THE DAILY PLANET – SUNDAY FEBRUARY 9TH: The Aquarius Sun joins up with Mercury this morning to nurture almost elevated, liberating, thinking helping to free us from entrenched patterns of thought that are false and keep us bound. Today, Luna will join up with with Mars in Cancer to give us the strength to fight through emotional patterns that no longer serve us, and explore new approaches to nesting and cultivating emotional empowerment and security.

ARIES: The Aquarius Sun and Mercury join up in your social sector to illuminate your best thinking. It’s a great day to consult with friends and brilliant allies who think outside the box. Meanwhile, Mars, your ruling planet, will join up with the Moon in Cancer, to energize your capacity to act on nesting desires and domestic plans. It’s also a stellar day to put emotional security first. Do what comforts you.

TAURUS: The Aquarius Sun and Mercury join up to illuminate a brilliant path to new success in your career sector. Meanwhile, Mars, the planet of action, will join up with the Moon in Cancer in your sector of thought, to nurture your capacity to act on brilliant, fertile ideas and strategies.

GEMINI: The Aquarius Sun and Mercury join up in your sector of the higher mind today, inviting you to truly elevate your thinking and think way outside the box with friends and allies. Meanwhile, Mars and Moon will join up in nurturing Cancer, inviting you to act on your most brilliant, profitable ideas that it’s time to monetize.

CANCER: The Aquarius Sun and Mercury join up in your deepest sector, to illuminate the path to deepen our freedom that will begin in your mind, but will spread to your subconscious, your body, and other circumstances. Meanwhile, Mars and the Moon join up in your sign Cancer, giving you the drive and the energy to break free of what no longer serves you, and to move toward what does.

LEO: The Aquarius Sun and Mercury join up in your partnership sector, inspiring brilliant, entirely new ways of thinking about and within partnerships. Meanwhile, Mars and the Moon join up in soulful Cancer in your inner ashram, inviting you to pray, meditate, and otherwise cultivate your spiritual discipline that nurtures peace and emotional security.

VIRGO: The Aquarius Sun and Mercury join up in your work and health sector, inviting you to think way outside the box when it comes to health, fitness and the beautiful details of work projects and possibilities. Meanwhile, the the Moon and Mars join up in soulful Cancer in your sector of friendship, inviting you to be bold and advance social plans, networking plans, and events that you would love to take the initiative on.

LIBRA: The Aquarius Sun and Mercury join up in your creative sector of recreation, where it’s a beautiful day for fun, games, and connecting with friends. Meanwhile, Mars and the Moon join up in Cancer, giving you plenty of energy to deployed toward professional success today. Act on that!

SCORPIO: The Aquarius Sun and Mercury join up in your home sector, nurturing brilliant, new ways of thinking about your domestic and family life. It’s time for something authentic and truly nurturing at home. Meanwhile, the Moon and Mars join up in your publishing sector, giving you plenty of muscle to devote to advancing brilliant success at advancing your best ideas and projects, especially publishing projects.

SAGITTARIUS: The Aquarius Sun and Mercury join up in your sector of mind, illuminating the path to mental freedom, which precedes all other freedom. 

It’s a stellar day to free your mind, loosen your tongue, and speak your truth. Meanwhile, the Moon and Mars join up in soulful Cancer in your deepest sector, where desire is cresting and where it’s time to explore old and new mergers.

CAPRICORN: The Aquarius Sun and Mercury join up in your fiscal sector, illuminating the path to financial freedom. It’s a beautiful day to earn outside the box. Meanwhile, the Moon and Mars join up in Cancer in your partnership sector, where it’s time to clear the air, and advance mutually nurturing dynamics that take care of you and your partners..

AQUARIUS: The Aquarius Sun and Mercury join up in your sign today, to nurture your capacity for gorgeous freedom of expression. Meanwhile, the Moon and Mars join up in your work and health sector, inviting you to roll up your sleeves and set your life in order. It’s a stellar day to hone your communication skills and use them brilliantly.

PISCES: The Aquarius Sun and Mercury join up in your spiritual sector, shedding light on the path to enlightenment and the fulfillment of beloved dreams. Meanwhile, the Moon and Mars join up in your fiscal sector, inviting you to be brave, bold and advance profitable ideas