THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 7TH: The Libra Moon goes void at 1:08 AM EDT till 10 minutes later at 1:18 AM EDT, when she heads into Scorpio to deepen our love. We’ve been cultivating love and beauty for the past couple of days while Luna was in Libra, but today she heads into the sign of intimacy, powerful change, death and rebirth, inviting us into the cocoon of transformation. It’s a gorgeous day to dive deep and dare to face the shadow within. It’s a powerful day to create sacred space in which to face our feelings, and share them with those we love and trust. as we seek the gorgeous changes that require an evolutionary leap of faith..

ARIES: Today in the pre-dawn hours, Luna gets her scuba gear on and dives into the deep emotional waters of Scorpio, in your sector of intimacy shared finances and ancestors. Today she will harmonize with Mars in soulful Cancer, inviting you to dive deep connect with your roots, your ancestors, your family, your deepest feelings and the needs they point to. Dare to share your feelings with those you love and trust.

TAURUS: Today the waxing Moon is gliding through transformational Scorpio, as she cruises through your partnership sector. It’s a stellar day to deepen with partners or transform relationship patterns that are ready for positive mutually empowering change.

GEMINI: The Scorpio Moon is gliding through your work and health sector, inviting you to delight in changes large and small today. Twirl through the day like a whirling dervish of cleansing, healing, and transformation. Leave a trail of sparkling, shiny, and renewing energy In your powerful wake.

CANCER: The Scorpio Moon is gliding through your creative sector of children, art, and romance, inviting you to dare to make changes that bring more love, romance, playful delight into your life. It’s a gorgeous day to release creative blocks and dare to follow your joyful recreational bliss.

LEO: The Scorpio Moon is gliding through your home sector, deepening your connection to home, roots, and family. It’s a gorgeous day for early fall cleaning and to make changes in the home that add up to a beautiful, empowering transformation.

VIRGO: The Scorpio Moon is gliding through your mind like a butterfly on the wing, reminding you of the beauty that comes when we are ready to utterly let go of what we have been. Where do you need to release the past and step into the unknown? Start In your mind, today, where all change begins. Dare to change your mind.

LIBRA: The Scorpio Moon is gliding through your fiscal sector of values, inviting you to reflect on profitable possibilities, as you also deepen with those you love most. It’s a gorgeous day to make beautiful changes build your butterfly wings and inspire your evolution and your sense of freedom.

SCORPIO: The Scorpio Moon is flying with you today, like an iridescent butterfly up surpassing beauty. It’s a gorgeous day to reflect on where you are in your own transformational journey. Think about the butterfly state that you’re trying to achieve, and let every single action today support the transformed outcome you desire.

SAGITTARIUS: The Scorpio Moon is gliding through your spiritual sector today, nurturing your capacity for miraculous change that comes from deep surrender to Source. It’s a beautiful day to connect with that Loving Source, and with your angels and ancestors who are flying with you like a flock of butterflies migrating toward home,  inviting you to make the changes that will allow you to feel at home within yourself wherever you may be.

CAPRICORN: The Scorpio Moon is flying through your social sector, with a flock of migrating monarch butterflies. Today she invites you to find your fellow transformers. Connect with the friends, allies and colleagues who are also powerful agents of evolutionary change. Delight in mutual empowerment.

AQUARIUS: The Scorpio Moon is flying through your professional public sector, which is also the sector of long-term success. Today she’s inviting you to release whatever is standing in the way of the success that you desire. Dare to focus on your goals today with laser like focus. Move toward them with empowering focused action.

PISCES: The Scorpio Moon is flying through your philosophical sector today, inviting you to change your mind and change your life. It’s a gorgeous day to reflect on false beliefs that may have been holding you back from the mergers, the true intimacy and the mutually empowering collaborations that could result in some epic constructive beautiful success.