THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY AUGUST 21ST: The Pisces Moon keeps the focus on our spiritual lives, and our conscious connection to Source again today. Luna is partnering with Venus in Virgo to nurture our dreams and the bliss that comes when we are simply present to the beauty and splendor of the world around us. It’s a perfect day to delight in the big picture of our dreams, and the gorgeous exquisite details that will help us to achieve them. Luna will also join up with spiritual Neptune inviting us to open to a Higher Love, and to explore our visions by Divine Design. The Pisces moon goes void at 5:54 PM EDT, till 7:02 PM when she heads into Aries to nurture our power of initiative.

ARIES: The Pisces Moon partners with Venus in Virgo today, to nurture the big picture of your visions, especially those involving love, romance, healing and beauty, as well as your power to take small exquisite actions to achieve them. Luna will also join up with spiritual Neptune, inviting you to seek Divine Guidance and higher love, as you advance your dreams and seek higher consciousness.

TAURUS:The Pisces Moon works with Venus in Virgo today, to nurture the exquisite details of your creative vision and expanded networking efforts. Today Luna will also join up with Neptune to nurture your most beautiful transcendental visions and the alliances that align with them.

GEMINI:The Pisces Moon works with Venus in Virgo today, to nurture your love and beauty in both your home life and your professional life. Today, Luna will join up with Neptune inviting you to advance your most gorgeous vision for professional success.

CANCER: The Pisces Moon works with Venus in Virgo today, to nurture your most visionary thinking and your capacity to advance exquisite, loving, beautiful ideas with practical action. Luna will also join up with Neptune to bathe your mind in waves of Higher love and Divinely inspired vision.

LEO: The Pisces Moon works with Venus in Virgo today to nurture the depths of your soul with Higher Love, while helping you set your material and financial life in beautiful order. Today Luna joins up with Neptune, to bathe your soul in waves of Higher Love, forgiveness and the bliss that comes from conscious contact with Source.

VIRGO: The Pisces Moon works with Venus in Virgo today, to nurture you and your most beloved relationships, inspiring you to take gorgeous practical action to achieve shared dreams. Luna will also join up with Neptune to nurture your dreams with Higher Love and inspired vision.

LIBRA: The Pisces Moon works with Venus in Virgo today, to nurture your daily life with beautiful ideas, habits, practices, and work that is meaningful and inspiring to you. Neptune will also join up with the Pisces Moon to bathe your mind in gorgeous visionary ideas.Act on them.

SCORPIO: The Pisces Moon works with Venus in Virgo today, to nurture your creative bliss, and the social support required to help you advance visionary creative projects. Today Luna joins up with Neptune to bathe your imagination with inspiration waves of inspiration that you can ride to the shore of creative manifestation.

SAGITTARIUS: The Pisces Moon works with Venus in Virgo today, to nurture your home life and career life with gorgeous, profitable, visionary thinking. It’s a beautiful day to act on the exquisite details of your domestic visions and your vision for success.

CAPRICORN: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your mind, inspiring brilliant thinking, a higher love, and a forgiving attitude, to nurture your consciousness. It’s a gorgeous day to take practical action to advance your dreams with the help with Divine Guidance. Higher Love and angelic assistance is with you every step of the way.

AQUARIUS: The Pisces Moon partners with Venus in Virgo, to nurture your most beautiful and profitable plans, and your capacity to take practical incremental action to achieve them. It’s a gorgeous day to reconnect with your vision for your material life and how you want to spend your time and money.

PISCES: The Pisces Moon partners with Venus in Virgo, to nurture your most gorgeous partnerships today and your shared visions with practical action. Today is a gorgeous day to follow your dreams and your bliss. Reconnect with the vision you love, then act on it or live it!