ARIES: The Pisces Moon is waxing through your spiritual sector, stirring up the dreams that are cresting in your beautiful soul. Today, Luna and Saturn join up to remind you of your spiritual and material vision for your life that you are committed to. Act on that. Live your dream today.
TAURUS: The Pisces Moon is cruising through your social sector, inviting you to nurture your friendship’s alliances and dream team. Today, Luna joins up with Saturn, inviting you to advance, professional commitments, and executive collaborations that you are committed to.
GEMINI: The Pisces Moon is waxing through your career sector, awakening the beautiful, professional visions that it’s time to advance. Today, Luna joins up with Saturn in this sector, inviting you to take executive action to make your dreams a reality.
CANCER: The Pisces Moon is waxing through your higher mind, and your sector of publishing, inviting you to consciously imagine the visions you want to manifest. Today she joins up with Saturn to remind you of your rock solid commitment to certain dreams. Act on them.
LEO: The Pisces Moon is waxing through your deepest sector, stirring up the visions the call to you and won’t let go. Today, Luna joins up with Saturn to nurture your rock solid commitment to these dreams. Act on them.
VIRGO: The Pisces Moon is waxing through your partnership sector, inviting you to connect with your dreams of partnership, or with shared dreams you already have with partners. Today, Saturn joins Luna to nurture your commitment to these dreams. Take executive action to show the universe you mean business. Act on them.
LIBRA: The Pisces Moon is waxing through your work and health sector, inviting you to attend to the details of beautiful visionary projects at work, and habits that nurture your mind body and spirit. Saturn joins Luna today to give you extra self discipline and focus to succeed.
SCORPIO: The Pisces Moon is waxing through your creative sector today, reminding you of the creative projects you love most. Luna and Saturn will join forces in this sector, to give you the discipline, fortitude and commitment to advance the dream and the project you love most.
SAGITTARIUS: The Pisces Moon is waxing through your home sector today, nurturing your dreams and visions for your whole life. Today, Luna joins up with Saturn, to strengthen your commitment to your vision and to the angels and ancestors that are helping you achieve it.
CAPRICORN: The Pisces Moon is waxing through your mind today, nurturing your creative imagination and your most visionary ideas. Today, Luna joins up with Saturn, your ruling planet, to strengthen your executive commitment to making some dreams a reality. Act on them with discipline and fortitude.
AQUARIUS: The Pisces Moon is waxing through your fiscal sector today, nurturing your capacity to finance your visions, or in some other way make them a reality. Today, Luna and Saturn join up, inviting you to get serious and committed about the dreams you are fully invested in.
PISCES: The Pisces Moon is waxing through your sector of self, nurturing you and your need for peace, beauty, and to imagine the dreams you are constantly manifesting. Today, Luna and Saturn join up, to remind you of your long-term vision, inviting you to take some executive action to achieve it.