“The stars we look up to, reflect what’s within us.”
MARCH 2025
“Return to Me, for my heart wants you only” …Carmen Lombardo..
“Follow your Bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.” Joseph Campbell
March flows in on a powerful growing current that began with the New Moon in Pisces on February 27th, that included 5 planets and the north node in spiritual, visionary Pisces. This New Moon opened a path to our dreams and visions by Divine Design that are calling to us. It’s time to answer the call.
This month includes 2 powerful retrogrades in Aries that will help us to reconnect with our dreams, and prepare us for the upcoming larger movements of titanic Neptune and Saturn. Both will be taking their first steps into Aries in years this spring, inviting further committed action to advance beloved dreams and intelligent strategies to achieve them.
The month begins with the waxing Moon cruising through daring Aries, as Venus stations retrograde in Aries on March 1st calling us into a month of dynamic retrogrades. Venus, leads the planetary pack this month, calling us back to our hearts, and the flame of love burning within us. That love is awaiting our return, and the reconnection to our true selves and the bliss that is ours to follow.
Venus, the planet of beauty and love is encouraging us to actively go within, and cruise down memory lane, in search of the passion, love, and beauty that make life worth living. She invites us to be brave, and recover our power, self worth and initiative when it comes to love, life, art, and affairs of the heart. Her retrograde begins at the 10th degree of Aries, ( where much activity occurs this month) then heads back into visionary Pisces later this month, inviting us to rekindle the flame of passion that leads us to our bliss. Our bliss in turn, calls us to the dreams and visions we are meant to embody, manifest or otherwise create during this lifetime.
On March 3rd, Mercury leaves visionary Pisces, and heads into brilliant Aries to inspire our most strategic, daring, thinking and ideas. It is time to recalibrate our thinking with an eye to the ideas, plans and relationships that Venus has begun to reconnect us with. Mercury brings rational discernment, strategic planning and logistics to be considered with all that we are reviewing, revising, recovering or releasing. This month we are uniting the heart and head to effectively follow our bliss.
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14th, will illuminate much that requires healing, organizing and refining in our lives, including the logistics of dreams and visionary ideas we are committed to. The very next day on March 15th, Mercury retrogrades at 9 degrees of Aries, only one degree from where Venus began her retrograde on March 1st. Mercury will also back into Pisces, during his retrograde, following Venus’s trajectory that invites us to first follow our hearts, back to our true love and passion, then to the dreams that align with both. Mercury will help us with logistics and intelligent plans to move us toward our blissful joy of living, and the action plans that align with our dreams.
On March 20th The Sun enters Aries for the Vernal Equinox and spring officially begins. The Aries Sun always calls us forward to act, even as Venus and Mercury call us inward and backward on an active journey to reclaim ourselves and all that we love most. Spring begins on a wave of reflection that deepens us and our love on March 27th, when Venus retrogrades out of Aries, and back into Pisces, calling us to our highest love and most beloved visions.
The 28th is a powerful day of planetary conjunctions between the Moon and Saturn, the Moon and Venus, the Moon and Neptune, and the Moon and Mercury inviting us to nurture the dreams, visions, relationships, ideas, and the flame of love, that needs to be nurtured in our souls in preparation for the New Moon on the very next day.
The New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29th occurs at the 9th degree of Aries, one degree from where Venus began her retrograde, and exactly where Mercury began his retrograde. It is time to move forward on our heroic courageous journey, to follow our bliss and face any fears we must confront as we do so. Later that night Mercury retrogrades back into Pisces, calling our minds back into the realm of spirituality, vision and imagination.
The month ends with Neptune, the ruler of Pisces heading into Aries on March 30th, for the first time in decades…It is time to begin acting on the dreams, visions and enlightenment we have been dreaming up. In May, Saturn will also head into Aries for the first time in two and a half years, inviting us to act on the dreams and ideas we are clear about…We can view this month of retrogrades as the wind up for these bigger, weightier planets, that will echo the call to heroic action in pursuit of our bliss! We must first know what that bliss is, which Venus and Mercury are inviting us to reconnect with this very month!
It’s a beautiful month to spend time on Vision Quest or Vision Mapping. Spend time in prayer and meditation seeking vision. Light candles and meditate on the flame of love within your heart and soul. Connect with your inner spiritual warrior who fears nothing and dares all, in the service of following true bliss.
The Totem of the Month:
Humpback Whale:
These massive creatures are keepers of memory and the Akashic records. They are mystical singers of songs that can call us of back to the deep memory required during this month of retrogrades and on our earth walk. Whale’s sound vibration is healing and can call us to the right mate, or community with whom to build our dreams. It’s a great month to ask Whale to help remember the visions we were born to manifest!
“I am wading deep waters tryin to get home
I am climbing high mountains tryin to get home.” Lyrics by Crooked Still
We begin the month on the growing lunar tide that started with the New Moon in Aquarius back on January 30th. This first new moon of the year was traveling with deep transformational Pluto, and sets the tone for February as a month of turbocharged evolution that requires we both peer into the shadows, but keep our eyes on the prize of higher consciousness.
The year of the snake continues and will be amplified by Tibetan Lunar New Year at the end of this month. Our shedding continues, with an eye to releasing what is keeping us from lift off to new heights. February kicks off with a number of powerful conjunctions in Pisces on the 1st of the month including Venus and Neptune, the Moon and Neptune, Venus and the Moon all in spiritual, visionary Pisces, inviting us to begin the month on waves of higher love, deeper compassion and inspired vision.
The Aquarius Sun is calling us to new heights but first we have some deep shadow work to do, to get free of what holds us back so we can find our way home to the authentic self.
The Aquarius season invites us to move into our authentic selves and reflect on our authentic contributions, both of which will be informed by our most beloved, inspired dreams. It’s a stellar month for a vision quest that awakens us and calls us to the dreams that ignite our passion, our soul, and our capacity to act.
On February 4th, lovely Venus, heads into Aries, inviting us to act on the beautiful desires, visions and relationships that we are committed to. On the very same day in the predawn hours, Jupiter will finally station direct in Gemini after months of retrograde travel and it’s time to advance our biggest best and most adventurous ideas.
On February 5th, the Taurus Moon joins up with Uranus to help us stay grounded as we seek to embody higher frequencies of consciousness, energy, and vibration.
On February 6th, the Gemini Moon and Jupiter join up, with Jupiter now moving forward, inviting us to nurture and act on our biggest ideas that we’ve been revising for months now. The Full Moon in Leo on February 12th, spotlights brilliant, creative, collaborations, romantic possibilities, beloved causes and affairs of the heart. It’s time to follow our hearts and act on the things we love most, with the people we love most.
On Valentine’s Day, Mercury, heads into Pisces to bless our minds with waves of compassion, higher love, and a capacity to forgive and dream up new realities.
On February 18th the Sun joins Mercury in visionary Pisces, illuminating the path to our dreams. It’s a good time to shed whatever is standing in the way of them.
On February 23rd, Mars finally stations direct in Cancer after months of retrograde travel, and our energy lurches forward first when it comes to domestic matters and then creative romantic ones.
