THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY JUNE 14TH: Today, the Sun in brilliant Gemini, joins up with Mercury, also in Gemini, to illuminate our most brilliant ideas and the path to both rational intelligence and emotional intelligence. It’s a beautiful day to take note of our most brilliant ideas.

Meanwhile, the Virgo Moon continues to keep the nurturing focus on our health, our skills, and all forms of housekeeping and organizing. This afternoon she partners with Neptune, to nurture our spiritual connection, that informs mental and physical health, and aligns us with our dreams by Divine Design. At 1:54 PM, Luna goes void till 2:12 PM EDT, when she glides into lovely balanced Libra, nurturing our sense of balance, and our need for beauty partnership, and reciprocity. Luna will harmonize with Jupiter tonight inviting us to think bigger about beautiful partnerships and expansive possibilities.

ARIES: Today at 12:33 PM EDT, the Sun and Mercury join up in Gemini in your sector of mind, to illuminate brilliant ideas and new paths of intelligence and understanding in your mind. Meanwhile, the Virgo Moon partners with Neptune to expand your consciousness on the spiritual plane while nurturing  your mental and physical health. Luna goes avoid at 1:54 PM till 2:12 PM when she glides into lovely Libra to nurture your most beloved relationships.

TAURUS: Today at 12:33 PM EDT the Sun and Mercury join up in Gemini in your fiscal sector, to nurture your most brilliant and profitable ideas. Act on them! Meanwhile the Virgo Moon will be inspiring you to act on brilliant, visionary ideas. At 1:54 PM EDT, she goes void till 2:12 PM, when she glides into lovely Libra to nurture your most gorgeous creative projects and your sense of balance on many levels.

GEMINI: Today at 12:33 PM EDT, the Sun and Mercury in Gemini join forces in your sector of self, to turn up the volume on your brilliance, creativity and capacity to shine in so many ways. Meanwhile, the Virgo Moon is keeping the focus on both your home life and your professional visions, till she goes void at 1:54 PM EDT. At 2:12 PM, she glides into lovely Libra in your creative sector to nurture your most exquisite projects, work relationships, and enterprises.

CANCER: The Sun and Mercury in Gemini, join forces in your spiritual sector today, to eliminate your highest consciousness and your most Heavenly thinking. It’s a stellar day for meditation, prayer, and opening to an influx of higher consciousness. Take note of any ideas that come to you today. Meanwhile, the Virgo Moon will be inspiring, some visionary thinking till she goes void at 1:54 PM till 2:12 PM EDT, when she heads into lovely Libra to nurture beauty in your home, and harmony in your family.

LEO: The Sun and Mercury in Gemini join forces in your social sector today, illuminating the path to beloved friendships that warm your heart and awaken your creativity. Meanwhile, the Virgo Moon keeps the focus on your material life, your financial life, and your vision for both. At 1:54 PM EDT she goes void, till 2:12 PM EDT when she glides into lovely Libra, and your sector of mind to nurture your mental balance and beautiful ideas.

VIRGO: The Sun and Mercury in Gemini join up in your career sector today, inspiring some brilliant brainstorming that could lead to professional success. Meanwhile, the Virgo Moon is nurturing you and your most visionary relationships. At 1:54 PM EDT, Luna goes void till 2:12 PM, when she glides into Libra in your fiscal/material sector, inviting you to attend to your material life, and surround yourself with beauty.

LIBRA: Today at 12:33 PM EDT, Mercury and the Sun join up in Gemini, in your philosophical sector, illuminating the path to brilliant creative ideas, projects and presentations. Act on them. Meanwhile, the Virgo Moon keeps the focus on your spiritual life, and your visionary skills. At 1:54 PM EDT Luna goes void till 2:12 PM EDT, when she heads into your sign Libra, to nurture your need for balance, fairness, and peace.

SCORPIO: Today at 12:33 PM EDT, Mercury and the Sun join forces is in your deepest sector, to illuminate your mental and emotional patterns that it is time to transmute. Your deepest desires are also in the spotlight today and how to intelligently pursue them. Meanwhile, the Virgo Moon keeps the focus on friendships and visionary collaborations, till 1:54 PM EDT, she goes void, till 2:12 PM, when she glides into Libra to nurture your spiritual peace.

SAGITTARIUS: Today at 12:33 PM EDT, Mercury and the Sun joined forces in Gemini in your partnership sector, illuminating brilliant ideas to be shared and explored with business and romantic partners. Meanwhile, the Virgo Moon keeps the focus on your career and the details that will support some visionary success. At 1:54 PM EDT, Luna goes void till 2:12 PM, when she glides into Libra to nurture your social life and your collaborations.

CAPRICORN: Today at 12:33 PM EDT, the Sun and Mercury join forces in Gemini in your work and health sector, illuminating brilliant ideas that lead to success, health, wealth and happiness. The Virgo Moon keeps the focus on developing your best ideas, projects and visionary presentations. At 1:54 PM EDT Luna goes void till 2:12 PM EDT, when she glides into Libra, and heads into your executive suite looking for success.

AQUARIUS: Today at 12:33 PM EDT, the Sun and Mercury join forces in Gemini, in your sector of romance, children, creativity and hobbies, inspiring some brilliant ideas to excite and delight you. Meanwhile, the Virgo Moon keeps the focus on your deepest feelings, needs, desires, and how best to fulfill them in a sacred way. At 1:54 PM EDT, Luna goes till 2:12 PM, when she glides into Libra to nurture your need for partnership, love, and success.

PISCES: Today at 12:33 PM EDT, the Sun and Mercury join forces in Gemini in your home sector, illuminating the path to domestic bliss. Meanwhile, the Virgo Moon keeps the focus on your partnership sector, where it’s time to pursue your dreams with business or romantic partners. At 1:54 PM EDT, the Virgo Moon goes void, till 2:12 PM, when she glides into Libra, to nurture your deepest peace and closest relationships.