THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY OCTOBER 29TH: The Leo Moon is striding through the day on the hunt for our passion and the courage to pursue it. It’s a beautiful day to be like Luna. Stride through the day in search of all that lights you up and makes you come alive. Spend time in sunlight, wear sunny colors and brightly colored stones. Entertain possibilities that make your heart sing. Listen to your heart’s true needs and desires. Be brave and pursue your bliss. Win lose or draw, it’s a heroic thing to do.

ARIES: The Leo Moon is prowling through your heart on the hunt for your passion and the love that awakens your courage and mighty strength. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on and surround yourself with all that you love. Pursue your heart centered bliss today. Love will make you mighty.

The Leo Moon is gliding through your home sector, on the hunt for the roots of your love. It’s a beautiful day to recall the many loving acts and gestures of your family and ancestors. It’s a beautiful day to water your family tree with the sunshine of love. Be a beacon of love to your family. 

The Leo Moon is prowling through your mind, on the hunt for your passion, invincible love, and the words or ideas that express either. Love they say, conquers all. Today let it conquer fear, anger resentments or any other petty tyrants that can infest the mind. Invite the blazing Light of Love to obliterate such shadows as you bravely express your brilliance and love.

The Leo Moon is gliding through your fiscal sector, on the hunt for all that you love enough to bring into manifestation. It’s a gorgeous day to make art. Create. Have fun. It’s also a great day to surround yourself with material surroundings that delight you and warm your heart.

The Leo Moon is gliding through your sector of self, on the hunt for all that will awaken your passion and ignite the flame of love in your legendary heart. Today Luna reminds you to love yourself first. Not in a mushy sentimental way, but in an uncompromising committed courageous way. Love yourself, faults and all.Then express your unique unrepeatable self in works of art and acts of love.

The Leo Moon is sitting in meditation in your spiritual sector, where she gently radiates golden light infused with Divine Love. Be like the Leo Moon. Be still and feel the mighty power of love that even now is beating your heart and blessing your soul with Grace and Vision.

The Leo Moon is gliding through your social sector, on the hunt for loving friends, brilliant collaborations and heart centered communities that will warm your heart through the winter. Reach out far and wide with an open heart today. Cultivate the relationships you want to blossom.

The Leo Moon is gliding through your career sector, on the hunt for your true ambitions, the ones that make your heart beat with passion. It’s a stellar day to be brave and dare to act on your authentic goals. Success can be scary, but it’s worth pursuing. The Leo Moon inspires the courage to succeed.

The Leo Moon is gliding through your philosophical publishing sector, on the hunt for ideas, beliefs and projects that excite and delight you. The Leo Moon will help you be brave and express your heart and your brilliance as you pursue your philosophical bliss.

The Leo Moon is prowling through the depths of your soul, on the hunt for all that makes you come alive. It’s a stellar day to share the deepest contents of your heart with those you love, as you also explore golden collaborations that could be creative gold.

The Leo Moon is gliding through your partnership sector, on the hunt for warm, loving creative relationships. It’s a stellar day to enjoy cultivating love and creative bliss with friends, colleagues and partners. It’s a great day to make creativity, fun and collaboration a top priority.

The Leo Moon is gliding through your work and health sector, on the hunt for health practices that delight your heart will keeping it healthy. It’s a beautiful day to also seek out meaningful work that puts a smile on your face. It’s a great day for all forms of cardio. Put your heart first today.