We end the month with the New Moon in Pisces on February 27th, inviting us to dream up something better personally and collectively. It’s Tibetan Lunar New Year and the year of the snake is celebrated once again. It’s time for flexibility, transformation, shedding the past and gliding with power, beauty and majesty into the future we are ready to dream up.
It’s a gorgeous month to connect with friends and allies. Work for beloved causes, deck yourself in purples and oceanic shades of blue. Spend time with elevating crystals, do some kundalini yoga, meditate, go to the cinema and listen to music. Connect with brilliant, creative friends, enjoy collaborations. Build and flex your social muscle.
The totem for the month is the mythical Mucalinda the Serpent King who protected the Buddha during enlightenment.
This is the serpent that accompanied and protected Buddha, as he was achieving enlightenment. May we encounter this being this month as our kundalini rises, our spirituality awakens, and the goodness within us grows.
“Just as a snakes sheds its skin, we must shed our past over and over again…”
The New Year cruised in on a growing lunar tide, that began with the New Moon in Capricorn, on 12/30/2024 that energetically began 2025, a year when accelerated change is in the air.
We are going from a year of the Dragon, to a Year of the Snake, both creatures associated with Scorpio, the sign of transformation! The winter solstice chart of 2024 that initiated the winter season that carried us into 2025 was Scorpio rising, echoing the theme of serpentine shedding and follow up from last year required, as we headed into the New Year. This winter and year we are called to explore Snake Medicine inviting us to shed whatever keeps us from regeneration and shiny rebirth…
On January 8th, Mercury, heads into Capricorn, inspiring us to hone our executive intelligence, define goals, and take the steady disciplined actions required to achieve them. Mercury will be inspiring us to commit to gentle mental boot camp, and submit to a meditation or mental practice that nurtures our capacity to concentrate and focus, especially on the goals we are committed to.
The Full Moon in Cancer on the 13th is traveling with Mars and could bring up anger or other disowned feelings that have been simmering right beneath the surface of our consciousness. Take note of what surfaces, as it will illuminate some of the emotional shedding of ancestral and family patterns that can be done as the Moon wanes and beyond.
On January 19th the Sun heads into Aquarius, and will join with Pluto in Aquarius on the 21st, to turbo charge our evolutionary powers. Pluto in Capricorn from 2008-2024 invited us to explore systemic corruption slithering around in the basement of global corporate and governmental power structures. Now that Pluto is in Aquarius, the sign of revelations, much of this will come to light…in this year of the snake. We are each now called to seek our personal liberation from deeply ingrained patterns that have kept us from the pursuit of our happiness and from giving our authentic unique gifts to the waiting world. It’s shedding time so we can shine!
On January 27th, Mercury heads into Aquarius, inspiring our mental freedom, which usually precedes all other forms of freedom. The next day, the waning Aquarius Moon will join up with Mercury, then Pluto in Aquarius, inviting us to shed whatever is mentally, emotionally, energetically or in any other way, keeping us from lift off to higher levels of consciousness.
On 1/28/2025 seven planets will align in the night sky, five visible to the naked eye including Saturn, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Mars, (Neptune and Uranus are also in the mix) somewhat reminiscent of the Hair Musical lyrics to The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius anthem…Jupiter will in fact align with Mars, and hope abounds that Peace will guide the planets and Love will steer the stars…..This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius…..And so on. May it be so, but this year we each have work to do to awaken, shed outworn patterns, and get to higher ground so we can truly usher in the New Age.
The New Moon on January 29th will help us get to that promised higher ground! The chart cast for DC, the national chart, is triple Aquarius with the Sun, Moon and Aquarius rising, calling us to a collective elevation and liberation of consciousness. The planets Pluto, Mercury, the Sun and New Moon will be aligned for the New Moon in the spiritual sector of the New Moon chart cast for Washington DC, inviting us to reach up to Heavenly Forces, to help us shed the intellectual, emotional and energetic ballast that keeps us from higher consciousness and enlightenment. The Vision of a unified, empowered, awakening humanity is cresting despite appearances to the contrary.
The New Moon in Aquarius on 1/29/25 travels with transformational Pluto the planet of the underworld, and ushers in the Year of the Snake. This is a year to harness the kundalini through spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, yoga, Tai Chi, Reiki and other elevating, alchemical practices. This is a stellar Lunar Year to do the shadow work that leads to liberation integration and enlightenment…
The year of the Snake will illuminate the dark side of the snake as treacherous forces, that have operating beneath our level of awareness come to light. It is also a great year to commit to personal alchemy and transformation that will see us liberated from unconscious complexes and find us operating at a higher level of integrity and highest consciousness by the end of the Lunar Year.
This month its great for pulling in and doing some epic inner work, healing, shadow work and Feng Shui. Declutter on all levels. Commit to new states of mind, by shedding old ones. Commit to a shiny new environments be decluttering what is stale and musty. Explore a dietary cleanse that will help release intestinal clutter and will expedite your body’s power to generate. When in doubt throw it out. Shed what no longer serves you!
It’s a perfect month to surround yourself with deep indigos and purples. Obsisian Garnet, Sapphire and Black Tourmaline help us cultivate Capricorn’s Rock Solid Commitment…Commit to the Goals that align with your bliss and act on them with courage and discipline.
December begins with a New Moon in Sagittarius that kicks the month off on December 1st, inviting us on the adventure that lies within. This New Moon is traveling loosely with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, and is opposed by Jupiter retrograde in Gemini, both angelic signs that preside over our thinking, traveling and belief systems. This month Angels abound to help us, guide us, and remind us that we never travel alone, but always with Heavenly Protection and Guidance leading us ever upward..
The New Moon on December 1st sets the tone for the month and calls us inward to the spiritual kingdom within in which angels are our guides and links to the Sacred Loving Source of our being, and to the higher realms of consciousness. It’s a fantastic month to go within and pray, meditate, chant, sing, and generally heap praises upon creation, while making any revisions required to big beautiful adventurous plans so we can sail forward, with clarity, when Mercury comes out of retrograde later in the month.
On December 6th, Mars will retrograde in Leo, adding to this deep inner journey, inviting us to reconnect with our hearts, our passion, and our most inspired creative projects during the retrograde. Mars will back into soulful Cancer, during his retrograde inviting us to review ideas and project that we want to gestate and incubate, like gold and silver eggs that will hatch in the New Year. Mars stations direct in Cancer on February 23rd inviting us to advance revised plans.
On December 7th, lovely Venus leaves Capricorn, and heads into social Aquarius to help us reach out far and wide to the friends and allies that we love, on our increasingly high wavelength. On the same day, December 7th, Neptune the spiritual planet of dreams and visions, will station direct in Pisces after months and months of retrograde travel. We are now called forward to advance the dreams and visionary ideas are clear about.
On December 14th, the Gemini Moon joins up with massive Jupiter retrograde, inviting us to rethink, review, and nurture our biggest and most brilliant plans. The Full Moon in Gemini on the 15th occurs on the very day that Mercury comes out of retrograde and pivots forward in Sagittarius. This Full Moon is shedding light on all we have been rethinking, reviewing, recovering, reconnecting with or revising. We can begin marching forward preparing for the new year as we continue making needed repairs and adjustments with the help and guidance of our guardian angels.
