THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY MAY 17TH: The Virgo Moon has rolled up her sleeves and is inviting us to do the same. She begins her day in a meeting with Saturn in Pisces, inviting us to review our most inspired dreams, visions, and the detailed practical action that we can take this very day, to move them forward. Luna then harmonizes with lovely Venus and evolutionary Uranus both in Taurus, inspiring us to heal our self-worth and take beautiful constructive action to manifest beautiful breakthroughs in our self worth, embodied beauty and prosperity.

ARIES: The Virgo Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your work, health and the daily habits that support success and well being. Today Luna begins her day in a meeting with Saturn, inviting you to crystallize and define your vision going forward, then devise an action plan for this day and beyond to make that vision a reality. It’s also a stellar day to take constructive, inventive actions that support your self worth and your income.

TAURUS: The Virgo Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your creative life, and your shared vision with your team, friends and colleagues. It’s a gorgeous day to also advance breakthroughs in your manifesting your dreams, your own self-worth, the way you embody your beauty and in your earning potential.

GEMINI: The Virgo Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your home life, and how it supports or thwarts your success. This morning Luna holds a meeting with Saturn, inspiring you to crystallize your vision for both home and career. Luna then harmonizes with Venus and Uranus, inviting you to take  constructive actions that support brilliant breakthroughs to make your dreams come true.

CANCER: The Virgo Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your mind, where your best ideas are blossoming. This morning Luna harmonizes with Saturn in Pisces, inspiring you to crystallize your most visionary ideas. Luna also harmonizes with Venus and Uranus in Taurus, inviting brilliant breakthroughs in your social life and within beautiful collaborations.

LEO: The Virgo Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your fiscal/material sector, inspiring another stellar day to get organized, solvent, and prosperous. Luna begins her day in a meeting with Saturn, inviting you to clarify your vision when it comes to mergers, and personal or shared finances. Luna spends the rest of the day inviting you to advance your most gorgeous, constructive, productive, professional ideas.

VIRGO: the Virgo Moon keeps the nurturing focus on you again today. She begins her day in a meeting with Saturn, inviting you to crystallize your most inspired vision for partnerships and relationships in your life, then act on it. She spends the rest of the day harmonizing with Venus and Uranus in earthy Taurus, inviting you to take constructive action to advance beautiful, brilliant, visionary breakthrough ideas.

LIBRA: The Virgo Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your spiritual life, and your capacity to manifest your dreams with practical action. Luna partners with Saturn in Pisces today, inviting you to crystallize your vision, especially your vision for work, then take practical steps to achieve it. Luna also harmonizes with Venus and Uranus in Taurus inviting you to advance mergers that could lead to breakthroughs.

SCORPIO: The Virgo Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your social life, friendships, and collaborations that could lead to mutual happiness and success. Luna starts her day in a meeting with Saturn, inviting you to crystallize your creative vision, then take action to move it forward. It’s a stellar day for beautiful breakthroughs with partners.

SAGITTARIUS: The Virgo Moon keeps the focus on your career and the detailed executive analysis, clarity and action that will lead to big success. Luna harmonizes partners with Saturn this morning, inviting you to crystallize the domestic vision that you are working for. She spends the rest of the day harmonizing with Venus and Uranus in earthy Taurus, in your work sector, inspiring a stellar day for big beautiful profitable breakthroughs.

CAPRICORN: The Virgo Moon keeps the focus on your publishing sector, and the visionary ideas that it’s a stellar day to advance with practical action. Luna also harmonizes with Venus and Uranus, inviting you to take beautiful constructive action to achieve constructive, beautiful breakthrough in your creative life and your romantic life.

AQUARIUS: The Virgo Moon keeps the focus on your deepest feelings, needs, and the mergers that support them again today, inviting you to crystallize the vision that will support your deepest happiness going forward. The rest of the day looks stellar for beautiful breakthroughs at home, with family, where love is in full bloom.

PISCES: The Virgo Moon keeps the focus on your partnership sector, inviting you to crystallize your vision and the part that partnership plays within it. Luna spends the day harmonizing with Venus and Uranus, inviting you to advance your most beautiful breakthrough ideas that could be profitable, pleasurable and constructive.