THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 6TH: The Libra Moon begins her day in a lovely waltz with Jupiter in Gemini, to nurture our biggest and most beautiful ideas, relationships, and enterprises. It’s a gorgeous day to think big and beautiful. Luna then true to form, when she is in Libra, spends the rest of the day as a social butterfly, connecting with Mercury, Uranus and Neptune to help us refine gorgeous ideas, explore quantum leaps in our self-worth, material lives, and within relationships, as we nurture gorgeous dreams, especially dreams regarding partnership and beauty.

ARIES: The Libra Moon begins her day harmonizing with massive Jupiter in Gemini, inviting you to think bigger about partnership, fairness, justice, beauty and the power of love. It’s a gorgeous day to refine your ideas, and explore any healing required within relationships as you advance your dreams and step to higher ground.

TAURUS: The Libra Moon begins her day harmonizing with Jupiter, to nurture big, brilliant and profitable ideas that you are ready to advance. It’s a stellar day for refining creative efforts, exploring creative upgrades, and delighting in the give-and-take of true partnership with your fellow visionaries.

GEMINI: The Libra Moon begins her day harmonizing with Jupiter to nurture your biggest and most beautiful ideas about love, creativity, romance, and children. It’s a stellar day also for refining your domestic vision, seeking higher consciousness and following your professional dreams, specially those involving beauty and partnership.

CANCER: The Libra Moon begins her day harmonizing with massive Jupiter, to nurture your biggest and most visionary ideas about home, roots, family and ancestry. It’s also a gorgeous day to refine ideas, follow your dreams and connect with friends and allies who can help you see things from a higher perspective.

LEO: The Libra Moon begins her day harmonizing with massive Jupiter, to nurture your biggest ideas and most brilliant collaborations. It’s time to think bigger about your social network and about your dreams. Dare to take a quantum Leap and explore breakthroughs within professional success.

VIRGO: The Libra Moon begins her day harmonizing with massive Jupiter in Gemini, to nurture brilliant profitable and gorgeous ideas, that could lead to new success. It’s also a stellar day for philosophical breakthroughs and visionary activity with beloved partners. Dare to live your dream today.

LIBRA: The Libra Moon begins her day in a lovely waltz with Jupiter, to nurture your biggest and most beautiful, adventurous thinking. It’s a gorgeous day to open to new possibilities. It’s also a gorgeous day to follow your dreams and and explore some upgrades in your life. Evolve like a butterfly.

SCORPIO: The Libra Moon begins her day harmonizing with massive Jupiter, inviting you to think, dream, and imagine way outside the box, and much much bigger than usual. It’s a gorgeous day to expand your thinking about beautiful possibilities, including possibilities for love, partnership and true enlightenment that comes as a result of your deepening your conscious connection to Source.

SAGITTARIUS: The Libra Moon begins her day harmonizing with massive Jupiter in your partnership sector, inviting you to think much bigger about creative collaborations, business partnerships, marriage, and other collaborations. It’s a stellar day to reflect on partnership possibilities that could be way outside the box, and could represent massive breakthroughs and upgrades in your life.

CAPRICORN: The Libra Moon begins her day harmonizing with massive Jupiter in your work sector, inviting you to think much bigger about your possibilities for success. It’s a stellar day to work and succeed outside the box, as you think way bigger. Keep some part of your eye eye on the details, even as you expand your horizons.

AQUARIUS: The Libra Moon begins her day, harmonizing with massive Jupiter in your creative sector, inviting you to think bigger, and more adventurously when it comes to love, romance, recreation, and all manner new beautiful possibilities. It’s a gorgeous day to dream outside the box as you explore domestic upgrades and step into new dynamics.

PISCES: The Libra Moon begins her day harmonizing with massive Jupiter, inviting you to think much bigger about family, domestic, and ancestral projects ideas, mergers and possibilities. It’s a gorgeous day to explore joint efforts that could cause all boats to rise, especially family boats.