On December 21st, the portal of winter opens as the winter solstice ushers in the beautiful winter season and the return of the light. It’s time to light candles and commit to our most beautiful brilliant plans, when the New Moon in Capricorn, a black moon, (which simply means the second New Moon within a calendar month) on the on December 30th initiates the energetic start of the New Year inviting us to begin moving forward with rock solid commitment to our dreams, goals and intentions for the New Year.
It’s a beautiful month to connect with our Guardian Angel with the angelic kingdom. Sagittarius, the sign the Sun and Mercury retrograde are both in as the month begins, is associated with Michael the archangels of fire, who protects us and fights for us. Jupiter is in Gemini traveling retrograde in Gemini, the sign of Raphael, the angel of healing and the angel of our mental and emotional well-being.
This is a great month to go within and connect with angelic guidance that can help us recalibrate our thinking, our emotional lives, and our belief systems, so that we can head into the New Year with a radiant, bright, elevated Heavenly consciousness. One of the heavenly functions of angels is to ceaselessly praise creation and The Creator. This is an amazing month to commit to a gratitude practice of ceaseless praise and gratitude for the beauty and staggering wealth that surrounds us. Gratitude is a candle that can blaze away ant darkness or fear. Experiment with it this month.
Reconnect with angels this month! Better yet, be an angel! Sing, chant, attend beautiful winter ceremonies and festivities, sing carols, and other devotional elevating songs. It’s a beautiful month for blazing fires and to surround ourselves with clear crystal to clear our minds and lapis lazuli to help us connect with the inner regal nature. We are kings and queens each of us a Divine child of the Creator. This retrograde is calling us to remember that as we head into the Aquarian Age. It’s a great month light candles, to wear royal blue, royal purple and deck the halls with all manner of winter beauty.
“ The wings of transformation are born of patience and struggle.” Janet Dicken
The New Moon chart, cast for Washington DC, the national chart, is a triple Scorpio with the Sun, Moon, and rising sign all in Scorpio, to turbo charge our power to change! The Scorpio Sun and New Moon in Scorpio are fused together in the spiritual sector of the chart, illuminating our connection to beloved ancestors, angels and ministers of Grace. It’s a beautiful day to seek Divine Guidance and the support of beloved ancestors with the changes we are committed to. The spiritual sector is also the sector of dreams and this chart calls us to clear the way to our evolving dreams, and advance the mergers and relationships that will help us achieve them.
To register for my New Moon in Scorpio tele seminar on Friday November 1st at 7PM go to my events page..
The Scorpio ascendant puts us on the path of empowering change, deepening intimacy, and mutually empowering mergers. Mercury is in the sector of self in Scorpio, inviting us to change our minds by cultivating a laser focus on empowering thoughts, ideas and the emotional patterns that drive them. The Scorpio New Moon and Sun receive support from Saturn retrograde in Pisces in the home, family, and roots sector, inspiring us to release ancestral traumas and disempowering patterns and to reconnect with our most beloved dreams and the executive power to achieve them.
On November 2nd as the Moon waxes, Mercury heads into jovial, wise Sagittarius to give us a higher perspective as we head into a month of deep diving, shadow work and transformation. Mercury will guide us to meaning, as we explore and release old pain, false beliefs, deep feelings, and the grief of losses including death, the ultimate loss. Scorpio the sign of death and rebirth with be empowering us to release old states and stale clutter, so we can step into the shiny new butterfly state that awaits us beyond the cocoon of transformation.
On November 3rd, Mars, the ruler of Scorpio heads into regal, expressive Leo, to energize and fuel our most heart centered, courageous, creative plans and efforts. Mars in Leo indicates that our deep inner efforts will be fueled by courage, and by the love in our hearts, daring us to face our fears heroically and follow our bliss. It’s a stellar month to dive deep for creative gold, passion, power and heart centered inspiration.
November 5th brings much the anticipated election day, fraught with all manner of anxious projection. Power and who will wield it hangs in the balance as the Moon heads into executive Capricorn, the sign of the CEO. No predictions will be entertained here but the astrological climate invites us to expect the unexpected, and maintain our own executive consciousness, authority and maturity come what may.
On November 11th, lovely Venus heads into Capricorn, inspiring our love of rock solid commitment to who and what we love, as we pursue our most beautiful approach to achieving defined goals and professional success.
Saturn stations direct in Pisces, at 9:20 AM EDT, on the morning of the Taurus Full Moon which occurs at 4:28 PM EDT on 11/15/2024. Saturn’s move is a big planetary pivot, that invites us to slowly begin advancing the dreams and visionary goals we are committed to that we have been incubating, or revising for months.
The Full Moon in Taurus on November 15th is traveling one degree from Uranus, the planet of evolution, awakening and sudden change, illuminating the evolutionary upgrades we have been able to embody, manifest and monetize. There may be a whole lot of inner or outer shakin going on as Uranus tends to disrupt the status quo as he awakens us and calls us to new heights of consciousness.
The 16th looks great for taking quantum leaps, that lead us into the evolving butterfly states we are working toward as the Scorpio Sun partners with Uranus. The 17th look great for further evolution and advancing big brilliant ideas as the Gemini Moon join up with Jupiter. On the 20th the Leo Moon joins up with Mars to turbo charge our creativity, courage and power to lead with heart!
On the 21st as Luna wanes, the Sun heads into wise, adventurous Sagittarius, to illuminate the path to abundance, gratitude wisdom and a Higher Perspective. As the month winds down and Luna wanes, Mercury stations retrograde on 11/25 at 9:42 PM EDT at 22 degrees of Sagittarius, calling us inward to reflect, rethink, revise and review our thinking, beliefs and publishing ideas and travel plans for weeks to come. Mercury will station direct again on December 15th at 6 degrees Sagittarius. We will be in the opposite shadow till January 2nd. inviting us to make needed changes as the New Year begins.
Thanksgiving comes on 11/28 inviting us inward to reflect on the magnitude of wealth we each possess with hearts full of gratitude as November winds down.
It’s a great month to cocoon with our feelings, and connect with those we can truly share the depth of our feelings with. make empowering changes, do shamanic work, send blessings to the ancestors and advance empowering mergers. Wear intense colors, make it a point to watch the beauty of intense autumn sunsets, watch the leaves fall and learn from them to release what is dry and stale…Drink hot tea, hot ginger, hot tea. Zip yourself into the cocoon of change and grow your new wings.
You are the soul of the soul of the Universe and your name is Love… Rumi
October begins with the New Moon/Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2nd that stirs up a lot from our depths that needs to be burned away in the alchemical fires of transformation…
This eclipse especially dredges up the ghosts of partnership past, partnerships present and partnerships yet to come, and invites us to put our productive focus on transmuting outworn relationship patterns. It is time to focus on the relationship we have with ourselves, that will set the bar for all other relationships in our lives…
The Libra New Moon is traveling with Mercury, the planet of thought, giving us some much needed detachment from what could be difficult or painful patterns. Venus the ruler of the Libra New Moon is in Scorpio, empowering us to release and transmute any relationship patterns or relationships that do not align with the beauty and love informing who we are becoming.
