THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY MARCH 22ND: The day begins with Luna cruising through soulful Cancer inspiring us to take our most important actions regarding, home, family and fertile plans early in the day. At 11:26 AM EDT, the Cancer Moon faces off with transformational Pluto, then promptly goes void till this evening, providing us with a few hours to begin all forms of transformational spring cleaning. Ruthlessly discard what no longer serves you, while making time and space to explore your feelings and true needs. At 5:56 PM EDT, Luna heads strides into majestic Leo to nurture the love and courage in our mighty, powerful hearts. Consult with your passion this evening. Kindle the flame of what you truly love!
ARIES: The day begins with Luna cruising through Cancer in your home sector, inspiring a great morning for decisive domestic activity. At 11:26 AM EDT, Luna faces off with powerful Pluto just before she goes void till this evening, inspiring an excellent afternoon for ruthless spring cleaning at home or at work. At 5:56 PM EDT, the Moon waxes into radiant Leo where she harmonizes with Venus in Aries to nurture your most beautiful romanic and creative desires. The night belongs to love and art.
TAURUS: The day begins with Luna gliding through Cancer in your sector of mind, inspiring a great morning for acting on fertile plans and ideas. At 11:26 AM EDT, Luna faces off with powerful Pluto just before she goes void till this evening, inspiring you to ruthlessly release plans and ideas that no longer serve you as you attend to mental and actual spring cleaning. At 5:56 PM EDT, the Moon waxes into radiant Leo where she harmonizes with Venus in Aries to nurture your most beautiful and loving visions for your home life.
GEMINI: The day begins with Luna gliding through Cancer in your fiscal sector, inspiring a great morning for taking financial actions. At 11:26 AM EDT, Luna faces off with powerful Pluto just before she goes void till this evening, inspiring a great afternoon for fiscal and material housekeeping, as you release any scarcity thinking and clutter, that stands in the way of your prosperity. At 5:56 PM EDT, the Moon waxes into radiant Leo where she harmonizes with Venus in Aries to nurture your your mental brilliance. It’s a stellar night for exchanging ideas with friends and allies.
CANCER: The day begins with Luna cruising through your sign soulful Cancer in your sector of self, inspiring a great morning for acting on your true feelings and needs. At 11:26 AM EDT, Luna faces off with powerful Pluto just before she goes void till this evening, inspiring you to explore your emotional patterns within relationships, releasing what no longer serves you. At 5:56 PM EDT, the Moon waxes into radiant Leo where she harmonizes with Venus in Aries to nurture your capacity to manifest and monetize your creative ideas and the long term success they align with.
LEO: The day begins with Luna gliding through Cancer in your spiritual sector, inspiring a great morning for advancing your revealed vision by Divine Design. At 11:26 AM EDT, Luna faces off with powerful Pluto just before she goes void till this evening, inspiring a stellar day for deep housekeeping and getting organized for a successful spring. At 5:56 PM EDT, the Moon waxes into your sign, radiant Leo, where she harmonizes with Venus in Aries to nurture your authentic desires and the projects and beliefs that support them.
VIRGO: The day begins with Luna cruising through Cancer in your social sector, inspiring a great morning for networking actions and advancing fertile and nurturing social plans. At 11:26 AM EDT, Luna faces off with powerful Pluto just before she goes void till this evening, inspiring a great afternoon for reflecting on social plans and group efforts as you enjoy some spring cleaning and clearing. At 5:56 PM EDT, the Moon waxes into radiant Leo where she harmonizes with Venus in Aries to nurture your deepest desires and the vision that aligns with them.
LIBRA: The day begins with Luna nesting in Cancer in your executive sector, inspiring a great morning for advancing professional efforts that could lead to success. At 11:26 AM EDT, Luna faces off with powerful Pluto just before she goes void till this evening, inspiring a great afternoon for ruthless decluttering at home, and at work. At 5:56 PM EDT, the Moon waxes into radiant Leo where she harmonizes with Venus in Aries to nurture your social life and partnerships. Delight in the company of those you love.
SCORPIO: The day begins with Luna cruising through Cancer in your philosophical sector, inspiring a great morning for advancing ideas, presentations and publishing projects that require your attention. At 11:26 AM EDT, Luna faces off with powerful Pluto just before she goes void till this evening, inspiring you to spend the void releasing disempowering beliefs as you do some mental and physical decluttering. At 5:56 PM EDT, the Moon waxes into radiant Leo where she harmonizes with Venus in Aries to nurture your heart centered career goals, as you attend to the details of art, learning new skills and beloved projects,
SAGITTARIUS: The day begins with Luna cruising through Cancer in your sector of depths and mergers, inspiring a great morning for advancing mutually empowering mergers and deepening with those you love. At 11:26 AM EDT, Luna faces off with powerful Pluto just before she goes void till this evening, inspiring you to organize your finances as you get clear about the details of financial deals and mergers. At 5:56 PM EDT, the Moon waxes into radiant Leo where she harmonizes with Venus in Aries to nurture your creative brilliance and your capacity to express that brilliance in works of art and acts of love.
CAPRICORN: The day begins with Luna cruising through Cancer in your partnership sector, inspiring a great morning for advancing partnerships and shared goals you are committed to. At 11:26 AM EDT, Luna faces off with powerful Pluto just before she goes void till this evening, inspiring you to release any disempowering emotional patterns, that it is time to let go of along with actual clutter. At 5:56 PM EDT, the Moon waxes into radiant Leo where she harmonizes with Venus in Aries to nurture your deepest desires for your home life and your creative life. It’s a golden night fo love and creativity.
AQUARIUS: The day begins with Luna cruising through Cancer in your work and health sector, inspiring a great morning for advancing fertile work projects and health activities. At 11:26 AM EDT, Luna faces off with powerful Pluto just before she goes void till this evening, inspiring a great day for epic spring cleaning and decluttering. At 5:56 PM EDT, the Moon waxes into radiant Leo where she harmonizes with Venus in Aries to nurture your most brilliant creative collaborations and heart centered partnerships. It’s a great night for art, collaboration or both!
PISCES: The day begins with Luna cruising through Cancer in your creative sector, inspiring a great morning for advancing fertile creative projects. At 11:26 AM EDT, Luna faces off with powerful Pluto just before she goes void till this evening, inspiring a great day to organize your creative efforts as you make space for the activities and projects you most love. At 5:56 PM EDT, the Moon waxes into radiant Leo where she harmonizes with Venus in Aries to nurture your creative brilliance and your capacity to capitalize on it. It’s a great night for exploring a marketing plan.