THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY JUNE 28TH: The Pisces Moon joins up with spiritual visionary Neptune, then goes void at 4:45 AM EDT. At 4:52 AM EDT, she strides into Aries to nurture our capacity to act effectively on our dreams, desires and strategies. It’s a beautiful day to act with an eye to victory. Aries is a sign that is happy to step up to the plate, and engage in the struggles of life, be they inner or outer struggles, with a strong desire to victoriously prevail. What would victory look like for you, today, or in the long run? Luna harmonizes with Jupiter in Gemini today, inspiring us to act on our biggest most adventurous plans. It’s a great day to expand your thinking and your adventurous approach to life.

ARIES: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Moon glides into daring Aries to nurture you, and your capacity to take the bull by the horns and live fully. Today, Luna will harmonize with Pluto and Jupiter inviting you to step outside your social comfort zone and your travel/adventure comfort zone. It’s time for big adventures that expand your thinking about your life, as you also enjoy some comfy R&R.

TAURUS: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Moon glides into courageous Aries and heads into your inner ashram to awaken your inner spiritual warrior. It’s a beautiful day for prayer, meditation, yoga, and daring to live your dreams. Actively advance the strategies that will bring you victory in your life. Delight in the help of friends, allies, and colleagues as you build your dreams.

GEMINI: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Moon glides into courageous, daring Aries, and strides into your social sector. It’s a stellar day for some powerful networking, collaborating, and expanding your thinking about what’s possible for you socially and within groups.

CANCER: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Moon glides into courageous Aries, and strides into your executive suite, to nurture your relationship to success. Today Luna is harmonizing with Pluto and Jupiter inviting you to think much bigger about collaborations, networking, and your social life, and how all these things can support your victorious vision for professional success.

LEO: This morning, the pre-dawn hours, the Moon glides into courageous, daring Aries, and heads into your publishing sector where it’s time to be brave and advance the projects that scare you, and delight and excite you, all at the same time. No guts no glory today. If you want something new you will have to do something new, and today the Aries Moon is here to help you with empowering transformational action that leads to success.

VIRGO: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Moon glides into Aries, and heads into the deep crystal caves of your soul, in search of treasure and to slay any dragons of fear that might be holding you back. It’s a beautiful day to join Luna. Explore, collaborations and advance possibilities, as you dare to dive for hidden gifts, talents, and treasure that it is time to retrieve and act upon.

LIBRA: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Moon glides into Aries and strides into your partnership sector, in search of mutual desire, collaboration, shared success, and happiness. It’s a gorgeous day to connect with beloved partners and enjoy the give and take that is the basis of the love or collaboration within partnership. It’s a beautiful day to explore new dynamics within relationship..

SCORPIO: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Moon glides into Aries, and strides into your work and health sector, with her sleeves rolled up and  ready for work. Join her! it’s a beautiful day to advance routines, projects, and efforts that lead to health, fitness and pristine organization, that inevitably leads to success. It’s a stellar day to prepare for success at home, at work, and with those you love. Think bigger and get ready.

SAGITTARIUS: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Moon glides into Aries, and strides into your creative, romantic sector, to nurture your capacity for love, romance, and creative bliss, and success. It’s a gorgeous day to be brave, and take creative risks. No creative guts, no creative glory! Today Luna is leading you to big success within partnerships. Explore them!

CAPRICORN: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Moon glides into Aries and strides into your home sector, to nurture your domestic bliss, and family plans that you are itching to move forward. It’s a gorgeous day to be brave, and boldly explore domestic or family plans that you have never attempted before. It’s time to think bigger about what’s possible for you. Be daring!

AQUARIUS: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Moon glides into Aries, and strides into your sector of mind, to nurture your capacity to organize your thinking, and develop strategies that lead to victory and success. It’s a beautiful day to get clear about your objectives and what would constitute victory. Then move into action, and move your plans forward with the people, and the actions required to succeed.

PISCES: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Moon glides into Aries, and strides into your fiscal sector, to nurture your capacity to succeed and thrive financially. It’s a beautiful day to organize your finances, crunch the numbers, and plan for fiscal success. It’s also a stellar day to spend money on what supports your ultimate victory.