The Ring of Fire eclipse sets the tone for the rest of October, inviting us into the cocoon of evolution and transformation. The two weeks following the New Moon are great for making changes, and reviewing or recalibrating existing relationships and relationship patterns that require some healing attention. These two weeks also look great for cultivating beauty balance and fairness in all areas of life. On Saturday the 5th, Venus in Scorpio joins up with the Scorpio Moon, to nurture our deepest love and our capacity to cast all fears, resentments, heartache and the remains of past relationships into the ring of fire that burns away the past till only love and beauty remain.
Some big planetary shifts await us this month beginning on October 9th when massive, mighty Jupiter, stations retrograde at 21 degrees Gemini inviting us to review the big ideas, projects and relationships we have been advancing or developing. This retrograde will feel much like an amplified, long, Mercury retrograde, since Jupiter is in Gemini, the Mercury ruled sign of thought and communication. It’s a great time to practice verbal restraint and really use the available Libra energy through the 22nd to weigh our options, and consult our angels and higher wisdom to inform our decisions. We can expect some epic revisions, revelations and reversals during this retrograde which will last through February 4th 2024
On the 11th as Luna continues waxing, powerful Pluto, stations direct in Capricorn, inviting us to slowly begin to advance restructured business plans, commitments and life goals that we have been reviewing. Pluto has been revealing the rot in the basement of the world power structure, giving us much to reflect on about how to structure a world with power structures based on integrity and accountability. Pluto will continue moving forward in Capricorn till November 19th when he heads into Aquarius for decades to come till 2043. Pluto will leave us with much to consider revise and restructure once he is out of Capricorn and will not return to the sign of the goat for approximately 248 years….
The Full Moon in fiery Aries on October 17th is traveling with Chiron, and illuminates our sense of self and wounds to the self while illuminating all that has come up for us since the ring of fire eclipse regarding partnerships. Luna is illuminating the path to further healing of the self and of relationships Libra is on the ascendant of the Full Moon chart and Venus is at the anoretic degree of Scorpio boosting our power to change.
Later on the 17th Venus leaves Scorpio till next year having helped us rise with beauty and Grace like the Phoenix. At 3:28 PM EDT she mounts her spirit mustang and rides into Sagittarius decked in turquoise, lapis and exotic silk in search of beauty, wisdom, meaning and love.
On 10 22 the Sun heads into Scorpio, illuminating the path to empowering transformations. It’s a great time to zip ourselves into the cocoon of transformation and make the inner or outer changes that are calling. On 10/23 the Moon in Cancer and Mars join up to turbo charge our emotional or domestic efforts. The end of the month looks great for epic releasing and decluttering as we prepare for November. October ends with the Moon in Scorpio for Halloween, thinning the veil between the worlds inviting us to seek the blessing of our ancestors as we head into the new month.
It’s a gorgeous month to cultivate the beauty, love and balance that Libra inspires while Venus in Scorpio invites us to delight in intense sunsets, intense jeweled colors, candlelight and ceremony. Enjoy Autumn botanicals, the decorative arts and all forms of beauty. Deepen with those you love. Share your heart. Share your soul. Dare to change.
“Whoever gives reverence receives reverence.” Rumi
September, a month of golden perfection, the slow release of summer, and preparation for return to school and work, this year begins with a flurry of potent planetary activity, as two powerful planets make retrograde moves.
On September 1st, Pluto the planet of power and transformation, leaves liberating Aquarius, and backs into executive responsible Capricorn, inspiring close to two months of structural transformation, review and some reversals in our businesses, lives, and on the world stage. Capricorn, the sign of world leaders, people in high places, banking, corporations and the structures that support life and the world is in the final sweep of transformational activity that began in 2008 when Pluto entered Capricorn and the markets crashed.
Pluto the planet of the depths and the shadow will be at work to further reveal what has been slithering in the basement of the world power structures On November 19th, Pluto will leave Capricorn for hundreds of years, and heads into Aquarius to shed elevating, liberating light on all that we must look at personally and collectively in order to be awakened and free.
On the same day, September 1st, Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius, and the planet of liberation, revelation, higher consciousness, technology and genius, stations retrograde in earthy grounded Taurus, a sign associated with farming, building, embodiment and the markets. Uranus will like Pluto, will be inspiring review, reversals and revelations, regarding our material lives, financial lives and how we embody the insights, upgrades, and higher consciousness we have been exploring for months. We may see some sudden changes and reversals on the world stage. and this is only the 1st day of September!
The Virgo Sun is illuminating our clear thinking, diagnostic intelligence, discernment and attention to detail, as the outer planets make their moves. Mercury the ruler of Virgo, is moving forward in Leo, but still in the shadow of recent retrograde that began in Virgo through 9/11. We are still being asked to consult with our hearts and reconnect with our true passion, creative genius and with what gives us joy.
On September 2nd, Labor Day, the New Moon in Virgo begins her fertile journey through the sign of health, skill, service, the labor force, attention to detail and perfection. This New Moon is found in the creative sector of the New Moon chart cast for Washington DC, the national chart, and travels in opposition to Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting us to review and reconsider beloved, create, romantic and child rearing visions for structural, fiscal and long term soundness before committing. Once we have done our scrupulous review it is time to crystalize revised dreams and visions. It is also a time to heal the heart, the inner child and blocks that stand in the way of love and creative expression.
On September 4th, Mars leaves quick witted Gemini, and heads into soulful maternal Cancer inspiring us to act on domestic and family plans. The next few weeks are great for nesting and preemptive fall cleaning. It’s a beautiful time to connect with our roots and honor the ancestors.
On September 9th, Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, leaves heart centered Leo, and heads into analytical Virgo, the sign of his exaltation, to inspire our best critical and analytical thinking till 9/26th when he heads into Libra to nurture our mental balance and verbal poise.
The lead up to the Pisces Full Moon/Lunar eclipse on the 17th looks great for working on big visionary ideas and revising visions, while attending to the details, cleaning, and clarifying refining that Virgo always inspires.
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces reveals the dreams we are called to reconnect with, along with the addictions, deceptions and self delusions that stand in their way.
The remaining few days of the Sun in Virgo, after the Full Moon, look great for cleaning, clearing and preparing for a beautiful Autumn which officially begins on September 22nd, when the Sun heads into Libra for the Fall Equinox. The Libra Sun will be illuminating the path to beauty, love and balance as we sail into Autumn.
On the day of the Equinox, Venus the ruler of Libra, heads into transformational Scorpio, to deepen our love, our passion and our powers of gorgeous transformation.
On the following day 9/23 the Gemini Moon joins up with massive Jupiter in Gemini to expand our thinking, and our brilliant possibilities exponentially.
Another powerful planetary day, occurs on 9/25, when Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces. On the same day the Moon in soulful Cancer joins up with Mars inspiring us to act on family and domestic plans.
On September 30th, the Virgo Moon opposes Saturn and later on the 30th, the last day of September, the Libra Sun and Mercury in Libra join up to illuminate gorgeous ideas and light our way into Octobe.
