THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 3RD: The Moon goes void in Cancer in the predawn hours, giving us a reflective start to the day. It’s a great morning for nesting, resting and light housekeeping. At 11:58 AM just minutes before high noon, Luna strides into Leo, to nurture our hearts and the love and courage required to truly follow our bliss. It’s a beautiful day to begin enjoying the holiday weekend early. View the day as an opportunity to enjoy life. Take time to smell the roses of late summer. Delight in the golden sunlight of September. See just how much light hearted playfulness you can cultivate as you head into the weekend. As Max Ernst reminds us:
“With all its sham drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.” The Leo Moon will help with both! Cheerful Heartfelt Blessings to All! Love D
ARIES: The day begins with the Moon traveling void through Cancer in your home sector, inspiring a great morning for enjoying some downtime and nesting activities. At 11:58 AM EDT Luna cruises into Leo, and your sector art, romance and recreation, to nurture your need for love affection and heart centered self expression. Make time for what you love.
TAURUS: The day begins with the Moon traveling void through Cancer in your sector of mind, inspiring a great morning for quiet soulful reflection and taking stock of your feelings and ideas. At 11:58 AM EDT Luna cruises into Leo, and your home sector, to nurture your need to connect with loving family members while enjoying some heart centered nesting.
GEMINI: The day begins with the Moon traveling void through Cancer in your fiscal/material sector, inspiring a great morning for attending to organizing your finances and caring for your possessions. At 11:58 AM EDT Luna cruises into Leo, and your sector mind, to nurture your the blazing Light that inspires your most brilliant thought, creative genius and ideas driven by mighty indomitable love!
CANCER: The day begins with the Moon traveling void through Cancer in your sector of self, inspiring a great morning for gentle self care and reflecting on your feelings and needs. At 11:58 AM EDT Luna cruises into Leo, and your fiscal sector, to nurture your inner child and inner artist, inspiring you to spend some time and money on fun, play, art and recreation.
LEO: The day begins with the Moon traveling void through Cancer in your spiritual sector, inspiring a great morning for prayer, meditation and long walks by water that let your mind unreel. At 11:58 AM EDT Luna cruises into your sign, mighty Leo, and your sector of self, to nurture your legendary heart and beautiful soul. It’s a gorgeous day to follow your heart through the day. The trail of love beckons.
VIRGO: The day begins with the Moon traveling void through Cancer in your social sector, inspiring a great morning for social serendipity as you reflect on your feelings about or with friends. At 11:58 AM EDT Luna cruises into Leo, and your spiritual sector, to nurture your radiant connection to Source and the golden dreams that are being revealed in your heart and soul. Pursue them today.
LIBRA: The day begins with the Moon traveling void through Cancer in your career sector, inspiring a great morning for administrative follow up and tying up loose ends as the weekend begins. At 11:58 AM EDT Luna cruises into Leo, and your social sector, to nurture your heart centered friendships and group activities the excite and delight you. Confer with your inner child. Have fun! Enjoy yourself!
SCORPIO: The day begins with the Moon traveling void through Cancer in your philosophical sector, inspiring a great morning for reflecting on beloved ideas and beliefs that nurture your faith and trust in beautiful outcomes. At 11:58 AM EDT Luna cruises into Leo, and your career sector, to nurture your relationship to golden, heart centered, creative and professional success. Follow your bliss that leads to your true ambition today!
SAGITTARIUS: The day begins with the Moon traveling void through Cancer in your sector of emotional depths and mergers, inspiring a great morning for deep reflection on your closet relationships and the emotional patterns that support and nurture them. At 11:58 AM EDT Luna cruises into Leo, and your publishing sector, to nurture your sense of creative and recreational adventure. It’s a gorgeous day to try new ways to enjoy and express yourself.
CAPRICORN: The day begins with the Moon traveling void through Cancer in your partnership sector, inspiring a great morning for relaxing and nesting with partners or reflecting about partnerships. At 11:58 AM EDT Luna cruises into Leo, and your sector of emotional depths and mergers, to nurture your creative depth, brilliance and the collaborations that support both.
AQUARIUS: The day begins with the Moon traveling void through Cancer in your health and organization sector, inspiring a great morning for all forms of light housekeeping and domestic organizing. At 11:58 AM EDT Luna cruises into Leo, and your partnership sector, to nurture the heart of your personal and professional relationships. It’s a beautiful day to enjoy the give and take of partnership.
PISCES: The day begins with the Moon traveling void through Cancer in your recreational sector, inspiring a great morning for creative puttering and serendipitous fun. At 11:58 AM EDT Luna cruises into Leo, and your work and health sector, to nurture your creative or recreational skills. Learn something new that might be fun…roller blading, watercolor, kite flying…you get the idea…the sky’s the limit of the fun you could have.