THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 5TH: The Taurus Moon is gliding through a day, inviting us to keep a slow steady pace as we take action to advance constructive, profitable plans. It’s also a stellar day for evolution. Today Luna joins up with Uranus, to elevate our consciousness and invite some leaps of consciousness and brilliant breakthroughs. Prepare for them, look for them, and celebrate them when they appear.
ARIES: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your fiscal sector, nurturing your capacity to take excellent care of your body, possessions and finances. It’s also a stellar day for quantum leaps and breakthroughs of consciousness. Reflect on where breakthroughs might be today.
TAURUS: The Taurus Moon is your power ally today, surrounding you with rosy, loving, supportive, constructive energy. It’s a gorgeous day to advance your favorite plans and financial matters, as you keep a keen eye out for breakthroughs of body, mind, spirit, and consciousness.
GEMINI: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your inner ashram today, inviting you to meditate, do yoga, tai chi, or any practice that connects you with the vital energy of your body, and elevates your consciousness. It’s a stellar day for slow steady action to advance your dreams, as you prepare for brilliant breakthroughs.
CANCER: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your social sector, inviting you to build your social network and friendships that mean the most to you. Today Luna is inspiring breakthroughs in how you share yourself with friends, groups, allies, and within collaborations.
LEO: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your career sector, inviting you to take slow, steady, practical action to succeed and thrive professionally. It’s also a stellar day for a professional breakthrough. Think about where your career has been stuck and invite lightning to strike there.
VIRGO: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your higher mind, providing you with mental and emotional stability that supports you to advance the most beautiful and profitable ideas, projects presentations, and products you have. It’s also a great day for a breakthrough in your thinking. Focus on your belief systems and look to make sure that what you believe is true.
LIBRA: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your deepest sector today, nurturing your roots, which will help you to grow ever higher. It’s a gorgeous day to connect with your angels, ancestors, and to consciously cultivate emotional stability and financial security. It’s a beautiful day for a fiscal breakthrough.
SCORPIO: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your partnership sector today, inviting you to enjoy building, creating, and enjoying shared efforts with partners. It’s also a brilliant day for a breakthrough within your partnership dynamics. Be open to a win/win dynamic that lifts all boats.
SAGITTARIUS: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your work and health sector, inviting you into a slow, steady, constructive day at work. It’s also a stellar day for a financial breakthrough at work. Open to that possibility and reflect on what might encourage it.
CAPRICORN: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your creative sector of children, art and romance, inviting you to advance your most beautiful constructive creative projects as you pursue your heart’s true desires today. It’s also a brilliant day for creative or romantic breakthroughs. Follow your heart and your higher self to them.
AQUARIUS: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your home sector today, making this a stellar day for domestic activities, family plans, and constructive nesting. It’s also a stellar day to break out of family patterns that are not aligned with your authentic self. It’s a great day for a family dynamic breakthrough.
PISCES: The Taurus Moon is gliding through your mind, inviting you to keep it focused on constructive profitable, plans and activities. It’s also a brilliant day for a mental breakthrough. Dare to think outside the box about money, about building, about pleasure, and about what would be most constructive for you.