It’s a beautiful month to get healthy and enjoy delicious, nutritious foods, veggie juices and the last fruits of summer. Enjoy time in nature, when not cleaning, clearing and organizing. Explore the healing powers of herbs and plants! Delight in the exquisite details and small practical actions that will manifest your vision. Pray, meditate, bless and remember your own sacredness and the sacred beauty that surrounds you and sustains you. Surround yourself with fresh flowers, herbs and dried flowers. Delight in earthy fabrics, textiles and try wheatgrass juice!
August 2024
July glides in on the current of the waning lunar tide, as the Sun, Venus and Mercury, travel through soulful Cancer, calling us homeward, inward, and backward, to reflect on the projects, desires and domestic activities that we most love and long to incubate, develop and pursue. July is ruled by the soulful Moon, and the tenacious crab, the only armored totem of the zodiac who is built for defense, self protection and emotional security. Cancer provides the armor, and containment in which tender, vulnerable new life can safely develop, before emerging into the world.
On the first day of July, the waning Taurus Moon joins up with Mars, also in constructive Taurus, to fuel beautiful, earthy, constructive and profitable activities that we are reflecting on. It’s also a great time to release emotional and actual clutter to make room for expanding ideas and budding visions.
On July 2nd, visionary, oceanic, spiritual Neptune, stations retrograde in Pisces, joining executive, disciplined Saturn, who also stationed retrograde in Pisces at the end of June, calling us to go spiritually within and connect with Loving Creative Source of our most beloved dreams. It’s a fantastic summer for a deep, inward, soulful vision quest, that results in a beautiful tangible vision, that will develop this summer, like a precious pearl forming within the sealed shell of the oyster.
On July 2nd, Mercury leaves soulful Cancer, where he has been assisting us with incubating developing ideas, and heads into radiant creative Leo, to inspire their golden, creative expression. Mercury in Leo, inspires brilliant creative ideas, fun recreational ideas and our most loving thinking. On July 3rd waning Gemini Moon joins up with massive Jupiter in Gemini, to expand our thinking, inviting us into an epic release of thought patterns and emotional patterns that no longer serve us, to clear the way for big brilliant ideas and expanded thinking that are on the horizon.
All of these aspects prepare us for July 5th, and the New Moon in Cancer, traveling with Venus, that invites us to advance our most beautiful soulful, brilliant and loving ideas that we want to incubate like a mother hen sitting on precious silver and golden eggs until they hatch. This is also a great New Moon for cultivating love, devotion, and beauty at home and within family relationships.
On July 7th, the waxing Leo Moon joins up with Mercury in Leo to nurture our most brilliant, loving, radiant and creative ideas, and the courage to express them. Days later on the 11th, Venus joins Mercury in Leo, inviting us to express the love in our mighty hearts in works of art and act of love. By mid July on the 15th Mars in constructive, grounded Taurus, joins up with Uranus in Taurus, to turbo charge our energetic evolution, and our capacity to think, act and live way outside the box at a higher frequency.20th, Mars the planet of action, leaves earthy Taurus and heads into Gemini to turbo charge our mental discipline, inspiring our best ideas, strategies and the courage to advance them and achieve victory.
On July 21st, the lunar cycle comes to its culmination, with the second Full Moon in Capricorn this summer at the very last degree of Capricorn bringing executive matters to a head. The Capricorn Full Moon, is traveling with powerful, transformational Pluto in Aquarius, inspiring a turbo charged Full Moon to seek elevating truths and revelations that set us free from oppressive patterns, and reclaim our power from any one to whom we have abdicated it. This Full Moon is especially good for feeling into the energy of our intentions, for authenticity, before we commit to them.
On the 22nd, the Cancerian season comes to a close, as the Sun enters Leo, his home sign, illuminating the courageous path to creative and romantic fulfillment. The Leo Sun inspires our courage, charisma, and daring to express the love and brilliance in our beautiful hearts. On July 25th, Mercury heads into pristine, analytical Virgo, one of his home signs, where he will retrograde early in August. It’s time to organize our ideas as we get ready to review them. On July 30th, the Gemini Moon joins up first with energizing Mars, then with expanding Jupiter, to turbo charge and expand our thinking as we head into August. It’s time to open our minds, and think bigger and more brilliantly than ever before.
The totem for this month is the Australian South Sea Pearl Oyster. It is the largest and rarest of all pearl oysters, and produces the finest and most beautiful pearl of any oyster. Be like this remarkable Oyster. Seal some part of yourself up and allow the irritants and organic processes of life work within you to develop and create precious, lustrous beauty that will emerge when the time is right.
It’s a beautiful month for nesting, resting, walks by the sea. Beautify your home, attend to the needs of your soul, connect with beloved family. It’s also a perfect month to reconnect with beloved dreams, visions and ideas. Cocoon with them and nurture them, yourself and beloved relationships, like a devoted mother.
Adorn yourself with Pearl, Mother of Pearl, Moonstone and Selenite. Surround yourself with oceanic blues, greens silver and sea foam. Walk in to Moonlight, bask in the Sunlight, shine your unique Light. The world needs it!
“ Think Big. There are unseen forces ready to support your dreams” Cheryl Richardson
” Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.” Rumi
June glides in on the wings of a dove, with lovely Venus, the Sun and Jupiter already in winged Gemini, the sign of angelic messengers, swift thought and the power of the word to create reality. It’s a big month and year for Gemini’s, with massive, mighty Jupiter, the planet of travel, faith, expansion and opportunity, gracing the sign of the twins as of May 25th. Jupiter will be expanding all things Gemini till next May, beginning with our minds. It is time to expand our thinking, knowledge base, understanding and actual terrain!
This month is an especially gorgeous month for Gemini’s, with beautiful planetary conjunctions involving planets in Gemini. On June 3rd, Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, joins the 3 planets in Gemini bringing clear swift thought to the spectacular line up in Gemini that invites us to cultivate our most beautiful, brilliant and grand ideas and
On June 4th Mercury and Jupiter join up to expand our thinking and opportunities exponentially. Later that day, the Sun and Venus merge forces to illuminate the path to our most beautiful ideas, thinking and travels. On the same day, the Taurus Moon and Uranus join up to nurture our emotional evolution and our capacity to advance breakthrough plans and ideas.
June 5th the Gemini Moon joins up with Jupiter and Mercury to begin expanding our thinking, exponentially in advance of the coming New Moon. On June 6th, The New Moon in Gemini, ushers in a fertile new Lunar cycle of growth, opportunity and possibilities! This is the first New Moon since Jupiter headed into Gemini, ushering in the growing mind expansion that is already here! The New Moon is traveling fused to lovely Venus, while Mercury and Jupiter in Gemini are working with Uranus in Taurus, to expand our thinking and our capacity to embody brilliant breakthroughs of expanded consciousness! The next two weeks till the 21st are fantastic for developing, incubating and acting on our biggest, most beautiful ideas, plans and projects.
It’s a stellar month to commit to a mental practice that gently yet firmly trains the mind, so we can make the most positive use of Jupiter’s expansion in the realm of the mind. It’s a great month to put ourselves in gentle mental boot camp. Choose a positive focus like gratitude, and see how often, when the mind is heading toward negativity, you can gently re direct to gratitude. Gratitude for the present moment is the basis of all prosperity and bathes the mind in dopamine and serotonin, two powerful neurotransmitters.
