THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY DECEMBER 23RD: The Libra Moon invites us to stay balanced and poised today, as we head toward the holidays. It’s a perfect day to truly enjoy creating and embodying the beauty and love that the holidays celebrate. Today, the Libra Moon will harmonize with Mercury in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Gemini, both angelic signs, inviting us to enjoy truly cultivating real relationship with our angels that guide us and protect us. Nothing is too great or small to ask their loving Heavenly Guidance with. May you feel their love and their presence today.

ARIES: The Libra Moon is waltzing through your partnership sector today, inviting you to enjoy the beauty and Grace of romantic partnership and the wonderful mutual gain possible within business partnerships. Your angels are also close to you today, inviting you to think bigger and invite Heavenly Guidance to keep you loving, buoyant, gracious and filled with Light

TAURUS: The moon is cruising through Libra in your work and health sector today, inviting you to cultivate the emotional balance, physical poise and loving heart that will keep you healthy, wealthy, and shining brightly this holiday week. It’s a gorgeous day to think bigger. The sky is the limit and is filled with angels who want your happiness and success.

GEMINI: The Libra Moon is cruising through your sector of art and romance, inviting you to pull out the stops and enjoy cultivating and embodying the exquisite beauty of the holidays. It’s a gorgeous day to be an ambassador of love, goodwill and festive holiday beauty. Think, big and bright and let yourself shine like a star, today and tonight.

CANCER: The Libra Moon is cruising through your home sector, inviting you to be an angel of Heavenly love and diplomacy for your family. It’s a beautiful day to decorate your home and cultivate a peaceful, loving, beautiful environment and state of mind. Send prayers far and wide, first to your family and then to all directions. Your angels will amplify and carry your blessings.

LEO: The Libra Moon is cruising through your mind, establishing a new level of mental poise, emotional balance, and deep, inner peace that you can express in silence or in word. It’s a gorgeous day to stay committed to cultivating these precious qualities of love and peace. In this way, you are an angel who can serve with Heavenly angels to bring Heaven to Earth.

VIRGO: The Libra Moon is cruising through your fiscal/material sector, nurturing your capacity to create and embody extraordinary beauty and sacred precious Love. Allow yourself to enjoy creating a beautiful environment and sharing your own beauty and inspired talent with the world. Let your light and love shine today. The world needs both and the world needs you.

LIBRA: The Libra Moon is traveling with you today, surrounding you with her beautiful rosy light that is infused with love and peace. It’s a gorgeous day to be an ambassador of goodwill, an agent of harmony and peace, and a beacon of beautiful love. It’s also a gorgeous day to love yourself and remember just how precious you are.

SCORPIO: The Libra Moon is traveling through your inner ashram, inviting you to meditate, pray, chant, and do all beautiful things to cultivate the highest love and embody it. Today Love is the temple and you are the prayer. Be the Love the world needs today.

SAGITTARIUS: The Libra Moon is traveling through your social sector, surrounding you with the love of friends, allies, and community while asking you to also be a beacon of Love and Light for your peeps. It’s a gorgeous day for artistic and creative collaborations. It’s a stellar day to create and embody the beauty you most want to share with the world.

CAPRICORN: The Libra Moon is traveling through your career sector today, shining like a guiding star from the highest point of your chart. It’s a gorgeous day to be like that star! Rise and shine out in the world, or in the realm of your career, and radiate love, beauty, fairness, poise, peace, the beautiful qualities that we celebrate this time of year. Shine like a star! A loving, beautiful star! Show us how it’s done.

AQUARIUS: The Libra Moon is traveling through your higher mind, where flocks of angels are singing hymns of love, peace and goodwill. It’s a beautiful day to join them, and to be a voice for the most beautiful Heavenly qualities that the world is pining for. It’s a gorgeous day to be an ambassador of Goodwill and a voice that can bring peace where there is strife.

PiSCES: The Libra Moon is traveling through the depths of your soul, chanting a mantra of peace and love that echoes deep within you. It’s a beautiful day to join the Libra Moon and also be radiating the love and peace that live at your core. Live from that core today, enjoy the results.