THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY AUGUST 30TH: The day begins with Luna finishing up her glide through nurturing Cancer, her home sign, inviting us into a fertile morning for consulting with our feelings and needs as we set our domestic lives in order.

At 11:24 AM. EDT, Luna goes void for a few hours inspiring further housekeeping, organizing and getting grounded till 1:09 PM EDT, when Luna glides into radiant Leo to nurture our courage and creative brilliance. This afternoon the Leo Moon will partner with Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, inviting us to nurture powerful alliances, and changes within our social lives and creative collaborations that require our attention.

ARIES: The Moon finishes up her glide through maternal Cancer this morning, inviting you into a great morning for domestic and family activities, as you consult with your feelings and family’s needs. Luna goes void from 11:24 AM till 1:09 PM when she heads into Leo and your sector of romance to nurture the love in your mighty heart.Make some time for recreation, rest and romance.

TAURUS: The Moon finishes up her glide through soulful Cancer in your sector of mind, making the morning a great time for working on brilliant ideas and projects. At 11:24 AM EDT, she goes void till 1:09 PM EDT, when she glides into radiant creative Leo in your home sector, inviting you to do some creative heart centered, nesting, and reconnection with family. it’s a gorgeous day to split your time between work and home.

GEMINI: The Moon finishes her journey through soulful Cancer today, inviting you to use the morning and early afternoon to set your fiscal, material and domestic life in order. At 1:09 PM EDT, Luna glides into radiant Leo, filling your mind and heart with love and light. It’s a great evening to share your love with friends, and to advance powerful collaborations and plans.

CANCER: The Moon, your ruling planet, finishes her journey through your sign today, making the morning and early afternoon beautiful for self-care, getting organized, resting and nesting. At 1:09 PM EDT, Luna heads into Leo in your financial and materials sector, inviting you to manifest, monetize, or market brilliant golden ideas, especially those involving mergers and collaborations.

LEO: Luna begins her day in your inner ashram as she finishes her journey through soulful Cancer, making it a beautiful morning and early afternoon for meditation, prayer and nesting activities. At 1:09 PM EDT, she glides into your sign, regal Leo, to nurture you and your golden creativity, beauty, and brilliance that it is time to cultivate and share.

VIRGO: The Moon begins her day in soulful Cancer, finishing her journey through your social sector, making the morning a great tank time to wrap up networking and social activities. At 1:09 PM EDT Luna, heads into Leo in your spiritual sector, where it’s time to vision map your desires involving courage and self expression.

LIBRA: The Moon spends the morning and early afternoon wrapping up her soulful journey through Cancer in your career sector, inviting you to wrap up the executive activities that you’ve been working on for the past few days. At 1:09 PM EDT, Luna glides into playful, creative, heart centered Leo, to nurture your heart centered friendships and powerful creative collaborations.

SCORPIO: Luna spends the morning wrapping up her journey through your sector of higher mind and publishing, inviting you to wrap up ideas and projects you have been working on in the early part of the day. At 1:09 PM EDT Luna heads into Leo in your career sector, inviting you to step into your executive suite and take charge of your professional success with powerful intelligent action. It’s a beautiful day to cultivate an empowering work life balance.

SAGITTARIUS: The Moon spends the morning wrapping up her journey through Cancer in your deepest sector, where she has been illuminating deep feelings, collaborations, and mergers that require your attention in the first part of the day. At 1:09 PM EDT Luna heads into radiant, creative, Leo, in your publishing sector, inviting you to take to the page, stage, or podium, and unfurl your creative brilliance.

CAPRICORN: The Moon spends the morning wrapping up her journey through soulful Cancer in your partnership sector, nurturing your committed relationships in the early part of the day. At 1:09 PM EDT Luna, heads into Leo, inviting you to deepen and share your heart with those you love. It’s also a stellar afternoon for transformational, creative, collaborations.

AQUARIUS: The Moon spends her morning wrapping up her journey through soulful Cancer in your work and health sector, inviting you to spend the morning wrapping up the details of work projects and practical matters that require your attention, At 1:09 PM EDT, Luna heads into radiant Leo and your partnership sector, to nurture your need for warmth, love and romance, in romantic relationships, or creative brilliance in business, or creative collaborations.

PISCES: The Moon spends her morning wrapping up her journey through soulful Cancer in your creative sector, inviting you into a lovely morning for creative and recreational activities. At 1:09 PM EDT Luna, heads into Leo, and rolls up her sleeves, as she heads into your work sector. It’s a great day to shine at work and regarding the skills that you’re here to serve others with.