Blessings of the New Moon in soulful maternal Cancer to All! Today the waning Moon cruises through Cancer her home sign today, inviting us inward and calling us home. Tonight at 6:57 PM EDT, the New Moon begins her fertile growing journey through the sign the sign of the crab. This New Moon is traveling with Venus, the planet of love and beauty, inviting us to nurture emotional patterns that are loving, and inspire emotional peace. 
In the chart cast for Washington DC, the national chart, the Sun, Moon, and Venus in soulful Cancer, are all found in the partnership sector. It’s a beautiful New Moon to nurture, loving, fair, balanced relationships, and  partnerships within families and in general. The New Moon is harmonizing with Saturn and Neptune, both retrograde in Pisces, inviting us to reflect on, and reconnect with, beloved dreams and visionary ideas that we most want to incubate and that involve partnership. 
Mercury is in golden Leo in the deepest sector of the chart, inviting us to dig deep, and excavate our creative gold that is ours to express. The New Moon is squaring off with the Moon’s nodes in Aries and Libra, inviting us to take initiative to advance beloved ideas, and further initiative to advance partnerships that are working for us, and release those that are not. Meanwhile, massive Jupiter in Gemini is expanding our minds and our thinking about big brilliant partnerships. It’s a beautiful New Moon to hatch and sit on the silver and gold eggs of beloved ideas until they hatch.
To learn more join my New Moon in Cancer tele seminar tonight at 7:00 PM EDT…a recording is provided after the seminar:

ARIES: This evening at 6:57 PM EDT, the New Moon in Cancer, traveling with lovely Venus, begins her waxing journey through your home and family sector, to nurture your most beautiful, loving, domestic and family ideas efforts and plans. Luna is also cultivating your love of home, family and ancestry, inspiring all manner of beautiful developments that arise from this love.
TAURUS: This evening at 6:57 PM EDT, the New Moon in Cancer begins her waxing journey through your mind, traveling with Venus your ruling planet. This New Moon is inspiring you to incubate and develop your most beautiful nurturing, loving and exquisite ideas like precious silver, and gold eggs that you are mentally sitting on until they hatch.

GEMINI: This evening at 6:57 PM EDT the New Moon begins her waxing journey through your fiscal, material sector, traveling with lovely Venus. Together, Luna and Venus inspire you to begin acting on your most beautiful, soulful and profitable ideas. It may be time to bring your ideas to market.

CANCER: This evening at 6:57 PM EDT, the New Moon begins her waxing journey through your sector of self, traveling with lovely Venus. This New Moon is nurturing your self-worth, your sense of beauty, and your most beautiful feelings and the needs that they point too. It’s time for a whole new level of self-love self-care, self acceptance, and cultivating your own luminous beauty along with your most beautiful ideas.

LEO: This evening at 6:57 PM EDT, the New Moon in soulful Cancer begins her waxing journey through your spiritual sector, traveling with lovely Venus. This lunar cycle inspires your you to cultivate your most beautiful, loving, spiritual practice, to allow yourself to open to the love that pours down on you from the Heavens and cocoons you in nurturing Grace . It’s also time to cocoon with your most inspired dreams, visions, and ideas. Develop them!

VIRGO: This evening at 6:57 PM EDT, the New Moon in soulful Cancer begins her waxing journey through your social sector, traveling with lovely Venus. This lunar cycle invites you to cultivate your most loving and beautiful friendships, collaborations, group efforts and communities. It’s time to graciously put your best foot forward, and nourish the connections that mean the most to you…and nurture you.

LIBRA: This evening at 6:57 PM EDT, the New Moon in soulful Cancer begins her waxing journey through your career sector, traveling with lovely Venus your ruling planet. It’s time to incubate your most beautiful and potentially profitable ideas that excite and delight you. Step into the lunar spotlight and let yourself shine.

SCORPIO: This evening at 6:57 PM EDT, the New Moon in soulful Cancer begins her waxing journey through your publishing sector, traveling with lovely Venus, to nurture your most beautiful ideas, beliefs, presentations, and all that you would publish and present to the world. It’s time to, get serious about developing ideas that you want to bring forth like a hen who sits on golden and silver eggs until they hatch into something exquisite.

SAGITTARIUS: This evening at 6:57 PM EDT, the New Moon in soulful Cancer begins her waxing journey through your deepest sector, traveling with Venus the planet of beauty and love. This New Moon holds the promise of seeding the depths of your soul with beauty, a deep sense of security, love, and a capacity to deepen with those you love and cultivate the security, most desire.

CAPRICORN: This evening at 6:57 PM EDT, the New Moon in soulful Cancer begins her waxing journey through your partnership sector,  traveling with lovely Venus. This New Moon inspires you to incubate, love, beauty and Grace within all of the relationships you are committed to, especially business or personal partnerships. It’s time to nurture the soul of your relationships.

AQUARIUS: This evening at 6:57 PM EDT, the New Moon in soulful Cancer begins her waxing journey through your work and health sector, traveling with Venus to nurture your most beautiful work habits, and work projects, as you also cultivate a new level of emotional security and mental peace based on new levels of self-care. It’s time to prioritize your needs.

PISCES: This evening at 6:57 PM EDT, the New Moon in soulful Cancer begins her waxing journey through your creative sector of inner or actual offspring. The New Moon is traveling with lovely Venus, inviting you to nurture your most beautiful and treasured creative projects, romantic pursuits, and recreational hobbies. It’s time to do what you love, and express the beauty and love in your heart as you follow your soulful bliss.