THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY AUGUST 18TH: The waxing Moon is in Aquarius, where she will be full tomorrow afternoon at 2:26 PM EDT. Today she is busy nurturing our friendships, collaborations, and biggest, best ideas, to share with allies. Luna harmonizes with massive Jupiter in Gemini today to expand our thinking about friendships, group activity, networking and collaboration. Meanwhile today, the Leo Sun joins up with Mercury retrograde in Leo, to reconnect us with brilliant, heart centered ideas, that we are reviewing, reconsidering or revising. It is time to reconnect with our power and passion, and share that with our audience, our friends or those we love.

To join my Full Moon Tele seminar, which will be tonight, to harness the waxing energy of the Aquarius Moon click here:

ARIES: The Aquarius Moon is almost Full in your social sector, nurturing your friendships, alliances, collaborations, and community connections. Today, the Leo Sun, and Mercury retrograde, join up in your sector of romance, children, and creativity, inviting you to think about big, heart centered activities that you are considering and reviewing.

TAURUS: The Aquarius Moon is waxing almost Full in your career sector, nurturing your brilliance and innovative ideas and collaborations. Today, Luna harmonizes with massive Jupiter in Gemini, to expand your thinking and your financial possibilities. It’s a stellar day for brilliant, beautiful profitable collaborations that lead to group success.

GEMINI: The Aquarius Moon is waxing almost Full in your sector of the higher mind, travel and philosophy, shedding her brilliant, liberating light on your patterns of thought, beliefs, and beautiful plans you want to enjoy with friends and community. Today Luna is harmonizing with Jupiter in your sign Gemini, inviting you to think much bigger about yourself, your possibilities, your network, your travel plans, and brilliant collaborations.

CANCER: The Aquarius Moon is waxing almost Full in your deepest sector today, shedding her liberating light into your depths, helping to free your authentic self for greater expression and true intimacy. Today, Luna harmonizes with massive Jupiter, to expand your thinking about what’s possible for you. Meanwhile, the Leo Sun and Mercury retrograde are connecting in your fiscal sector, inviting you to review, rethink and revise or reconnect with brilliant profitable plans and ideas.

LEO: The Aquarius Moon is waxing through your partnership sector, nurturing your capacity for authentic true partnership. Today Luna will harmonize with Jupiter in Gemini, to expand your thinking about group activities, partnership and massive profit that could be yours down the line. Meanwhile, the Leo Sun joins up with Mercury retrograde today, inviting you to reconnect with brilliant ideas, and revise the way you think about yourself. Remember, you were born to shine like the blazing Sun!

VIRGO: The Aquarius Moon is waxing through your work and health sector, shedding light on daily habits, brilliant work projects, and all that you want to undertake with the support of friends, groups, and community. Today, Luna harmonizes with Jupiter, inviting you to think much bigger about success. Meanwhile, the Leo Sun joins up with Mercury retrograde in Leo, reconnecting you with your golden vision by Divine Design that it is time to act on.

LIBRA: The Aquarius Moon is waxing through your creative sector, nurturing your capacity for art, love, creativity, and beautiful collaborations. Today Luna will harmonize with Jupiter in Gemini, inviting you to think much bigger about what’s possible for you. Meanwhile, the Leo Sun will join up with Mercury retrograde in Leo, to nurture your friendships and heart centered community.

SCORPIO: The Aquarius Moon is waxing through your home sector, nurturing your capacity to be free of ancestral patterns that no longer serve you, and to embrace those that support a blossoming social life. Today, Luna harmonizes with Jupiter in Gemini, inviting you to think much bigger about your domestic life. Meanwhile, the Leo Sun and Mercury retrograde join up in your career sector, inspiring you to review revise or reconnect with brilliant golden ideas, that lead to golden success.

SAGITTARIUS: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your mind, nurturing your brilliance and your freedom of mental and verbal expression. Today she harmonizes with Jupiter in Gemini, inviting you to think much bigger about what’s possible for you on the communication front. Meanwhile the Sun and Mercury retrograde join up in your publishing sector, inviting you to reconnect with brilliant, golden ideas, that could float your boat.

CAPRICORN: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your fiscal sector, nurturing your capacity for financial freedom through brilliant collaborations, and breakthrough ideas. Today she harmonizes with Jupiter in Gemini, to expand your thinking and prosperity. Meanwhile, the Leo Sun joins up with Mercury retrograde in Leo, to nurture your passion, creativity and reconnection with brilliant golden ideas that it is time to resurrect.

AQUARIUS: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your sector of self, nurturing your identity, your personal freedom, and your authentic self. Today she harmonizes with Jupiter in Gemini to expand your thinking about yourself. Meanwhile, the Leo Sun is joining up with Mercury retrograde in Leo in your partnership sector, inviting you to review and reconnect with beloved partners or partnership possibilities.

PISCES: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your spiritual sector, inviting you to seek greater enlightenment today, and advance the visions that require teamwork or collaboration in order to succeed. Luna will harmonize with Jupiter in Gemini today, inviting you to think much bigger about what’s possible with friends and family. Meanwhile, the Leo Sun joins up with Mercury retrograde in Leo, in your work and health sector, inviting you to reconnect with your radiant health and your real passion at work.