On June 9th, Mars, the planet of energy and drive, heads into earthy, grounding Taurus, providing us with stabilizing, constructive energy that serves as a nice earthy balance to the four planets in Gemini, that stimulate a tremendous amount of mercurial, mental energy. Mars will be helping us to take steady, practical constructive action to advance our expanding ideas and possibilities.
On June 17th, Venus and Mercury head into soulful Cancer, to nurture ours souls and our emotional natures, along with our family relationships and home lives. It’s a beautiful time to cocoon in loving nurturing energy, and make time to connect with our feelings and the needs they point to.
June 20th brings the Summer Solstice, the longest day, and shortest night of the year as the portal of summer opens. It’s time to celebrate and enjoy the long days of summer, even as the daylight hours begin to diminish. Invite the Solstice Light to illuminate the areas of your life that would benefit from more luminosity!
On June 21st the Full Moon in Capricorn, illuminates our sense of duty, responsibility, commitment and all things paternal, inviting us to explore our feelings about professional success and our most soulful and true commitments. On June 27th and 28th the Pisces Moon joins up with executive Saturn and spiritual Neptune, respectively, to further nurture our commitments to our most visionary goals and projects, inviting us to define the visions we are committed to and to seek alignment with the Divine Vision for us.
On June 29th, Saturn, the planet of success and executive intelligence, stations retrograde in Pisces, initiating months of weighty reflection about the dreams we are truly committed to, as we head toward July. The Gemini planets, especially Jupiter, are inviting us to think bigger, even as Saturn invites us to be realistic within expanding possibilities, and make sure our souls are aligned with all we are considering.
The Heaven to Earth Totem for July is the Wandering Albatross, a giant bird, with a wing span up to a whopping 12 feet, that can weather long sea voyages and is a symbol of good fortune. They are thought to bring good fortune to seafarers. This a great totem for beginning our journey with massive, lucky, protective Jupiter in winged Gemini, a sign associated with air travel and the mind. It’s time to think bigger and travel further!
It’s a lovely month to explore the power of thought and word. Adopt a gratitude practice. Infuse your mind with grateful and loving thoughts, till they become second nature. Entertain big ideas, and plans. Delight in birds butterflies and all winged things. Speak to your angels and seek their guidance constantly. Learn the language of love and practice speaking it constantly. Study polarity, the Tao, and enjoy the creative interplay of opposites. Wear black and white, silver and gold or shades of orange or yellow.
Clear your mind with Clear Quartz, stay grounded with Smokey Quartz, and attune to Higher Frequencies with Lemurian Seed Crystal, Herkimer Diamond, and Moldavite. Connect with Heavenly Consciousness with Angelite, Seraphinite, and Spirit Quartz. Invite Highest Love to come nest in your mind!
With Love to All,
May 2024
“The day of fortune is like a harvest day, we must be busy when the corn is ripe.”
Toquato Tasso
“The garden of love is green without limit and yields many fruits other than joy or sorrow. Love is beyond either condition: without spring, without autumn, it is always fresh.” Rumi
The Sun, Jupiter, Uranus and lovely Venus, the planetary ruler of Taurus are all in the sign of the bull as the month begins, making this an especially lovely, abundant and unpredictable month that offers offers expansive opportunities and breakthroughs.
May glides in on the waxing Lunar tide that began with the total Solar Eclipse in Aries, giving us much to process and review. We are still in the shadow of the Mercury Retrograde in Aries that began on March 1st giving us further cause for reflection and revisions till May 13th when we leave the shadow. This is the final month of massive Jupiter’s glide through Taurus. On March 25th Jupiter will leave the sign of the bull for 12 years having spent the last year expanding our self worth and our relationship to the material world, where big constructive opportunities have abounded.
Taurus, the earthy sign of farmers, builders, currency, food supply and investors, is a sign of great beauty, patience, stability and persevering effort. This year both Jupiter the planet of expansion, and Uranus the planet of technology, evolution and breakthroughs are both in the sign of the Bull, bringing some evolution and volatility to a sign that generally is content to watch the grass and the profits grow. It’s a beautiful May to think, invest, build, create and manifest way outside the box. It’s also a stellar month to truly delight in the staggering beauty and bounty of Mother Earth in one of her blossoming season.
On May 2nd powerful, transformational Pluto stations retrograde in Aquarius, inspiring both a deep and elevating review of our friendships, alliances, communities and beloved causes. It’s also time to reflect on where we are bound and where we desire to get free. Pluto will retrograde through Aquarius till September, giving us ample time to for this reflection before he backs into Aquarius.
On May 7th, lovely Venus joins up with Moon in advance of the New Moon in Taurus, that travels with Jupiter and Uranus, initiating a powerful growing Lunar cycle that offers much in the way of big, beautiful, liberating breakthroughs, especially regarding our creative, financial and romantic lives. It’s a stellar time to plant the seeds of prosperity, as well as creative, romantic and recreational bliss. Meanwhile, Mars, Mercury, Chiron and the North Node, all in Aries, keep the healing focus on our minds, with the warrior’s determination and resolve to confront and heal whatever ails us and our sense of self.
On May 15th Mercury heads into earthy Taurus, giving us some much needed mental stability after the retrograde and eclipse in Aries. It’s time to get mentally grounded and think like a farmer. What is it time to till, plant, or harvest. Delight in constructive thinking that will grow corn for you, as you enjoy what is blossoming in yourself and in your life.
On May 18th the Taurus Sun joins up with Jupiter in Taurus for the last time for the next 12 years, to illuminate the path to big beautiful constructive opportunity. Seize the day and till the burgeoning garden of your success. On May 20th, the Sun leaves Taurus and enters quicksilver Gemini, soon to be joined by Jupiter. It’s time to put our thinking caps on, and explore our best thinking, ideas and approaches to communication.
On May 23rd the Full Moon in Sagittarius echoes the theme of the New Moon in Taurus and points us to our creative, collaborative bliss and the big brilliant ideas we can manifest solo or within ensemble efforts. It’s time to take the bull by the horns this month and be adventurous and daring, when it comes to manifesting our brilliance.
On May 25th, massive, mighty, Jupiter leaves earthy Taurus, where liberating inventive Uranus will remain, and heads into quick thinking, Gemini, the sign of the bicameral mind, thought and communication for the next 12 months. Jupiter will be expanding our thinking and our capacity to communicate while in the sign of the twins. It’s time to seize opportunities involving writing, teaching, speaking and communication projects. It’s a great time to feed our minds a steady diet of optimism, gratitude, wisdom, and uplifting thoughts! As we think so we are, and this is a year to train the mind to traverse across gorgeous inner pathways that lead to a beautiful mental shift!
The month ends on a waning Lunar tide that invites us to release mental patterns that no longer serve us, and prepare for the mind expansion that is already here and expanding in June!
Totem of the Month: The American Buffalo
The American Buffalo is a massive creature, that can stand as high as 6ft and can jump a 6 foot fence. It is a creature that has always lived with humans and been revered and hunted by humans. The Buffalo is a symbol of sacredness and abundance in Native American lore. Buffalo is a creature symbolic of generosity, self sacrifice and great spiritual magic. Buffalo in some tribes is believed to have the strongest connection to The Great Spirit. White Buffalo Calf Woman is a figure of immense sacredness in Native American Spirituality. https://www.worldhistory.org/video/3029/the-story-of-the-white-buffalo-calf-woman—native/ May Buffalo Medicine guide us in the Spirit of sacredness, generosity, abundance, and service.
