THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY JULY 12TH: The Libra Moon is waxing through the day, nurturing our capacity to stay poised and balanced in the midst of activity and even conflict. Today, Luna harmonizes with Pluto in Aquarius, making this a stellar day to connect with empowering friends, beloved partners and  beautiful allies. Tonight Luna will harmonize with Jupiter in Gemini, inspiring the brilliant exchange of gorgeous expanding ideas. Meanwhile, today lovely Venus, newly in Leo partners with Pluto, to turbo charge our capacity for love, beauty, collaboration, and authentic, loving, connection. It’s a stellar  day for all things beautiful. Be the Beauty, delight in Beauty, create some Beauty.

ARIES: The Libra Moon is waxing through your partnership sector, inviting you to enjoy the beauty of partnerships, and an empowering authentic social life. Today, Venus in Leo, will also harmonize with Jupiter in Gemini, inviting you to expand your thinking about partnerships and in general. it’s a stellar day for building alliances and delighting in the power of Beauty to restore you.

TAURUS: The Libra Moon is waxing through your sector of romance, art, and recreation, where she harmonizes with Pluto in your career sector, inviting you to advance your most gorgeous, professional projects and partnerships. Meanwhile, Venus, your ruling planet, partners with Pluto in Aquarius today, inviting you to be transformed by the power of Love from your roots, to your crown chakra.

GEMINI: The Libra Moon is waxing through your sector of art and romance, trailing streams of Love and Light as she goes. Today she’s inspiring your most gorgeous, creative efforts, and romantic plans. Act on them! It’s an off the charts day for beautiful, powerful, creative collaborations, as well as for mutually empowering and delightful romantic plans.

CANCER: The Libra Moon is waxing through your home sector, trailing streams of love and beauty as she goes. Join her! It’s a fantastic day to create beauty at home, nurture love in your family, and entertain gorgeous ideas that take you out of home, and into the beautiful world. It’s a gorgeous day to split your time between nesting, pursuing success, and deepening with those you love.

LEO: The Libra Moon is waxing through your mind, streaming rosy light, infused with love, as she goes. It’s a beautiful day to focus your mind on love, beauty and your most exquisite ideas. It’s also a stellar day to transform partnership patterns, bringing them into harmony and balance. Justice is a beautiful principal with which to align all your relationships.

VIRGO: The Libra Moon is waxing through your financial/material sector, nurturing your capacity to embody, create and manifest all manner of beauty, that you might also profit from. It’s a gorgeous day to work on beautiful partnerships, products, and collaborations that could be lucrative as well as delightful.

LIBRA: The Libra Moon is waxing through your sector of self, surrounding you with rosy light, infused with peace and love. It’s a gorgeous day to consciously cultivate your peace and poise. Both are super powers. It’s also a stellar day to allow beauty to guide you, and all that you say, think to and create. Be the beauty you want to see in the world.

SCORPIO: The Libra Moon is meditating in your spiritual sector, inviting you to join her. It’s also a lovely day for yoga, tai chi or any activity that requires beauty, poise, and balance. Luna is also inviting you to open to your relationship vision by Divine Design. Open to that vision, as you enjoy all relationships today, with the birds, the sky, the people around you. Life is teaming with opportunities for relationship. Enjoy them.

SAGITTARIUS: The Libra Moon is waxing through your social sector, inviting you to come out and play with friends, creative collaborators, and partners of all sorts. It’s an off the charts day for your creative empowerment and innovative brilliance. The muses are dancing around you today. Dance with them.

CAPRICORN: The Libra Moon is waxing through your executive suite today, with a beautiful fair balanced plan for success. Join her! Today success is team sport, and more specifically involves partnership. It’s also a stellar day to crunch the numbers, and explore group funding, and group efforts that could be beautifully profitable and mutually pleasurable.

AQUARIUS: The Libra Moon is waxing through your philosophical, publishing sector of travel today, inviting you to explore your beliefs about beauty, balance, love, partnership, and justice. It’s a gorgeous day to define and present or share your views with partners, allies or the world. Or you could simply enjoy a gorgeous trip with a beautiful person, whose company you enjoy.

PISCES: The Libra Moon is waxing through your deepest sector, trailing streams of love and light as she goes. Today she is nurturing your deepest capacity for love, your deepest sense of balance, and the beauty of your soul. Join her! it’s a gorgeous day to explore the crystal caves of your psyche and the sparkling beauty, that has been developing there.