THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 1ST: September begins with two big planetary movements as the Virgo Sun and Leo Moon guide us into the new month. At 11:18 AM EDT Uranus, the planet of elevation, revelations, evolution, sudden change, technology and the Higher Self stations retrograde in Taurus, inviting seismic shifts throughout the collective. It’s a beautiful time to review, revise, reconsider or build in the evolutionary leaps and breakthroughs we have been working on for months. It’s also time to go in reflect revise and reverse ideas as new information is revealed.


Tonight at 8:10 PM. EDT powerful Pluto leaves Aquarius and backs into Capricorn for his final journey through the sign of the goat for the next couple of hundred years. Pluto will be in Capricorn through November 19th and then will not return for centuries. We can expect revelations, especially regarding all things of a shadowy nature, regarding the power structure of the world, people in high places, corporations, the banking system, and currency. We are each called to review the deep structures of our lives and long term goals during this time. It looks like there’s a whole Lotta shaking going on starting in September, making it a great day to get grounded, centered in your highest self, and resolve to be source of stability as the world shakes rattles and rolls.

ARIES: This morning, as the Leo Moon nurtures your heart, Uranus, the planet of revelation, higher consciousness, and liberation stations retrograde in your financial sector. It’s time to rethink financial moves that you are entertaining, with an eye to the highest perspective and your authentic needs. Tonight, Pluto, the planet of power will retrograde back into Capricorn in your executive sector for the next couple of months. It is time to review, rethink and revise your goals, executive matters, and true commitments, as you reclaim your power from anyone to whom you have abdicated it.

TAURUS: This morning as the Leo Moon nurtures your love of home and family, Uranus, the evolutionary planet of upgrades, breakthroughs, higher consciousness and liberation, stations retrograde in your sign for months to come. It is time to pull in and review the brilliant breakthroughs you have been making. Some revisions may be required, as you review plans and embody a higher consciousness. Tonight Pluto will back into Capricorn in your publishing sector, inviting you into a couple of months of restructuring your fiscal approach to publishing projects, presentations and promotions.

GEMINI: This morning as the Leo moon illuminates your brilliance, evolutionary Uranus stations retrograde in your spiritual sector for months to come. It’s time to go within and review or revise your evolving dreams and visions as you also seek to embody higher consciousness. Tonight Pluto will back into Capricorn in your deepest sector, inviting you to do some restructuring of both your inner psyche, while reviewing mergers and attachment patterns that also need to be restructured.

CANCER: Today as the Leo Moon keeps the focus on illuminating the path to abundance, evolutionary Uranus stations retrograde in your social sector, calling you into months of review, revision, and revelations regarding social plans, group activities, and collaborations that could lead to big breakthroughs if you make revisions now. Pluto, another planet of change, will back into Capricorn in your partnership sector inviting you to restructure existing partnerships, and explore new approaches to partnerships that need to be explored.

LEO: The Leo Moon keeps the focus on you and increased, loving self-care, as Uranus, the planet of liberation, elevation, upgrades, and breakthroughs stations retrograde in your career sector, inspiring a review and some revisions and renegotiation regarding your approach to success. Tonight, Pluto, another planet of change, will back into Capricorn in your work and health sector, inviting further restructuring, repairing and re-organizing your day-to-day life and your work life, to prepare for breakthroughs of professional success.

VIRGO: The Leo Moon keeps the focus on your spiritual life, and the golden enlightenment and higher love that is seeking you and blessing you today. Meanwhile, this morning, Uranus, the planet of evolution, liberation, and breakthroughs stations retrograde in your publishing, philosophical sector, inspiring months of revision and reversals of beliefs, ideas, and projects that require review. Tonight, Pluto, another change planet, will back into Capricorn in your romantic creative sector for his final pass through Capricorn. It’s time to rest, review and restructure, your creative recreational and child rearing life.

LIBRA: The Leo Moon keeps the focus on heart centered friendships, as this morning Uranus, the planet of change, evolution, liberation, and upgrades stations retrograde in your sector of shared resources, mergers, and deep emotional patterns, where it’s time for elevating, liberating, review, some revisions and reconnections. Tonight, Pluto, the planet of transformation, will station retrograde in your home sector, where it is time to review and restructure your long-term domestic plans.

SCORPIO: The Leo moon keeps the focus on your career today, even as Uranus, the plan of evolution, change, upgrades, and liberation, stations retrograde in your partnership sector, inviting months of review, revision, and release regarding partnerships and partnership patterns. It’s time for an elevating change. Meanwhile, tonight, Pluto, another change planet, will retrograde into Capricorn in your sector of mind, inviting you to reconnect with your executive intelligence, as you review, revise or restructure professional plans and goals.

SAGITTARIUS: The Leo Moon keeps the focus on the brilliance you’re here to write, perform or create, even as Uranus, the planet of genius, evolution, liberation, and upgrades, stations retrograde in Taurus in your work sector for months to come. It’s time for a revised and liberating approach to work and your daily life, that aligns with your authentic gifts and talents. Tonight powerful Pluto another change planet, retrogrades out of Aquarius and back into Capricorn in your fiscal sector, where it’s time to restructure your finances and reconnect with powerful and profitable ideas and enterprises.

CAPRICORN: Today as the Leo Moon keeps the focus on your deepest happiness and bliss, Uranus, the planet of liberation, elevation, and breakthroughs, stations retrograde in your creative/romantic sector, inspiring a stellar time to rethink your creative and recreational life in a way that supports your authentic self. Tonight, Pluto, the planet of transformation and powerful change, will back into your sign Capricorn for his finale in your sign. Now through November 19th, Pluto will complete his transformational journey through your sector of self, reminding you to reclaim your power, your passion and restructure your life in a way that prioritizes your authentic self and your empowerment.

AQUARIUS: Today as the Leo Moon keeps the loving focus on your committed relationships, Uranus, the liberating planet of awakening, higher consciousness, upgrades, and liberation, stations retrograde in your home sector, inspiring months of evolutionary change within your home life. It’s time to evolve out of old patterns that no longer serve you. Tonight Pluto, the planet of transformation, will retrograde back into your spiritual sector, when he heads into Capricorn until November 19th. It’s time to restructure your dreams, visions and deepest commitments.

PISCES: Today as the Leo Moon nurtures your health and happiness, Uranus, the planet of evolution, elevation, and brilliant breakthroughs, stations retrograde in your sector of mind for months to come. It’s time to reconnect with, review, revise, or restructure, brilliant and constructive ideas. Tonight, Pluto,  the planet of transformation, will back into Capricorn in your social sector, inviting you to restructure your social life. Reconnect with friends and revise collaborations and group efforts.