THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY JANUARY 3RD 2025: Today, as the Sun travels through executive, practical Capricorn, the Pisces Moon is paddling her canoe along the river of dreams, where today she joins up with lovely Venus, inviting us to advance our most beautiful loving, visionary, spiritual inspired dreams. It’s a gorgeous day also to practice forgiveness.
The Pisces Moon and Venus in Pisces, have an extraordinary capacity for the highest love that forgives all. This kind of love requires prayer and opening to an influx of Higher Grace that can dissolve pain, disappointment, agony, resentment, and all hurts that may require the supernatural power of forgiveness, including forgiveness of the self. It’s a beautiful thing to pray for today, and a breathing gift to bless others with or be blessed by.

ARIES: The Pisces Moon is waxing through your spiritual sector, where today she will join up with lovely Venus, to nurture your highest capacity for love. It’s a beautiful day to advance your most beautiful and loving dreams, as you open to an influx of Grace that comes from the Heavenly Loving Source of your life and your beloved ancestors. Ask for their guidance as you move through this day like a prayer blessing everyone in your path with kindness and Grace.

TAURUS: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your social sector, where today she joins up with her BFF lovely Venus in Pisces. Today they join forces to amplify and nurture your love of friends, community, teamwork, and collaboration. It’s a gorgeous day to dream up gorgeous, visionary, inspired, beautiful ideas, projects, collaborations, and love, with those you love.

GEMINI: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your career sector, nurturing your capacity for visionary profession achievement. Today she joins up with lovely Venus in Pisces to nurture your most beautiful professional goals, relationships, and collaborations. It’s a stellar day for practical executive visionary action.

CANCER: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your Higher Mind, blessing it with faith, hope, kindness, charity, compassion, and the Highest Love. It’s a beautiful day to pray for those you love and those you don’t, and to be a beacon of kindness, compassion, and especially forgiveness. It’s a beautiful day to forgive yourself for all wrongs real or imagined, then extend that Grace outward toward everyone who may need it.

LEO: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your deepest sector, where today she joins up with Venus also swimming through Pisces to nurture your deepest capacity for love, forgiveness, Grace, compassion, and transcendence. It’s a beautiful day for prayer and to release into the hands of Heaven anything too heavy for you to carry alone. Open to an influx of Heavenly Love and inspired vision for you to act upon.

VIRGO: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your partnership sector, where today she joins up with lovely Venus to nurture and amplify your capacity for making a beautiful, loving commitment to the people who mean the most to you. It’s a gorgeous day to commit to your highest love, your most inspired vision, and your capacity to share yourself in a beautiful Heavenly way.

LIBRA: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your sector of work, health, and practical daily habits, where today she joins up with lovely Venus to nurture your capacity to channel Heavenly Love, in practical acts of loving kindness, service, attention to detail, and bringing love and devotion into the little things. It’s a gorgeous day to be of service through prayer through kindness, compassion, and practical visionary blessings.

SCORPIO: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your creative sector. Today she joins up with lovely Venus in Pisces, to nurture your capacity to express  extraordinary beauty, vision, and Grace through works of art and acts of love. It’s a perfect day to spend on your favorite creative project. The Muses are with you today. Be with them.

SAGITTARIUS: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your home sector, where today she joins up with lovely Venus to amplify and nurture your love of home, family, roots, and your capacity to water the tree of your ancestry, with deep compassion and the highest love. It’s a gorgeous day to advance your domestic vision by inches feet or light years.

CAPRICORN: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your mind, where today she joins up with a lovely Venus to nurture your most beautiful ideas, your most compassionate and loving thinking, and your ability to express this love and beauty, verbally, silently, creatively, or however, you see fit. It’s a stellar day to act on Heavenly, visionary, inspiration.

AQUARIUS: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your material, financial sector, where today she joins up with lovely Venus to nurture your most beautiful ideas, that you want to invest in, market, monetize, embody, or otherwise manifest. It’s a beautiful day to make beautiful gestures in the material and financial world. Sometimes compassion is expressed through the flow of charity,

PISCES: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your sector of self, where today she joins up with lovely Venus to nurture your most, beautiful, loving, compassionate sense of self. It’s a gorgeous day to advance your most beautiful beloved dreams. Be the Love. Live the Dream