THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY NOVEMBER 5TH: The Moon continues her waxing glide through Scorpio, after yesterday’s New Moon in Scorpio, inspiring us to advance shared plans, take steps to make important changes, and deepen with those we love. At 12:10 PM EDT Luna goes void till tonight at 8:52 PM EDT when she heads into equestrian Sagittarius, to give us a higher perspective on the deep feelings and territory that the Scorpio New Moon inspired. 
Meanwhile, lovely Venus, the goddess of beauty, love and justice heads into executive Capricorn, this morning at 6:44 AM EDT, where she will station retrograde in December. Venus will be inspiring us to truly weigh our priorities and commitments, so we can commit to what we truly love and to what is fair and just. It’s time to pursue our most loving, beautiful goals and relationships as we reclaim our beauty, executive power and authority.

The Scorpio Moon is waxing through your sector of depths and mergers, inspiring you to advance mergers, and empowering relationships till 12:10 PM EDT. when she goes void till tonight at 8:52 PM EDT. Use the void to reflect on your feelings, needs and the relationships you want to deepen. Meanwhile this morning at 6:44 AM EDT lovely Venus heads into Capricorn and your career sector, inspiring you to commit to the people goals and beautiful success that calls to you.

 The Scorpio Moon is waxing through your partnership sector, inspiring you to advance shared desires with partners till 12:10 when she goes void till tonight at 8:52 PM EDT. Use the void to reflect on your needs and feelings within the relationships you want to advance. Meanwhile this morning at 
6:44 AM EDT lovely Venus heads into Capricorn and your publishing sector, inspiring you to develop the ideas, beliefs and beautiful presentations you can commit to and put forth.

The Scorpio Moon is waxing through your sector of work and health, inspiring you to advance the nuts and bolts of your daily success till 12:10 when she goes void till tonight at 8:52 PM EDT. Use the void to organize your environment, work projects and health practices. Meanwhile this morning at 6:44 AM EDT lovely Venus heads into Capricorn and your sector, of depths and mergers, inspiring you to dive deep and commit to the relationships and mergers that feed your soul and awaken the love in your heart.

 The Scorpio Moon is waxing through your creative sector, inspiring you to advance creative collaborations and romantic liaisons till 12:10 when she goes void till tonight at 8:52 PM EDT. Use the void to reflect on the true needs of your heart as you organize creative or recreational matters. Meanwhile this morning at 6:44 AM EDT lovely Venus heads into Capricorn and your partnership sector, inspiring you to nurture the love and the partnerships you can truly commit to.

The Scorpio Moon is waxing through your home and family sector, inspiring you to advance empowering changes within family dynamics till 12:10 when she goes void till tonight at 8:52 PM EDT. Use the void to reflect on what needs to change in your home life, as you see to some` housekeeping. Meanwhile this morning at 6:44 AM EDT lovely Venus heads into Capricorn and your work and health sector, inspiring you to commit to habits, routines and a work life that nurtures the beautiful goals you cherish most.

The Scorpio Moon is waxing through your sector of mind, inspiring you to advance your best ideas till 12:10 PM EDT, when she goes void till tonight at 8:52 PM EDT. Use the void to organize your best ideas, and reflect on patterns of thinking you intend to cultivate and reinforce. Meanwhile this morning at 6:44 AM EDT lovely Venus heads into Capricorn and your creative sector, inspiring months of active pursuit of your most beautiful creative and romantic commitments.

The Scorpio Moon is waxing through your fiscal sector, inspiring you to enjoy and cultivate your prosperity till 12:10 PM EDT, when she goes void till tonight at 8:52 PM EDT. Use the void to reflect on and organize your material life and finances. Meanwhile this morning at 6:44 AM EDT lovely Venus heads into Capricorn and your home sector, inspiring you to commit to the beauty of your home and family life.

 The Scorpio Moon is waxing through your sector of self, inspiring you to advance empowering and nurturing desires till 12:10 PM EDT, when she goes void till tonight at 8:52 PM EDT. Use the void to reflect on your true feelings and needs as you make time for self care. Meanwhile this morning at 6:44 AM EDT lovely Venus heads into Capricorn and your sector of mind, inspiring months of focused reflection on the goals you are truly committed to.

 The Scorpio Moon is waxing through your spiritual sector, inspiring you to seek and act on Divinely Inspired dreams till 12:10 when she goes void till tonight at 8:52 PM EDT. Use the void to reflect, meditate and seek further Guidance as you organize the details of your dreams. Meanwhile this morning at 6:44 AM EDT lovely Venus heads into Capricorn and your fiscal sector, inspiring months of pushing the beautiful relationships and profitable enterprises that you are committed to.

The Scorpio Moon is waxing through your social sector, inspiring action to advance empowering social efforts till 12:10 PM EDT, when she goes void till tonight at 8:52 PM EDT. Use the void to reflect on your social needs as you organize collaborations. Meanwhile this morning at 6:44 AM EDT lovely Venus heads into your sign Capricorn and your sector of self, inspiring months of embodying your beauty, cultivating enduring fair relationships.and committing to all that you love. 

 The Scorpio Moon is waxing through your career sector, inspiring you to act on executive goals till 12:10 PM EDT, when she goes void till tonight at 8:52 PM EDT. Use the void to reflect on goals as you organize them. Meanwhile this morning at 6:44 AM EDT lovely Venus heads into Capricorn and your spiritual sector for weeks to come, inspiring you to commit to your Divinely Inspired, beautiful long term goals.

 The Scorpio Moon is waxing through your publishing sector, inspiring you to act on empowering ideas, projects and beliefs, till 12:10 when she goes void till tonight at 8:52 PM EDT. Use the void to reflect on and organize ideas, beliefs and mergers. Meanwhile this morning at 6:44 AM EDT lovely Venus heads into Capricorn and your social sector, inspiring weeks of committing to your most beautiful social ideas and group efforts.