her executive suite and has scheduled meetings with a number of her fellow planets. She will be harmonizing with Venus in Virgo to help us master the details of organization and planning. She will be negotiating with Jupiter and Mars in Gemini to help us us to work on the logistics of big brilliant plans. She will be harmonizing with Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, inviting us to crystallize the visions that we are committing to, and all that is required to achieve them. Luna is very busy today, inspiring us to get busy too!

ARIES: The Capricorn Moon is in your executive suite today, inviting you to join her, and be the CEO of your life. It’s a great day to explore the administrative details, logistics, and consequences of your goals and commitments. It’s a beautiful day to get clear about the visionary ideas you’re committed to and what will be required for them to succeed.

TAURUS: The Capricorn Moon is in your publishing sector today, inviting you to explore the details of travel, publishing projects, and presentations. It’s a stellar day to explore how projects you are engaged in currently could become a much bigger proposition. It’s a stellar day to also reconnect with beloved dreams, and the logistics required to achieve them.

GEMINI: The Capricorn Moon is in your deepest sector today, nurturing your deepest commitments. It’s a stellar day to review what they are, and hammer out the logistics and the details that support them, as you crystallize your visions. Executive action will help you achieve them.

CANCER: The Capricorn Moon is in your partnership sector, partnering with you today to help you achieve the visionary ideas and dreams you are committed to. It’s an especially good day to act on visions involving business or personal partners. Organize them, crystallize them, act on them.

LEO: The Capricorn Moon is in your work and health sector today, nurturing your capacity to get organized for success. It’s a stellar day to work with your schedule to organize your environment, and to generally clear the way for the visionary ideas, goals and the success you are dreaming up. Dream, then take executive action to achieve your dream.

VIRGO: The Capricorn Moon is gliding through your creative sector, nurturing your executive artist within. It’s a stellar day to get clear about the details and logistics of creative plans, recreational plans, and romantic plans. All of these things require planning. Positive planning leads to success.

LIBRA: The Capricorn Moon is visiting your home sector today, inviting you to get your house in order on all levels, as you organize family plans and activities. It’s a beautiful day to get grounded and enjoy the details, relationships, and activities that a beautiful family life provides.

SCORPIO: The Capricorn Moon is visiting your sector of mind today, nurturing your executive consciousness, your mental discipline, and your laser like focus. These are the keys to your success. It’s a stellar day to give your undeviating focus to goals, visions and dreams that you desire to achieve. Never mind Hocus Pocus today. Focus focus.

SAGITTARIUS: The Capricorn Moon is visiting your fiscal/material sector of possessions and values today, inviting you to get your house and your finances in order on all levels. It’s a stellar day to assume executive responsibility for your finances, your possessions and your environment. Crystallize your vision for your material life and take intelligent executive action to achieve it.

CAPRICORN: The Capricorn Moon is visiting your sign and your sector of self today, inviting you to take full responsibility for your happiness, your well-being and achieving a positive vision for yourself. Responsibility equals power. Banish self doubt, and dare to be the boss of your life. Success cannot be far, when you assume executive leadership.

AQUARIUS: The Capricorn Moon is nurturing your spiritual life, which is the highest part of your consciousness. It’s a beautiful day to connect with the Loving Source of your being, and seek executive guidance from that Sacred Source. Reflect on the dreams, visions and ideas you are committed to, and after checking in for Guidance. Take intelligent, guided action. Enjoy the results!

PISCES: The Capricorn Moon is nurturing your social life today, inviting you to take executive action for your big ideas, dreams and visions that will necessarily involve groups, teamwork and other people. Reflect on the logistics of all that you are planning, and take action to create supportive professional and personal social networks that you desire and deserve.