THE DAILY PLNET ~ THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 12TH: The Capricorn Moon has her climbing gear on, and is scaling the mountain of her highest ambition. She invites us to join her today. Define your highest goals and work toward them one intrepid practical step at a time. Luna partners with Mars in Cancer, inviting us to get serious about family obligations and domestic goals. She harmonizes with Mercury in Virgo inviting us to break larger goals down into small manageable steps, or even baby steps. Baby steps are steps, and they add up.

ARIES: The Capricorn Moon is climbing through your sector of worldly success, reaching for the heights as she goes. Today she harmonizes with Mercury in Virgo, inspiring you to get clear about the details of health, housekeeping, and success. She also partners with Mars in Cancer, inviting you to attend to your domestic needs and family relationships.

TAURUS: The Capricorn Moon is traveling through your publishing sector, inspiring you to define your mission and your message, including the exquisite details that will help you to express it. It’s also a stellar day to nurture the ideas that you would love to hatch or have hatched and are nurturing so they are ready to fly.

GEMINI: The Capricorn Moon is traveling through your deepest sector, nurturing your capacity to commit to those you love. It’s a stellar day for deep housekeeping and for connection or reconnection to your home, roots and family. It’s also a gorgeous day for advancing profitable, fertile ideas.

CANCER: The Capricorn Moon is traveling through your partnership sector, inviting you to commit to those you love without losing yourself in the process. Today Luna is also working with Mercury in Virgo, to help you keep your eyes on the details that lead to the prize.

LEO: The Capricorn Moon is gliding through your work and health sector, with her sleeves rolled up, ready to help you get organized and successful. It’s a stellar day to join her. Attend to the details of your finances, possessions, skill set, and the creation of systems that bring order and support your success.

VIRGO: The Capricorn Moon is gliding through your creative sector, nurturing your capacity to commit to beloved creative projects, your children, and all that gives you joy in life. It’s a stellar day for some self-care that involves fun, recreation, and the arts. Delight in music, dance, painting or poetry. Sometimes they are better than medicine.

LIBRA: The Capricorn Moon is gliding through your home sector, inviting you to commit to a nurturing home life, your roots, family, and a domestic life that really supports you. It’s a beautiful day to balance home and career as you take some time to replenish and also connect with Source.

SCORPIO: The Capricorn Moon is gliding through your mind, nurturing your executive intelligence, and your capacity for undeviating focus on your chosen  goals. It’s a great day to put some time into networking and building friendships and alliances. It’s also a great day to work on the projects that feed your soul.

SAGITTARIUS: The Capricorn Moon is gliding through your fiscal sector, inviting you to get serious about generating prosperity. Today Luna harmonizes with Mercury in Virgo, inviting you to really get organized professionally for a new level of success. It’s also a stellar day for financial mergers with trustworthy partners.

CAPRICORN: The Capricorn Moon is gliding through your sign today, inviting you to commit to your well-being and your fulfillment. it’s a beautiful day to commit to yourself and to the relationships that mean the most to you. See to the details that will support you. Enjoy making the little gestures that show the people in your life that you love and care for them.

AQUARIUS: The Capricorn Moon is gliding through your spiritual sector, inviting you to commit to your enlightenment and your dreams. Today that involves crunching some numbers, attending to investments and diving deep with those you love and are willing to be vulnerable with.

PISCES: The Capricorn Moon is keeping the focus on your social life and the relationships that you’re truly committed to. It’s a beautiful day for friendship, partnership and reaching out to those you love. Collaboration is in the air, especially creative collaboration.