THE DAILY PLANET~ FRIDAY JUNE 21ST: Blessings of the Full Moon in Capricorn to All! Today on the first full day of summer the full moon in Capricorn sheds her light on the sign of executive consciousness, discipline, structure, goals, and success. This summer is a time to set goals and work in a steadfast, disciplined manner to achieve them. The day begins with the Sagittarius Moon galloping through the day, inviting us to enjoy some wild adventure, which is also in order this summer. At 6:58 PM EDT Luna goes void till 7:08 PM when she glides into Capricorn where she will be Full at 9:08 PM EDT tonight. 

The Full Moon occurring in conjunction with the Summer Solstice makes this important summer for stepping into a whole new level of executive power, consciousness and success. The Full Moon is in the spiritual sector of the chart cast for Washington DC, the national chart, inviting us to define our visions and be the disciplined visionaries who can put a solid foundation beneath them, through steady work and consistent effort.

Saturn, the ruler of the Capricorn Full Moon is in the financial sector of the chart, with Neptune echoing the need for being fiscally responsible visionaries. Meanwhile, the Sun, Venus and Mercury in Cancer are partnering with the Capricorn Moon inviting us to work and nurture our visions steadily like a bird sitting on her eggs till they hatch later in the summer. For more information register for my Summer Solstice, Full Moon Tele seminar and you will receive the recording.