It’s a beautiful month to get grounded in a big way. Bless your body often, and enjoy the pleasure of embodiment. Consciously work on issues of self worth by treating yourself with love, kindness, respect and care. Act on big beautiful constructive ideas. Till the garden of your life, as you enjoy the staggering beauty and bounty of blossoming earth. Invest in yourself, your abilities and your best ideas. Be adventurous in exploring gorgeous new trails. Adopt a gratitude practice that includes being consciously grateful for your current abundance and prosperity. Allow your senses to nurture your tolerance for beauty and pleasure. Enjoy yourself!
With Love to All,
On April 8th the New Moon/ Total Solar Eclipse in Aries begins a turbo charged lunar cycle that deepens the call inwards and reveals what is lurking in the shadows of our sense of self that requires healing. This eclipse illuminates issues of war and peace, anger, assertion, wounds to the self, our capacity to take initiative, our relationship patterns, and all that keeps us from advancing toward our goals and living fully
During this immensely powerful eclipse, Chiron the healer is fused to the Aries Moon and Sun reminding us that the wound is where the Light enters us. We can invite the inner inextinguishable Light to illuminate the path to healing and to living fully. Mercury retrograde is also traveling with this eclipse calling us to actively review plans, ideas and projects, release false beliefs about relationships and recover or reconnect to what we lost along the way. Set powerful healing intentions on the day before and after the New Moon in Aries that restore your power, initiative and lead to success.
Aries the warrior invites us to begin this retrograde, by getting quiet, deeply listening within, and taking note of what is not working in our lives. Where is healing, release, review or recalibration required? What would victory look like in any of these areas? How can we best achieve it?
With Mercury retrograde in Aries it is also an excellent month to cocoon with our anger while practicing silence and verbal restraint. Our anger can be an excellent guide to reveal to us where our relationships have been unfair, unbalanced, or otherwise out of whack. Anger can also guide us to where we have betrayed ourselves. It’s a stellar month to practice radical self forgiveness with the help of Saturn, Neptune and ( Venus in the beginning of the month) in compassionate spiritual Pisces.
Mars, the ruler of Aries is cruising through visionary Pisces all month as are Saturn and Neptune. It’s time to realistically assess where we are on the path to our dreams, and determine which visions need to be released, and which need to be reviewed and reconnected to. Mars will help us take courageous action to advance the visions that call to us and won’t let go. Saturn will help us commit to our dreams with executive action and Neptune opens us to our Vision by Divine Design.
On April 19th the month takes and energetically grounding turn when the Sun enters earthy, fertile Taurus. A day later on 4/20 Jupiter the massive planet of expansion and Uranus, the planet of awakening, elevation and liberation join forces in an exact conjunction that will not happen again till 2037, expanding our capacity to embody high frequency evolutionary changes that we have been seeking. This is also an amazing aspect for profitable breakthrough ideas, projects, products and possibilities. This is the biggest astrological event of the year and signals a collective leap of consciousness. Prepare with meditation and actively seeking highest consciousness.
On April 23rd the Scorpio Full Moon illuminates the empowering changes we are undertaking, and brings the eclipse corridor to its creshendo. Two days later Mercury stations direct at 16 degrees of Aries and we can begin to advance revised plans and advance further healing required. We will be in the opposite shadow of the Mercury retrograde till May 13th..
On April 30th as the month ends, Mars enters Aries, his home sign, to energize our now forward moving plans with the resolve, confidence and fortitude of the warrior as we head into May.
It’s a beautiful month to surround yourself with warm energizing colors: rose reds, the gold and yellow of sunlight, as you go within and kindle your inner sunlight and the flame of your passion. Resolve to be a Light for those who need it, as you courageously face your shadow and whatever needs healing in your life. Connect with your sacred inner warrior who knows when to advance, when to retreat and when to revise strategies.
The animal totem of the month is the Bighorn Rocky Mountain Ram. This tenacious creature is a symbol of strength, determination and confidence to fight for a mate and to reach the top of the metaphoric mountain where the higher altitudes of consciousness await!
MARCH 2024
“If you want to make a Dream come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.”
-JM Power
“A Dream doesn’t become a reality through magic, it takes a lot of hard work.”
-Oswald Boateng
“Think about it, there must be a Higher Love
Down in the heart, hidden in the stars above
Without it, life is wasted time.
Look inside your heart, I’ll look inside mine”
-Steve Winwood
On March 10th, the Super New Moon in Pisces begins a powerful lunar cycle for actively manifesting our dreams. On this New Moon, Saturn, the New Moon, the Pisces Sun and visionary Neptune are traveling together like a pod of dolphins in search of our inspired brilliance and beloved visions in the river of dreams that is now flowing into our awakening consciousness. Mercury at the zero degree of Aries, also travels with them, providing energizing light, like a single ruby on a strand of aquamarines, that activates our power to take initiative, and manifest the dreams that we feel called upon to bring forth!
All of these planets as well as Chiron, and the North Node in Aries are found in the material sector of the chart, calling us to take action to tangibly manifest the dreams we are committed to. Pluto, Venus, and Mars in the sector of self of the New Moon chart invite us to step into a Higher Love and begin to operate at a higher frequency as we connect with a Higher Power. Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus nurture our evolving power to stay grounded and manifest!
This growing lunar cycle carries us into the spring, which begins on March 19th at 11:06 PM EST when the portal of spring opens and the Sun glides through it as he heads into Aries to illuminate the path to the spring time! The Aries Sun energizes our life force, and fuels our capacity to act on our visions, which get a boost on March 22nd when Mars, the planetary ruler of spring heads into visionary Pisces to nurture our inner spiritual warrior and our capacity to take daring action to make our dreams come true.
This lunar cycle culminates on March 24th with the Full Moon/ Lunar Eclipse in Libra which calls us to get centered, balanced and committed to the partnerships that support and align with our dreams, visions and increasingly elevated wavelengths. This Full Moon illuminates what has been lurking in the shadows of our relationship patterns and what shadow behaviors keep us from peace in the world. Take note of what arises for you.
Our depth precisely describes the height of our consciousness. Demitra Vassiliadis
You were born with potential
Life is a balance of holding on and letting go. Rumi…
“Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.” Rumi
Safe Conversations with Rev Doc Lisa workshop on 10/22/23:
Harville Hendrix Book, Getting the Love you Want: https://harvilleandhelen.com/books/getting-the-love-you-want/
APRIL 2023
April begins with the Aries Sun awakening the spring season along with Mercury, Chiron and mighty Jupiter all in Aries, inspiring big bold, healing, ideas and daring action to advance them. Mars, the ruler of Aries spends the entire month in soulful, domestic Cancer, awakening our true desires on the domestic front, while providing plenty of energy with which to attack spring cleaning, and nurture the family relationships we hold dear. Mars in Cancer also assists our inner development, providing the courage to face and identify emotional patterns that require our healing attention.
