THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY AUGUST 23RD: The Aries Moon goes void at 8:44 AM EDT, and remains void in Aries for most of the day. It’s a beautiful day to clarify and organize our plans, strategies and generally create the order that leads to success. It’s also a great day to reflect on health, fitness and how to take intelligent action to achieve both. This evening at 8 PM EDT, Luna saunters into beautiful Taurus where she will harmonize with the Virgo Sun. It’s a gorgeous evening for grounding and pleasurable activities. Enjoy the senses, delight in simple and wholesome pleasures.

ARIES: The Aries Moon goes void in your sector of self at 8:44 AM EDT inviting you into an excellent day for self-care reflection, organizing and meditation. This is a day to reflect on your feelings and needs, rather than actively advance the plans they point to. Get organized and strategize. Tonight at 8 PM EDT Luna glides into earthy Taurus in your fiscal/material sector inviting you to enjoy a night of simple grounding pleasure.

TAURUS: The Aries Moon goes void in your spiritual sector at 8:44 AM EDT, inviting you into a day of meditation, prayer, and reflection upon your dreams and the strategies required to achieve them. At 8 PM tonight Luna will saunter into your beautiful sign Taurus, inviting you into a gorgeous night for all forms of nurturing delightful self-care.

GEMINI: The Aries Moon goes void in your social sector at 8:44 AM EDT, and remains void for most of the day, inviting you to organize social plans, and reflect on your feelings and needs regarding your social life. Meanwhile, tonight at 8 PM EDT, Luna glides into your inner ashram as she heads into earthy Taurus, inviting you into a beautiful evening for meditation, prayer, yoga, and anything that gives you a sense of grounded peace.

CANCER: The Aries Moon goes void in your career sector at 8:44 AM EDT, inviting you into an excellent day for getting your executive and administrative affairs in order. It’s a gorgeous day to get organized for professional success. At 8 PM Luna heads into Taurus in your social sector, inviting you into a lovely evening for social connection and delight.

LEO: Today at 8:44 AM EDT, Luna goes void in Aries in your philosophical publishing sector, inviting you into an excellent day for reflecting on ideas, beliefs, and strategies that may require organizing. Tonight at 8 PM Luna heads into Taurus in your career sector, inviting you to take action to advance your long-term success.

VIRGO: The Aries Moon goes void at 8:44 AM EDT in your deepest sector, inviting you into an excellent day for consulting with your deepest feelings and the needs they point to, as you organize the details of mergers joint efforts and joint holdings. Tonight at 8 PM, Luna glides into earthy Taurus inviting you to explore your most beautiful sensual and profitable ideas.

LIBRA: The Aries Moon goes void at 8:44 AM EDT in your partnership sector, inviting you into an excellent day for consulting with your soul regarding your feelings and needs within partnerships. It’s also a beautiful day to organize the logistics of business, romantic or creative partnerships. Tonight at 8 PM Luna glides into earthy Taurus to nurture your deep sense of self worth beauty and stability.

SCORPIO: The Aries Moon goes void in your work, health and organization sector at 8:44 AM EDT inviting you into a perfect day to begin fall cleaning early. It’s a stellar day for cleaning clearing decluttering, fitness activities and organizing. Tonight at 8 PM Luna glides into earthy Taurus in your partnership sector, inviting you to delight in the company of those you are committed to.

SAGITTARIUS: The Aries Moon goes void in your creative sector at 8:44 AM EDT today, inviting you into an excellent day for creative puttering, nurturing your inner artist, and organizing the nuts and bolts of creative projects. At 8 PM tonight Luna glides into earthy Taurus to nurture your capacity to refine the skills that lead to success and prosperity.

CAPRICORN: The Aries Moon goes void in your home sector today at 8:44 AM EDT inviting you into an excellent day of housekeeping and early fall cleaning on all levels. At 8 PM tonight Luna glides into earthy Taurus in your creative, romantic sector, inviting you to enjoy yourself tonight, and your powers of creative self expression, and your power to love.

AQUARIUS: The Aries Moon goes void in your sector of mind today at 8:44 AM EDT, inviting you into an excellent day for quiet reflection, during which restraint of tongue and pen is advised. It’s a great day to organize ideas and strategies that lead to success. Tonight at 8 PM Luna heads into earthy beautiful Taurus, in your home sector, inviting you to enjoy an evening of domestic bliss.

PISCES: The Aries Moon goes void in your fiscal sector today at 8:44 AM EDT, inviting you into an excellent day for getting your financial and material affairs in order. Make lists, work on budgets, plan for prosperity. Tonight at 8 PM EDT, Luna heads into earthy sensual Taurus in your sector of mind, inviting you to entertain your most constructive and profitable ideas tonight.