THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY AUGUST 18TH: The Virgo Moon is waxing through the day in her lovely floral gown, with her organizing folders in one hand and her work tools in the other. Today she begins her day harmonizing with Jupiter in Taurus, inspiring us to take small actions to advance big plans. Luna then merges forces with Mercury in Virgo to nurture our best thinking, and ideas that it’s a great day to organize and nurture. Luna ends her day joining up with Mars in Virgo, to give us plenty of energy with which to hone our skills, get organized and take intelligent action to advance our beloved dreams. It’s a perfect day to prepare for visionary success!
ARIES: The waxing Virgo Moon begins her day harmonizing with Jupiter, inspiring you to take analyze and organize big plans. She then joins up with Mercury Virgo to nurture your best thinking and your emotional intelligence. She ends her day merging forces with Mars in Virgo, inspiring you to take steady incremental action to advance big ideas.
TAURUS: The waxing Virgo Moon begins her day harmonizing with Jupiter, to nurture big, beautiful creative, romantic or recreational plans. She then joins up with Mercury in Virgo to help you organize creative projects and heart centered plans. She ends her day merging forces with Mars in Virgo, inspiring you to set your house in order, and act on exquisite ideas.
GEMINI: The waxing Virgo Moon begins her day harmonizing with Jupiter, to nurture big beautiful domestic visions. She then joins up with Mercury in Virgo to nurture intelligent well organized thinking about domestic plans. She ends her day merging forces with Mars in Virgo, inspiring you to move into action to advance plans and set your house in pristine order.
CANCER: The waxing Virgo Moon begins her day harmonizing with Jupiter, to nurture big, brilliant, collaborations and social plans. She then joins up with Mercury in Virgo, inspiring you to organize the logistics of social plans and collaborations. She ends her day merging forces with Mars in Virgo, inspiring you to advance ideas with intelligent organized action.
LEO: The waxing Virgo Moon begins her day harmonizing with Jupiter, to nurture big profitable, professional plans. She then joins up with Mercury Virgo, inspiring intelligent analysis of your fiscal and material life, She ends her day merging forces with Mars in Virgo, inspiring you to act on the details and logistics of plans and projects that could be game changers.
VIRGO: The waxing Virgo Moon begins her day harmonizing with Jupiter, to nurture big plans and ideas that excite and delight you. She then joins up with Mercury Virgo to nurture your best ideas and most loving, nurturing thinking about yourself. She ends her day merging forces with Mars in Virgo, inspiring action to advance ideas and exquisite desires.
LIBRA: The waxing Virgo Moon begins her day harmonizing with Jupiter, to nurture the details of big, beautiful ideas and collaborations. She then joins up with Mercury Virgo inspiring clear thought about your vision as you open to Divine Intelligence. She ends her day merging forces with Mars in Virgo, inspiring action to advance the logistics of your vision.
SCORPIO: The waxing Virgo Moon begins her day harmonizing with Jupiter, to nurture expanding professional opportunities involving team work. She then joins up with Mercury Virgo to nurture intelligent ideas regarding collaborations and your social life. She ends her day merging forces with Mars in Virgo, inspiring action to advance social plans and exquisite collaborations.
SAGITTARIUS: The waxing Virgo Moon begins her day harmonizing with Jupiter, expanding your professional possibilities and your profit margin at work. She then joins up with Mercury in Virgo to nurture clear analytical executive intelligence that supports your success. She ends her day merging forces with Mars in Virgo, inspiring orderly action to nurture success.
CAPRICORN: The waxing Virgo Moon begins her day harmonizing with Jupiter, to expand your thinking and opportunities around presentations and creative or recreational projects and ideas. She then joins up with Mercury in Virgo, to nurture clear thinking about plans and presentations. She ends her day merging forces with Mars in Virgo, inspiring intelligent action to advance your plans.
AQUARIUS: The waxing Virgo Moon begins her day harmonizing with Jupiter, to nurture expanding family plans and domestic ideas. She then joins up with Mercury in Virgo to nurture clear thinking about finances, mergers and your true feelings and needs. She ends her day merging forces with Mars in Virgo, inspiring action to advance financial plans and attend to emotional needs.
PISCES: The waxing Virgo Moon begins her day harmonizing with Jupiter, to nurture your expanding plans regarding partnerships. She then joins up with Mercury in Virgo to help clarify and organize your plans and your thinking. She ends her day merging forces with Mars in Virgo, inspiring intelligent action to advance shared plans and shared desires.