We glide into the month on a growing Lunar cycle that began a day after the spring equinox, back on March 21st with the New Moon at the powerful zero degree of Aries, that got spring started with a bolt of energy, and will be the first of two consecutive New Moons in Aries this spring. On April 3rd, Mercury leaves daring Aries, and heads into beautiful earthy Taurus, (where he will retrograde later in the month), joining Venus and Uranus already in Taurus, inspiring constructive ideas and profitable, innovative, practical thinking for weeks to come.
This first lunar cycle of spring will culminate on the Full Moon in Libra on April 6th, illuminating our feelings and needs regarding partnerships and any dynamics within our relationship patterns that require healing. On this Full Moon, the Aries Sun travels in a tight embrace with Chiron, and flanked by Mercury, illuminating injuries to our sense of self and attachment patterns, that show up within relationships, partnerships and collaborations.
As Luna begins to wane, the Passover and Easter holidays occur, inspiring a period of reflection regarding all that the recent Full Moon brought to light.
We are still acclimating to the intense energetic upgrade that Pluto in Aquarius inspires, calling us to confront and transmute all in the shadow that keeps us from personal and collective liberty and empowerment. Saturn at the early degrees of Pisces and Neptune at the later ones are inspiring us to open to and commit to our visions by Divine Design. It’s a great month to take stock of our dreams and the actions and allies required to achieve them.
April 20th brings the New Moon Solar eclipse at the final degree of Aries, punctuating the need for further development in our capacity for self assertion, courage, self mastery, individuation and new beginnings. On the very next day, Mercury stations retrograde in Taurus, as the waxing eclipse lunar cycle begins, inviting us to rethink our values and notice how our outer lives and gardens are a reflection of what is occurring within. It’s a beautiful time to carefully nurture the seedlings of our dreams and align the inner garden with what we want to see blossom with beauty and splendor in our lives.
With Love and Blessings to All,
MARCH 2023
“ Let your actions be louder than your words, and your dreams bigger than your fears.” Invajy
This Full Moon is consequential, and sets the tone for the rest of them month, and the visions we will be choosing to focus on for the next 2 and a half years. On this Full Moon, the Pisces Sun, traveling shoulder to shoulder with visionary Neptune in the spiritual sector of dreams opposes the Virgo Full Moon found in her own sector of healing, refinement of skill and service. Together the two lights of Heaven illuminate our dreams and visions by Divine design, as well as any healing, practical action required to achieve what we are imagining.
A mere hour after the Full Moon, Saturn will leave Aquarius and head into visionary Pisces for the next two and a half years. This Full Moon prepares our visionary commitment and will inspire us to use the 2 weeks following the Full Moon for clearing, cleaning purifying and doing all that will clear the mental, physical and spiritual path to our dreams.
Two days after the New Moon in Aries on 3/23, transformational Pluto leaves executive Capricorn, and heads into Aquarius the sign of “We The People”,friendship and collaboration, indicating that an empowering collective change is in the air. Pluto will be at the zero degree of Aquarius till June 11th when he retrogrades back into Capricorn for residual clean up and transformation of the power structure of the world, inspiring us each to keep after the structural changes we want to make in life that will support our success.Two days after that Mars leaves Gemini after a whopping 7 month stint in the sign of the twins, and heads into Cancer for some much needed nesting and rest in domestic nurturing Cancer. It’s time to nurture the seed ideas we have decided to plant and grow as spring begins.
November 2022
From that creeping thing in the dust
To this shining bliss in the blue!
God give me the courage to trust,
I can break my chrysalis too!”
– Alice Freeman Palmer
October 2022
October glides in like a swan, one of the birds sacred to Venus, the planetary ruler of the month. Lovely Venus has joined the Sun in gorgeous Libra, to inspire our most poised, exquisite, ideas, efforts and expressions. This month will see many planets twirling out of retrograde, and others twirling into retrograde like celestial ballet dancers who pirouette with perfect Grace. The Sun and Venus inspire us to maintain beauty, balance and poise as we also pivot, and review the inner and outer changes we desire, while reflecting on what to hold on to and what to let go of.
It’s time to explore the need for fundamental balance in all areas of life, and to meditate on the give and take of all relationships, and the beauty, balance or lack thereof within them. As we release what isn’t working, we clear the path for what is in harmony with our vision by Divine Design.
The first planetary shift occurs on October 2nd as Mercury twirls of retrograde, and stations direct in pristine Virgo, ending the retrograde that began in Libra, back on September 9th. We can now take stock of the revelations that occurred to us during the retrograde, regarding partnerships, and any recalibration required within them. It is also time to make needed repairs, attend to needed healing, and the rebalancing of mind body and spirit that restores our peace and power.
Our next planetary pivot comes on October 8th, when powerful Pluto stations direct in executive Capricorn, after months of retrograde travel. As Pluto the planet of energy stations direct, he invites us to reclaim our power and review, revised executive plans that nurture desired success going forward.
The Full Moon in daring Aries, on October 9th travels arm in arm with Chiron, the wounded healer, while opposing the Sun and Venus in Libra, illuminating wounds to the self, that show up within partnerships. It’s a gorgeous day to commit to self love and self acceptance as we actively attend to the wounds that stand in the way of love, romance and fair, beautiful partnerships.
On October 10th Mercury glides into lovely Libra, inspiring us to cultivate mental peace and poise, as we review any need for further recalibration within our relationships and our lives. It’s time to advance exquisite revised ideas and projects.
On October 23rd, just as the new day begins, the planetary dance inspires several energetic shifts, as act two of this month’s planetary ballet gets underway. The day begins with Saturn, the planet of executive focus and commitment, twirling out of months of retrograde in Aquarius. We can now slowly review our revised and truly authentic commitments. It is time to take stock of the friendships, alliances, collaborations and communities that we feel are committed to.
In the pre dawn hours, Venus heads into the crystal caves of transformational Scorpio, to deepen our love and our capacity to make gorgeous, empowering changes, releasing what no longer serves who we are becoming. At 6:36 AM EDT the Sun joins Venus in Scorpio, illuminating the path to beautiful mergers, true intimacy and changes that align with our passion and empowerment.
Two days later on the 25th, the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, traveling conjunct Venus, brings empowering beautiful changes, that require some letting go and some holding on, inviting us into entirely new paradigms.
On October 28th, Jupiter will assist us with our visions, when he retrogrades back into Pisces, reminding us of the larger dreams that we are here to embody and manifest. It’s time to vision map, and clarify those dreams.
On the 29th at 3:22 PM EDT. Mercury glides into Scorpio’s depths to illuminate subconscious issues that it is time to heal and transform, inviting us to retrieve the buried treasure in our psyches within us that it is time to reclaim.
The month ends with Mars, the ruler of Scorpio, stationing retrograde in mercurial Gemini. This retrograde can feel much like a Mercury retrograde, so restraint of tongue and pen is advised! Mars will be inspiring changes of mind, calling us to review, reverse and revise, ideas, patterns of thought, communication projects, plans and strategies throughout this retrograde with an eye to desired success and victory.
May Divine Peace and exquisite balance be with you this month, as the planets twirl and pivot, inspiring us to gracefully do the same.