THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY AUGUST 3RD: The Moon heads into Leo at 7:10 AM EDT in preparation for tomorrow’s new Moon in Leo. Today, Luna partners with Pluto in Aquarius, inviting us to consult with our hearts as we make empowering changes within friendships, our social lives and in the emotional patterns that govern our relationships. It’s a gorgeous day to get to higher ground with friends and loved ones. Be your authentic self, and share your heart with friends, allies, and community that you love, and who love you in return. Today we get by with a little help from our friends. 

ARIES: The Moon glides into Leo, bright and early this morning, and heads right into your sector of love, romance, children and creative self expression. It’s a great day to connect with and express your mighty heart. Today, Luna faces off with Pluto in Aquarius, inviting you to reach out to friends, allies, and beloved community, with whom you can be your true self and share your full heart.

TAURUS: This morning, bright and early, the Moon heads into heart centered, radiant Leo in your home sector, inviting you to create a warm, loving home environment, that nurtures you and that nurtures the heart of your social life and your family. Today Luna will partner with Pluto in Aquarius, inviting you to, enjoy empowering activities that advance your professional and domestic goals. It’s a great day to connect with your dream team and dear friends.

GEMINI: This morning at 7:10 AM EDT, the Moon glides into Leo in your sector of mind, and begins illuminating brilliant, loving, courageous ideas that you’re getting ready to advance. Today Luna will partner with Pluto in Aquarius, inviting you to reflect on changing ideas, beliefs, and presentations that you are interested in sharing with friends or the world at large. Work on those today.

CANCER: This morning at 7:10 AM EDT, the Moon glides into Leo in your fiscal sector, illuminating the path to golden, profitable ideas, and the path to spending a little time and money on recreational activities that warm your heart. Today, Luna partners with Pluto in Aquarius, inviting you to reach out to friends who might want to invest in your ideas, and friends who might want to enjoy sharing recreational, fun with you.

LEO: This morning at 7:10 AM EDT, the Moon glides into your sign radiant Leo, in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon in your sign. It’s a gorgeous day to release anything that stands in the way of your happiness, your courage and your personal sovereignty. Luna partners with transformational Pluto in Aquarius, inviting you to reach out to friends who support your empowerment, and the beautiful changes you’re making, to get you to higher ground.

VIRGO: This morning at 7:10 AM EDT, the Moon glides into courageous Leo in your spiritual sector, where tomorrow’s New Moon will occur. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on your dreams, your visions, and your connection to their Divine and Loving Source. Today Luna partners with Pluto, inviting you to release what stands in the way of your dreams and your greater enlightenment. Reach out to friends, who support you and your journey toward blissful fulfillment.

LIBRA: This morning at 7:10 AM EDT, the Moon heads into radiant Leo in your social sector, inviting you to reach out to friends, allies, and anyone who warms your heart and delights your soul. Today, Luna partners with Pluto in Aquarius, inviting you to connect with your creative genius, and your fun loving spirit. Make time for friends with whom you can have a blast.

SCORPIO: This morning at 7:10 AM EDT, the moon heads into radiant Leo in your career sector, illuminating the path to golden and brilliant success that tomorrow’s New Moon in Leo will further point you toward. Today, Luna partners with Pluto in Aquarius, inviting you to create a domestic and family environment, that supports your success. It’s a great day for some work-life balance, that empowers you on both fronts.

SAGITTARIUS: This morning at 7:10 AM EDT, the Moon heads into radiant Leo in your philosophical publishing sector, in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon in this sign and sector. It’s a gorgeous day to reflect on your creative yearnings, and to release any blocks, that keep you from shining with your full brilliance.It’s time to share your creativity and potential with the world. Today, Luna partners with Pluto in Aquarius, inviting you to explore empowering collaborations as you find your true voice and share it.

CAPRICORN: This morning at 7:10 AM EDT the Moon cruises into Leo in the deepest sector of your chart, to illuminate the brilliant gems of creative talent that it is time to unearth and share with the world. Tomorrow’s New Moon in Leo will be calling you to further express your power, your passion, and your creative brilliance. Today, Luna and Pluto in Aquarius team up, to invite you into collaboration with your fellow brilliant innovators. Enjoy co-creating!

AQUARIUS: This morning at 7:10 AM EDT, the Moon cruises into Leo in your partnership sector, in advance of tomorrow’s New Moon in the sign of the mighty lion. It’s time to reflect on your needs within partnerships, be they romantic, professional or creative. Luna partners with Pluto in Aquarius today to help you step into a new level of power, and release any blocks to your heart, that have kept you from the love you desire.

PISCES: This morning at 7:10 AM EDT, the Moon cruises into radiant Leo in your work and health sector, in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon in the sign of the lion. Today Luna will partner with Pluto in Aquarius, inviting you to hone your creative skills, and connect with your transforming vision that involves community, group efforts, and creative collaborations with people on your wavelength.