THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 24TH: The waning Moon goes void at 7:59 AM EDT,  till 10:50 AM EDT, when she touches down in the soulful waters of Cancer, her home sign to call us gently home. This afternoon, the Cancer Moon and Venus newly in Scorpio harmonize to nurture our deepest love, and our capacity to share our deepest feelings and needs with those we love and trust. It’s a gorgeous day to nurture beautiful transformations  as we deepen with those we love.

ARIES: The Gemini Moon goes void from 7:59 AM till 10:50 AM EDT when she glides into soulful Cancer in your home and family sector. It’s a beautiful day to nurture your roots and to connect with beloved ancestors. Luna harmonizes with Venus in Scorpio to nurture your connection to those who got you here, and who are blessing you even now.

TAURUS: The Gemini Moon goes void from 7:59 AM EDT till 10:50 AM EDT when she glides into maternal Cancer in your sector of mind, to nurture brilliant fertile ideas that you want to bring forth today. Luna will harmonize with Venus newly in Scorpio today, inviting you to develop beautiful ideas and projects you want to share with partners.

GEMINI: The Gemini Moon goes void at 7:59 AM EDT, inviting you to reflect and relax till 10:50 AM EDT when she heads into nurturing maternal Cancer in your fiscal sector, inviting you to nurture profitable ideas and goals. Luna will harmonize with Venus in Scorpio today, inviting ideas for gorgeous profitable projects and partnerships.

CANCER: The Gemini Moon goes void from 7:59 AM EDT, to 10:50 AM EDT when she heads into your sign soulful Cancer, to nurture you today. It’s a beautiful day to call yourself home on all levels, and invite yourself to be comfortable within yourself. Luna will harmonize with Venus in Scorpio today making it a great day for attending to your feelings and making time for recreation activities that truly, deeply, nurture your beautiful soul.

LEO: The Gemini Moon goes void from 7:59 AM EDT, till 10:50 AM EDT, when she glides into soulful Cancer in your spiritual sector to nurture your connection to Heaven and the Divine Guidance that is streaming to you today. Luna will harmonize with Venus in Scorpio today, inviting you to invite Heaven to inform your deepest feelings and needs with respect to home and family.

VIRGO: The Gemini Moon goes void from 7:59 AM EDT, till 10:50 AM EDT when she glides into soulful Cancer to nurture your social life and your connection to beloved friends and community with whom you can be vulnerable. Luna will harmonize with Venus in Scorpio today, inviting you to nurture beautiful ideas and collaborations with friends and colleagues.

LIBRA: The Gemini Moon goes from 7:59 AM EDT, till 10:50 AM EDT when she glides into soulful Cancer in your career sector, to nurture your capacity to rise and shine professionally like the gracious Moon. Luna will harmonize with Venus in Scorpio today, to nurture your most beautiful and profitable ideas.

SCORPIO: The Gemini Moon goes void from 7:59 AM till 10:50 AM EDT when she glides into soulful Cancer in your publishing sector to nurture your most beautiful ideas, beliefs and projects. Luna harmonizes with Venus in Scorpio today, inviting you to nurture ideas, thinking, and beliefs that will foster your beauty and your power.

SAGITTARIUS: The Gemini Moon goes void from 7:59 AM EDT, till 10:50 AM EDT, when she glides into soulful Cancer in your deepest sector to nurture the depths of your soul and potentially profitable mergers. Luna will harmonize with Venus in Scorpio today, sending you Heavenly Love from beyond the veil to guide you in all your affairs.

CAPRICORN: The Gemini Moon goes void from 7:59 AM EDT, till 10:50 AM EDT when she glides into soulful Cancer in your partnership sector, to nurture your committed relationships. Luna will harmonize with Venus in Scorpio today, to nurture, brilliant, loving friendships and alliances that could become partnerships.

AQUARIUS: The Gemini Moon goes void from 7:59 AM EDT till 10:50 AM EDT, when she glides into soulful Cancer in your work and health sector, to nurture your capacity to attend to the needs of your body, mind, and spirit as well as work projects. Luna harmonizes with Venus in Scorpio today to nurture beautiful ideas to get you out into the world and closer to professional success.

PISCES: The Gemini Moon goes void at 7:59 AM EDT till 10:50 AM EDT when she glides into soulful Cancer in your creative sector, to nurture your need for creativity and recreational bliss. Luna will also harmonize with Venus in Scorpio today, to nurture your most beautiful, powerful and brilliant.
Ideas and projects