ARIES: The Virgo Moon begins her waning journey in your sector of work/health and daily life, inviting you to attend to the details that will support big beautiful plans, including plans for health, wealth and well-being. It’s a gorgeous day to reflect on big ideas and take small practical steps to achieve them.
TAURUS: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your creative sector, nurturing your creative and romantic life, inviting you to do the same. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on gorgeous creative projects and the details required to advance them. It’s a stellar day to also release heartache, and follow your lightened heart.
GEMINI: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your home sector, inviting you into a perfect day for nesting and all forms of housekeeping. Set your house in order on all levels. Attend to any details, domestic or professional, that need your attention. Advance big ideas by taking small steps toward them.
CANCER: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your sector of mind, helping you to clear your mind and organize your thinking. It’s a perfect day to organize your biggest best ideas, and list the next practical steps required to achieve them. Then take those actions.
LEO: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your fiscal material sector, inviting you to get grounded today by focusing on the practical details of finances possessions, and maintaining your material life. It’s a stellar day to stock the fridge with healthy food, tend to repairs, and advance your biggest best ideas inch by inch. It’s a cinch.
VIRGO: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your sector of self today, surrounding you with her healing and clarifying light. It’s a beautiful day to make time for quiet reflection on your feelings and the needs they point too. Attend to your favorite details. Create some order. Just do the next right thing.
LIBRA: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your inner ashram, inviting you into a beautiful day for prayer, meditation and acts of charity and service for those you feel called to assist. It’s also a stellar day to reflect on your vision for your daily life, and get organized to live that dream on a regular basis.
SCORPIO: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your social sector, nurturing you by nurturing your connection to friends, allies, and community. It’s a beautiful day to make time for friends. Give and receive helpful service. Enjoy the company of allies and those who are rooting for you.
SAGITTARIUS: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your career sector, inviting you to take stock of executive administrative details today. It’s a perfect day to get organized for success by getting clear about the little things. Track finances, look at your schedule, advanced professional goals little by little. Today success is in the details.
CAPRICORN: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your publishing sector, inviting you to clarify beliefs and organize the best ideas that you want to develop, present, or share with others. It’s a stellar day to move your biggest ideas forward, by getting them organized, prepped, and ready to roll.
AQUARIUS: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your deepest sector, inviting you to make time and space for your deepest feelings and the needs they point to. It’s a gorgeous day to think about finances and your closest relationships, as well and now these two things intersect.
PISCES: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your partnership sector, inviting you to clarify your feelings and needs within business creative or romantic partnerships. It’s a beautiful day to work on the logistics of relationships. Plan for happiness, plan for pleasure, plan for success, as you attend to little things that lead to your happiness.