ARIES: Today as the Moon continues her glide through your sign Aries, inviting you to nest, rest, recharge, and check in with your feelings and needs. This morning, Mars, your ruling planet, retrogrades back into Cancer, the sign of home and family, inviting you to delight in some domestic bliss, nesting and reconnecting with family members that you love.
TAURUS: The Aries Moon keeps the focus on your spiritual life, and on actively advancing the visions you are committed to with practical action. Meanwhile, today at 5:44 AM. EST, Mars retrogrades out of Leo and back into maternal soulful Cancer, in your sector of mind, inviting you to review revise or reconnect with brilliant ideas that you want to revisit.
GEMINI: The Aries Moon keeps the focus on your social life, and actively taking brave steps to build it. Meanwhile today at 5:54 AM EST Mars, the planet of action, retrogrades out of Leo, and backs into Cancer in your fiscal sector, inviting you to review financial ideas and fertile possibilities that could grow corn for you in the long run.
CANCER: The Aries Moon keeps the focus on your career sector and your public life, inviting you out into the spotlight of the world. Meanwhile, today, Mars retrogrades out of Leo and back into your sign, soulful Cancer, inviting you to put some energy into yourself, your feelings, your needs and all that will take care of you.
LEO: The Aries Moon keeps the focus on your publishing sector of the higher mind, inviting you to keep the pedal to the metal when it comes to advancing your favorite projects, ideas, and possibilities. Meanwhile, today, early this morning, Mars will retrograde out of your sign, Leo, and back into soulful Cancer in your spiritual sector, inviting you to cultivate your enlightenment, and the vision that will really take care of you.
VIRGO: The Aries Moon keeps the focus on your closest and deepest relationships, inviting you to make time for them today. Meanwhile, in the early morning, Mars will retrograde out of Leo, and back into Cancer in your social sector for weeks to come. It’s a beautiful time to cultivate the friendships that will really take care of you.
LIBRA: The Aries Moon keeps the focus on your partnership sector, inviting you to cultivate the relationships you’re committed to. Meanwhile, Mars, the planet of action. retrogrades out of Leo, and back into Cancer in your career sector today, inviting you to revisit some professional opportunities and career goals that need your nurturing attention.
SCORPIO: The Aries Moon keeps the focus on the details of your life and getting organized for success today. Meanwhile Mars, your ruling planet, retrogrades out of Leo and back into Cancer in your publishing sector, inviting you to actively revisit the writing projects, presentations and plans that your soul yearns to pursue.
SAGITTARIUS: The Aries Moon keeps the focus on your creative sector, inviting you to be brave and express yourself in works of art and acts of love. Meanwhile, Mars, the planet of action, retrogrades out of Leo, and back into Cancer in your deepest sector for weeks to come. Mars will be inspiring you to deep dive and really explore your feelings needs as you explore mergers that could be mutually profitable.
CAPRICORN: The Aries Moon is traveling through your home sector today, inviting you to put some muscle into your home life. Meanwhile, Mars, the planet of action retrogrades out of Leo and back into Cancer in your partnership sector, inviting you to actively review, revisit, or reconnect with partners from the past, or revise energetic dynamics within partnerships.
AQUARIUS: The Aries Moon is traveling through your mind again today, inviting you to sharpen your wits, and take to the page, stage, or podium to express yourself. Meanwhile, Mars, the planet of action retrogrades out of Leo and back into Cancer in your work and health sector, inviting you to put some muscle into the details of your life, as well as your health and fitness routines, and work habits.
PISCES: The Aries Moon keeps the focus on your power to prosper, inviting you to market or monetize your best ideas and enterprises. Meanwhile, today, Mars retrogrades out of Leo, and back into Cancer, inviting you to reconnect with soulful, creative ideas, recreational possibilities or romantic pursuits for weeks to come.