THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY AUGUST 29TH: Today as the waning Moon continues her glide through soulful Cancer, her home sign, nurturing our  emotional, familial and domestic security, Venus also enters one of her home signs. This morning at 9:23 AM EDT,  Venus glides into lovely Libra, one of her home signs, and begins to nurture our need for beauty, peace, balance, love, fairness, and reciprocity. For the next few weeks, Venus will be pulling out the stops, inviting us to explore all forms of exquisite beauty and the love and grace that best inform true partnership.

ARIES: Today as the Moon in nurturing Cancer continues to nurture your home and family life, lovely Venus glides into lovely Libra and your partnership sector for weeks to come. Venus will be nurturing your need for love, fairness, justice, and balance within all important relationships. It’s time to delight in the lobe and beauty that feed your soul.

TAURUS: Today as the Moon in soulful Cancer keeps the nurturing focus on your mind and the beautiful ideas that you are incubating, developing or bringing forth, lovely Venus your ruling planet, enters Libra, and your sector of work, health, organization, and attention to exquisite detail. It’s time to focus on the balance that restores mental peace, physical well being, and the beauty you are manifesting at work and in your daily life.

GEMINI: Today as the Moon continues her glide through soulful Cancer, keeping the nurturing focus on your most fertile and profitable ideas, lovely Venus enters Libra, and your creative, romantic sector for weeks to come. Venus will be assisting you with your most gorgeous creative expression, and your most beautiful romantic pursuits. It is time to let love and beauty take the lead on the dance floor of life.

CANCER: Today as the moon continues her glide through your sign, soulful Cancer, inviting you into another perfect day for nesting, resting and self-care, lovely Venus enters Libra in your home sector, inviting you to be an agent of love, peace and reconciliation within your home and family. It’s a beautiful time to invite family over to enjoy the beauty of your home and the love nesting there.

LEO: Today as the Moon continues her glide through soulful Cancer, and your inner ashram, Venus leaves your financial sector and heads into lovely Libra, and your sector of mind for weeks to come. Venus will be inspiring your most beautiful verbal expression, your most gorgeous and loving ideas, and your capacity to be an agent of peace. Love is nesting in your mind for weeks to come…remember that and speak accordingly.

VIRGO: Today as the Moon glides through her home sign of soulful Cancer in your social sector, nurturing your friendships and alliances, lovely Venus leaves your sign for the year, and heads into beautiful Libra in your fiscal sector of values. It’s time to manifest, market, or monetize ideas and advance partnerships that could be mutually profitable on many levels. Fairness and beauty are your best calling cards in the next few weeks.

LIBRA: Today as the Moon glides through your career sector in soulful Cancer,  nurturing, beautiful professional ideas that could lead to success, lovely. Venus enters your sign, beautiful Libra for weeks to come. It is as though your birthday season begins early, with the goddess of love and beauty gracing you before the equinox when your birthday season begins. It’s time to start celebrating, embodying, and being the beauty, love, fairness and grace you want to see in the world. What the world needs now is love sweet love…as only you can bring it.

SCORPIO: Today as the Moon glides through soulful Cancer in your sector of the higher mind, nurturing brilliant, soulful, beautiful ideas, and projects, lovely Venus enters Libra, and your inner ashram for weeks to come. Venus in Libra will be meditating in your inner temple and inspiring your most beautiful visions for love, partnership, romance, art, and creativity. She will also be awakening your desire for conscious contact with a gorgeous Loving Source of your being. Focus on that relationship first and all else will come to you in Divine Order.

SAGITTARIUS: Today as the Moon glides through soulful Cancer in your deepest sector, nurturing, brilliant, profitable possibilities with  partners, lovely Venus enters Libra and your social sector for weeks to come. The next few weeks are especially good for creative collaborations, beautiful friendships and gorgeous self expression, it’s time to connect with those you love and create what can only come from collaboration or with the support of allies.

CAPRICORN: Today as the Moon glides through soulful Cancer, nurturing your committed relationships with tenderness and kindness, lovely Venus enters Libra in your public career sector. It’s a beautiful time to connect with new people out in the world, with whom you can partner for mutual gain. Partnership that is fair and mutual is your key to happiness for the next few weeks. Practice harmonious give and take, as your advance ideas that could lead to beautiful success.

AQUARIUS: Today as the Moon continues her glide through soulful Cancer in your work and health sector, inspiring another great day of attending to practical details  with tender, loving care, lovely Venus enters Libra, and your sector of the higher mind, travel, publishing and philosophical wisdom. Venus will be inspiring your most beautiful thinking, verbal expression and your most diplomatic communication, as you plan for love, and beautiful adventures.

PISCES: Today as the Moon continues her glide through soulful Cancer in your creative sector, inviting you to spend another day nurturing your need for recreation, romance and self expression, lovely Venus enters Libra, and your deepest sector for weeks to come. Venus will be seding a new capacity for love, fairness, beauty, and balance way deep down in the depths of your soul. It’s time to share your feelings with those you love and trust.