THE DAILY PLANET ~  TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 10TH: The Sagittarius Moon is trotting through the day riding her spirit mustang, while enjoying the freedom of travel, an open mind and a love of exploration. Today she harmonizes with lovely Venus in Libra, reminding us that seeking beauty in all forms is quite an adventure. Luna will also square off with Saturn in Pisces, inviting us to crystallize the mission statement of our lives and our dreams. Why are we pursuing what we are pursuing? It’s a gorgeous day to seek meaning….

ARIES: The Sagittarius Moon is galloping through your sector of travel, adventure, philosophy, and meaning today inviting you to reflect on the meaning of your life and your mission. Luna will harmonize with lovely Venus in your partnership sector today, inviting you to enjoy the adventure of love and beauty, as you reflect on your dreams and goals.

TAURUS: The Sagittarius Moon is galloping through your deepest sector, inviting you to enjoy the inner journey of soul exploration. It’s a gorgeous day to reflect on your feelings needs as you enjoy the beauty of creativity, relationships, mergers and travel.

GEMINI: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling through your partnership sector, where today she will harmonize with Venus in Libra, inviting you to explore the adventure of seeking beauty, romance and creativity with partners. It’s also a beautiful day to grapple with long-term goals for success that could come through partnership.

CANCER: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling through your work and health sector, where today she will harmonize with Venus in Libra, inviting you to delight in all forms of domestic beauty, as you attend to  housekeeping, organizing, and decluttering that support a sparkling environment. It’s also a gorgeous day to advance your beloved dreams.

LEO: The Sagittarius Moon is galloping through your creative sector, reminding you of just brilliant and creatively adventurous you are. Today Luna invites you to express your beautiful eloquence and creative genius. It’s a gorgeous day for collaboration and mergers.

VIRGO: The Sagittarius Moon is galloping through your home sector, inviting you to bring a spirit of adventure into your domestic life, your family life and exploring your ancestry. Today Luna harmonizes with Venus in Libra, inviting you to market or monetize your most gorgeous domestic ideas. it’s also a stellar day for exciting partnerships and visionary collaborations.

LIBRA: The Sagittarius Moon is galloping through your mind on her spirit mustang. Today she harmonizes with Venus in your sign lovely Libra, inviting you to delight in adventures and explorations that lead your eye to beauty. It’s a beautiful day to feast your senses on the beauty of late summer as you advance beloved dreams.

SCORPIO: The Sagittarius Moon is galloping through your fiscal sector with a joy in her heart and a song of gratitude on her lips. Today, Luna harmonizes with Venus in Libra inviting you to reflect on gorgeous partnerships that could be mutually profitable and pleasurable.

SAGITTARIUS: The Sagittarius Moon is galloping through your sector of self, inviting you into a day of adventure, that includes exploring new forms of self-care. It’s also a gorgeous day for creative collaborations and budding partnerships that nurture the dreams you are committed to.

CAPRICORN: The Sagittarius Moon is galloping through your spiritual sector, nurturing your need to explore new spiritual practices that awaken and nurture your soul. It’s also a stellar day to pursue visions with brilliant partners, that could lead to visionary professional success.

AQUARIUS: The Sagittarius Moon is galloping through your social sector with a herd of wild horses, inviting you to also find the wild herd you’d love to run with. Today Luna harmonizes with Venus in Libra, inviting you to travel outside of your comfort zone in search of love, romance and connection.

PISCES: The Sagittarius Moon is galloping upward toward the pinnacle of your desired goals and success. Join her! Today, partnership, is one of the your keys to success. Seek beauty, harmony, and reciprocity that makes the journey to success with partners, as much fun as the destination.