THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 4TH: Today the waxing Moon continues her journey through Virgo inviting us into to another excellent morning for analyzing, organizing, clarifying, decluttering, and all Virgo like activities. At 12:06 PM EDT this afternoon, Luna goes void for a few minutes till 12:12 PM EDT, when she heads into Libra to nurture our capacity for balance in peace and reciprocity. It’s a gorgeous day to be guided by fairness in all things.
At 3:48 PM Mars, the planet of action, drive and volition, heads into soulful, maternal Cancer to fuel, our family activities, and our capacity for taking domestic action. Mars will give us plenty of energy to deploy toward home, family and domestic matters. It’s a great time for fall cleaning, clearing and organizing, and getting our homes and family plans in beautiful pristine order as the fall approaches. Mars will be in Cancer till November third when he strides into Leo. Till then, put some elbow grease into housekeeping.

ARIES: The day begins with Luna cruising through Virgo, inspiring further cleaning, clearing, organizing and getting your ducks in a row. At 12:12 PM EDT she heads into Libra inviting you to be fair and as you explore love, partnership, and the beautiful give-and-take it affords. At 3:46 PM, Mars, the planet of action, and your ruling planet, heads into Cancer, inviting you to connect with your roots, ancestors, and roll up your sleeves to attend to domestic matters for weeks to come.

TAURUS: The Virgo Moon inspires beautiful, organizing activities when it comes to love, art, and recreation. At 12:06 PM EDT, Luna heads into Libra, inviting you to advance creative or romantic partnerships, and beautiful collaborations that benefit all involved. At 3:46 PM Mars, the planet of initiative and action, heads into Cancer, inviting you to put some real energy and elbow grease into the ideas you want to incubate and bring forth for weeks to come.

GEMINI: The Virgo Moon inspires a stellar morning for housekeeping, and organizing your home and family activities. At 12:06 PM EDT, she heads into  Libra, and into your creative/romantic sector, inviting you to put some beautiful nurturing energy into gorgeous ideas and romantic pursuits. At 3:46 PM EDT, Mars, the planet of action and energy heads into Cancer, and into your fiscal sector for weeks to come, where it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work developing profitable projects that you want to manifest or market.

CANCER: The Virgo Moon begins the day in your sector of mind, providing you with a great morning for getting your organizational ducks in a row.. At 12:06 PM EDT, she heads into Libra in your family sector, inviting you into a lovely afternoon for nesting, while cultivating harmony within your family. At 3:46 PM EDT, Mars the planet of action, heads into your sign Cancer for weeks to come, giving you plenty of energy with which to pursue beloved ideas and desires. It’s time to actively follow your bliss!

LEO: The Virgo Moon begins the day in your sector of finances and possessions, inspiring another stellar window of opportunity for getting your fiscal and material ducks in a row. At 12:06 PM EDT, she heads into Libra to nurture your mind with equanimity, and your tongue with a capacity for beautiful, loving, harmonious, verbal expression. At 3:46 PM EDT, Mars, the planet of action, heads into Cancer in your inner ashram, to nurture your spiritual life, devotional practice, and your vision for your domestic life and emotional security.

VIRGO: The Virgo Moon begins the day in your sector of self, inviting you into another beautiful morning for self-care, and developing your most beautiful ideas and activities that nurture you. At 12:06 PM EDT, she heads into Libra, inviting you to advance mutually profitable ideas and enterprises with partners. At 3:46 PM EDT, Mars, the planet of action, heads into soulful domestic Cancer in your social sector, giving you plenty of energy with which to fuel your social networking pursuits.

LIBRA: The Virgo Moon begins the day in your spiritual sector, inviting you into a morning of prayer, meditation and acts of loving service and devotion. At 12:06 PM EDT, Luna glides into your beautiful sign, inviting you to nurture yourself with the nectar of beauty. At 3:46 PM EDT, Mars, the planet of action heads into maternal Cancer in your career sector, for weeks to come, giving you plenty of energy with which to advance soulful ideas that could lead to brilliant and soulful professional success.

SCORPIO: The Virgo Moon begins the day in your social sector, providing you with another wonderful morning for connecting with friends, allies, and colleagues for mutual benefit and delight. At 12:06 PM EDT, she glides into lovely Libra in your spiritual sector, inviting you to cultivate inner peace and greater enlightenment. At 3:46 PM EDT, Mars, the planet of action, and your ruling planet, heads into Cancer in your publishing sector, to fuel your creative ideas and publishing projects that you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work on.

SAGITTARIUS: The Virgo Moon begins the day in your career sector, inviting you to seize the morning, and pursue success by preparing for it. At 12:06 PM EDT, Luna heads into lovely Libra, inviting you to connect with friends and allies and advance collaborations. At 3:46 PM EDT, Mars, the planet of action heads into soulful Cancer and your sector of mergers, and joint efforts for weeks to come. Mars will be inviting you to roll up your sleeves and do some deep diving into finances and projects that you would love to get funded at this time.

CAPRICORN: The Virgo Moon begins the day in your publishing sector, inviting you into another great morning for organizing and analyzing your best ideas projects and presentations. At 12:06 PM EDT she heads into lovely Libra in your career sector, where partnerships hold the keys to success. At 3:46 PM EDT, Mars, the planet of action, heads into soulful Cancer in your partnership sector for weeks to come, where it’s time to put some real energy into the relationships you are committed to.

AQUARIUS: The Virgo Moon begins the day in your deepest sector, inspiring another excellent window for analyzing and organizing your deepest feelings needs, joint finances, investments and relationships. At 12:06 PM EDT, Luna heads into lovely Libra, inviting you out of your depths and into the beauty of the world where romance or lovely social plans are calling. At 3:46 PM EDT Mars, the planet of action heads into soulful Cancer in your health sector, inviting you to roll up your sleeves and get to work on domestic and family activities that it is time to move forward as you get organized, fit and healthy.

PISCES: The Virgo Moon begins the day in your partnership sector, where once again shared activities, ideas, and projects, require some organizational elbow grease. At 12:06 PM EDT, Luna heads into Libra to deepen your connection with partners and those you love. At 3:46 PM EDT, Mars, the planet of action, heads into soulful, Cancer, in your creative/recreational sector, to nurture your need for soulful creativity, recreation and romance for weeks to come.