THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY AND FRIDAY MARCH 13TH AND 14TH: Blessings of the total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo to All. Today the moon will continue waxing to her fullness and will achieve it tomorrow, Friday, in the predawn hours at 2:54 AM EDT. This is a total lunar eclipse in Virgo, which is the opposes by both Saturn and Neptune and the north node in Pisces, which illuminates health and works matters, while helping us clear old karma. The eclipse is in Virgo, the sign of mental analysis, discernment, work viewed as service and the health of the mind, body and spirit. The destiny point of this chart is in Pisces, calling us to navigate spiritually in a state of surrender and seeking guidance from the Highest Source.

This eclipse may bring to light things that have been developing for years and reach their culmination at this time. As with any eclipse, (especially a total lunar eclipse), which can bring up strong feelings, especially regarding endings or what is culminating emotionally, it is best to wait at least 10 days after the eclipse before reacting responding or making big decisions, if possible.It’s a beautiful time to purge our minds of worry, negativity, obsessive thinking, or any patterns of mental or physical that no longer serve us, and use Virgo’s legendary discernment to determine what to surrender to the Divine Guidance. This is a beautiful time to focus more on cultivating stillness and communing with Source.

The Virgo Moon is receiving a beautiful aspect from Uranus, the planet of freedom in Taurus, that is further helping us to let go of mental, emotional and material matters that no longer serve us. It’s a fantastic time for all forms of decluttering, to clear the way for a new state of spiritual consciousness that invites us into the stillness and bliss of the present moment. This Full Moon also helps us illuminate and release whatever is standing in the way of the dreams and visions that are most aligned for us. Luna is helping us clear a path to our authentic dreams and visions by Divine Design.

My Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse Tele seminar in Virgo will be on Thursday 3/13, since the Eclipse is in the pre dawn hours on Friday 3/14 a recording is provided after the seminar. To register click here:

ARIES: The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Virgo is occurring in your sector of health and work, illuminating whatever is standing in the way of your mental physical and spiritual well-being. It’s a beautiful time to discern what habits and patterns need to be released so you can live your dream with greater ease, peace, and Grace. Luna is opposed by Saturn, the Sun, north node and Neptune, all in Pisces in your spiritual sector, which is where the beautiful focus is calling you to place your focus. It’s a stellar day for prayer, meditation and communion with the Highest Guidance. Surrender to that.

TAURUS: The Full Moon/Eclipse in Virgo, occurs in your creative sector of art and romance, where it’s time to release old patterns that’s stand in the way of your romantic and creative bliss. Luna is opposed by Saturn, Neptune, the Sun and North Node all in spiritual visionary Pisces in your social sector, inviting you to align with your spiritual community by Divine Design and with the dreams that you most want to build with others. It’s also a beautiful day to commune with your angels, seeking their highest guidance in all affairs. 

GEMINI: The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Virgo, occurs in your home sector, where family patterns are coming up to be healed and cleared. The full moon is opposed by Saturn, Neptune, and the north node in Pisces, inviting you too put the focus on the beautiful inspired vision that is cresting in your career sector and will have a beautiful effect on your home and family life as well. It’s time to dream up something new and beautiful about both your domestic life and professional life as you release and clear the past.

CANCER: The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Virgo, occurs in your sector of mind, where it’s time for some mental clearing and discernment. This is a beautiful time to clear mental/emotional patterns and even visions that no longer serve you. Something beautiful and new is cresting in your higher mind. Be still  and meditate, to clear the way for the dream that is seeking you.

LEO: The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Virgo is occurring in your financial material sector, where it’s time to release financial patterns, material clutter, and false ideas regarding self-worth that have kept you from financial freedom and happiness. The full moon is opposed by the Pisces Sun, Saturn and Neptune in your deepest sector, illuminating a vision that is sparkling way deep down in the depths of your psyche. It’s a beautiful day to dive for that in meditation in prayer and in Vision Quest as you release the past and step into something shiny and new.

VIRGO: The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Virgo, brings up feelings and needs that may have been growing in you for years. It’s a beautiful eclipse to release mental and emotional patterns that no longer serve your health and happiness, like worry or regret. Take impeccable care of yourself as you are releasing the past. This Full Moon is opposed by Saturn, Neptune, and the north node in Pisces, in your partnership sector, inviting you to put the beautiful spiritual focus on your partnerships and all that you are growing with those you were committed to. Keep your partnership with The Divine Source be at the forefront of your consciousness. This is an eclipse about surrender rather than control. “Let go and let God.”

LIBRA: The Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo occurs in your spiritual sector, illuminating dreams and visions that you’re ready to release, while calling you to a new level of spiritual service. The full moon is opposed by Saturn, Neptune, the Sun, and north node, all in Pisces, inviting you to put the focus on visions at work that are cresting, and praying for friends and loved ones in need. Your prayers are a big service to others this Full Moon.

SCORPIO: The Full Moon/ Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo occurs in your friendship sector, bringing to light big developments in your social life and friendship network, that require your attention. Some relationships are ending while others with like-minded visionaries are cresting. The eclipsed Full Moon is opposed by Saturn, Neptune, and the North node all in Pisces in your creative sector, which is where the new vision that you’re committed to is cresting. Put all your dedicated focus on your creativity, and follow your creative bliss. That will draw to you like-minded people. 

SAGITTARIUS: The Full Moon/ Lunar Eclipse in Virgo occurs in your career sector, where it’s time to take note of executive habits that no longer serve you, to clear the way for something much better. It’s an epic day for decluttering executive files as you also let go of old ways of doing business. The full moon is opposed by Saturn, Neptune, and the north node in your home sector, where your focus is being called at this eclipse. Crystallize your vision for home. It will organize your career and relationship to success in a new way.

CAPRICORN: The Full Moon/ Lunar Eclipse in Virgo occurs in your higher mind, the sector of publishing and belief systems, where it’s time to release false beliefs, projects and presentations that no longer serve you. Instead be still and seek the vision that is cresting in your mind. This eclipse is opposed by Saturn, Neptune and the north node all in Pisces in your sector of mind where a waterfall of gorgeous, inspired ideas are flowing. Take node of them. It’s a beautiful full moon for vision mapping to follow your true north dream. 

AQUARIUS: The Full Moon/ Lunar Eclipse in Virgo occurs in your deepest sector, where it is time to release attachment patterns, and emotional patterns that no longer serve you. Take note of what is coming up regarding your deepest feelings and needs. It’s time for some soulful deep decluttering. This full moon is opposed by Saturn and Neptune in your financial/material sector, calling you to build, live, embody and manifest the dreams that are yours by Divine Design. It’s a beautiful day to map that dream. 

PISCES: The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Virgo occurs in your partnership sector, where it’s time to release old patterns that do not serve the health of your committed relationships, or your desire for one. This Full Moon is opposed by Saturn, Neptune and the north node, all in your sign Pisces, inviting you to place your attention on the dreams and visions that you feel called to embody, live, or otherwise manifest at this time, as you open to your dreams, and the part that partnerships play within them. Make a vision map for that that includes blissful partnerships and dynamics.