THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY NOVEMBER 26TH: The Leo Moon opposes massive Jupiter before she goes void at 11:24 AM EST. Act on your most expansive creative or heart centered ideas first thing today. Luna spends most of the day void till 9:12 PM EST when she glides into pristine Virgo, to nurture our health and the refinement of our souls. It’s a beautiful day to go with the flow and enjoy some rest and recreation as we consult with our hearts and keep a loving, kind charitable focus toward self and others. May celestial love nurture your heart and carry you through this day.

The Leo Moon faces off with massive Jupiter this morning, inspiring inspiring brilliant creative ideas and an expansion of your capacity for love. Act on your ideas early this morning. At 11:24 AM EST, Luna goes void, inspiring a day of heart centered reflection and recreational puttering till 9:12 PM EST, when she heads into Virgo to nurture your health and well being.

The Leo Moon faces off with massive Jupiter this morning, inspiring big creative ideas at home and at work to be acted on early this morning. At 11:24 AM EST, Luna goes void, inspiring you to reflect on your best ideas for your domestic life and professional success till 9:12 PM EST, when she heads into Virgo to nurture your creativity.

The Leo Moon faces off with massive Jupiter this morning, inspiring some of your biggest best creative and heart centered ideas. At 11:24 AM EST, Luna goes void, inspiring meditation on your most inspired, expansive ideas, till 9:12 PM EST, when she heads into Virgo to nurture your domestic life.

The Leo Moon faces off with massive Jupiter this morning, inspiring big profitable ideas that could be game changers. Act on them early in the day. At 11:24 AM EST, Luna goes void inspiring reflection, rather than decisive action till 9:12 PM EST, when Luna heads into Virgo to nurture your mental clarity.

The Leo Moon faces off with massive Jupiter this morning, inspiring big beautiful possibilities for you and a new faith in yourself. At 11:24 AM EST, Luna goes void, inspiring a day of reflection on your expanding possibilities till 9:12 PM EST, when she heads into Virgo to nurture your relationship to prosperity.

The Leo Moon faces off with massive Jupiter this morning, inspiring a golden expansion of your dreams, your enlightenment and your spiritual life. At 11:24 AM EST, Luna goes void inspiring a day of reflection on your expanding dreams  till 9:12 PM EST, when she heads into Virgo to nurture you and your well being.

The Leo Moon faces off with massive Jupiter this morning, inspiring big beautiful social plans and ideas. At 11:24 AM EST, Luna goes void, inspiring you to reflect on your expanding social life and organize collaborations till 9:12 PM EST, when she heads into Virgo to nurture your spiritual condition.

The Leo Moon faces off with massive Jupiter this morning, inspiring big expansive ideas for both your home life and career. At 11:24 AM EST, Luna goes void inspiring a day of reflection and organizing these expanding possibilities till 9:12 PM EST, when she heads into Virgo to nurture your social life.

The Leo Moon faces off with massive Jupiter this morning, inspiring and expansion of creative ideas and collaborative possibilities. At 11:24 AM EST, Luna goes void inspiring reflection regarding these expanding possibilities till 9:12 PM EST, when she heads into Virgo to nurture your capacity for success.

The Leo Moon faces off with massive Jupiter this morning, inspiring a deep inner soul expansion and big ideas for collaborations and mergers.  At 11:24 AM EST, Luna goes void, inspiring you to reflect on these  till 9:12 PM EST, when she heads into Virgo to nurture your creativity.

The Leo Moon faces off with massive Jupiter this morning, inspiring expanding possibilities about yourself and personal or professional partnerships. At 11:24 AM EST, Luna goes void, inspiring a day of reflection regarding your sense of self and your relationship desires till 9:12 PM EST, when she heads into Virgo to nurture your deep emotional well being.

The Leo Moon faces off with massive Jupiter this morning, inspiring big possibilities at work and with respect to health and happiness on a daily basis. At 11:24 AM EST, Luna goes void inspiring reflection regarding these big possibilities till 9:12 PM EST, when she heads into Virgo to nurture your beloved relationships.