THE DAILY PLANET – FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 13TH: The Capricorn Moon continues to nurture our capacity to commit to our goals, duties and what is right for us. She begins her day harmonizing with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, reminding us to reconnect with the visions we’re committed to this afternoon. She harmonizes with the Virgo Sun, inviting us to attend to the details and logistics of goals that will lead to success. She ends her day harmonizing with Uranus to nurture our loftiest goals for enlightenment, evolution, and all manner of upgrades.

ARIES: The Capricorn Moon begins her day, harmonizing with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting you reconnect with or refine the dreams you are committed to. Luna also harmonizes with the Virgo Sun, inviting you to roll up your sleeves, and get busy with logistics and details that support your goals. Luna ends her day harmonizing with Uranus in Taurus inviting you to think way outside the box fiscally.

TAURUS: The Capricorn Moon begins her day harmonizing with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to review and refine visionary, collaborations and commitments. Luna harmonizes with the Virgo Sun, inviting you to attend to the beautiful details of your creative, romantic and recreational life. She ends her day, nurturing breakthroughs that keep you stepping up to higher ground and delightful upgrades.

GEMINI: The Capricorn Moon begins her day, harmonizing with Saturn, to nurture your professional dreams and the mergers that support them. Luna also harmonizes with the Virgo Sun, inviting you to define family and domestic goals and get busy achieving them. She ends her day nurturing your spiritual enlightenment and your highest consciousness.

CANCER: The Capricorn Moon begins her day harmonizing with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, to nurture your inspired plans and visionary ideas to be achieved or enjoyed with partners. She harmonizes with the Virgo Sun inviting you to refine your very best ideas and goals. She ends day, nurturing breakthroughs in your social life.

LEO: The Capricorn Moon begins her day harmonizing with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to continue to get organized for visionary and deeply fulfilling success. Luna harmonizes with the Virgo Sun, inviting you to organize your finances, and plan for new prosperity. She ends her day working with Uranus to nurture breakthroughs in your career that could be game changers.

VIRGO: The Capricorn Moon begins her day harmonizing with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to commit to creative and recreational visions with partners that really float your boat. Luna also harmonizes with the Virgo Sun today, inviting you to do more of what you love. The night looks great for philosophical breakthroughs and thinking way outside the box.

LIBRA: The Capricorn Moon begins her day harmonizing with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, to nurture your health, well-being and domestic contentment. She harmonizes with the Virgo Sun, inviting you to do what will support your mental physical and spiritual health. She ends her day, inspiring breakthroughs in  your emotional stability, well-being and self-worth.

SCORPIO: The Capricorn Moon begins her day harmonizing with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, to nurture your commitment to your creative vision and your capacity to keep your focus on it. She harmonizes with the Virgo Sun inviting you to seek friendly support with all you are attempting. The night looks great for breakthroughs within relationship patterns.

SAGITTARIUS: The Capricorn Moon begins her day harmonizing with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, to nurture fiscal and domestic breakthroughs, as you commit to a whole new level of prosperity and success. Luna harmonizes with the Virgo Sun, reminding you that some of your success will come by attending to the skillful details of services you provide, and cultivating great executive clarity and breakthroughs at work.

CAPRICORN: The Capricorn Moon begins her day harmonizing with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, to nurture your recommitment to yourself and your vision for your life. Luna harmonizes with the Virgo Sun, inviting you to get healthy, happy, and attending to the details that support your well-being and organization. The night looks great for breakthroughs on all levels.

AQUARIUS: The Capricorn Moon begins her day harmonizing with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, to nurture your spiritual, fiscal and material dreams and visions. Pursue them today! The Virgo Sun invites you to do so with those you love most. The night looks great for domestic breakthroughs and breakthroughs within family relationships.

PISCES: The Capricorn Moon begins her day harmonizing with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, to nurture your commitment to your social, collective or collaborative visions. Today Luna harmonizes with the Virgo Sun to also get you advancing partnerships that align with your dreams, and the breakthroughs that you are having on a regular basis.