THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY AUGUST 22ND: Blessings of the Full Moon in Aquarius to All! This morning at 8:02 AM EDT, the Full Moon illuminates Aquarius for the second time this summer, a phenomenon referred to as an astrological Blue Moon. The last Full Moon in Aquarius, back in July was in the early degrees of the sign, while this one comes at the tail end of the sign, indicating that all things Aquarius (and Leo) are ripening and coming to emotional fullness and actual fruition.

Aquarius, the sign of liberty, equality and fraternity, is the sign associated with humanity, freedom and systems of government that are founded on the consent of the governed, and protect the rights of the governed. Aquarius also rules our friendships, social lives and collaborations, all of which are in the lunar spotlight today.

In today’s Full Moon chart cast for Washington DC, the national chart, the Full Moon is traveling with massive Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius, amplifying the emotional themes of freedom or the lack thereof. The Full Moon is in the sector of health, work and attention to detail, bringing to light both where our social lives need healing, along with where the mechanics of our civil rights and how to enforce them require review. It’s a perfect Full Moon to reflect on authentic community, soulful collaborations, group efforts and our unalienable human rights.

The Aquarius Full Moon is being illuminated by the Leo Sun, shining in the spiritual sector of the chart. Illuminating our sacred dreams, inspired creative visions and our hearts true calling. The Sun in the 12th house may also indicate that all is not as it seems or as it is being presented, and discernment is required to tell truth from falsehood this full moon. 

The greatest lies to unravel and be free of, as the Moon illuminates the sign of Higher Truth and freedom are usually but not always, the ones we tell ourselves, or have swallowed over time till they become second nature. We will have a great deal of planetary assistance in discerning truth from falsehood with Mars and Mercury both in Virgo, conjunct the Virgo Ascendant of this Full Moon chart. Mercury and Mars are opposed by Neptune in Pisces in the partnership sector of the chart echoing the theme of the Sun in the spiritual sector, inspiring us to act on the logistics of shared dreams with open eyes that Seek Divine Guidance, rather than falling into patterns of self deception within relationships.

Venus in Libra in the identity sector of the chart, is calling us to embody the beauty and fairness we desire in partnerships, while Chiron the healer in Aries, calls us to actively face and heal our attachment patterns. Meanwhile Pluto retrograde in Capricorn calls us to review childhood patterns that no longer serve us, while calling us back to works of art we are committed to. 

Saturn in the same sector in Aquarius, also retrograde, calls us back to our authentic self and the freedom of expression that requires commitment to our personal and collective liberty. Uranus the planet of freedom is in the philosophical sector, helping us break the chains of false beliefs that bind us, while the North Node in Gemini indicates that clear rational thinking is our best friend as we struggle for the freedom to be who we were always meant to be.

It’s an especially good Full Moon for meditation, to elevate our consciousness and join Luna in the higher frequencies of Aquarius, where falsehoods cannot survive. With five retrograde planets we may also encounter revelations, delays and set backs that postpone or delay developing plans. Trust the process as plans dreams and greater liberation unfolds by the Light of the Aquarius Full Moon.

Later today at  5:35 PM EDT, the Sun leaves radiant Leo for the year and heads into gorgeous pristine Virgo, putting the solar spotlight on our healing journey and the details of life that support our health, success and inspired dreams.

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Today at 8:02 AM EDT the Full Moon traveling with massive Jupiter retrograde sheds her nurturing Light on liberating Aquarius, illuminating your social sector and big issues that are coming to light there. Saturn is also traveling retrograde in Aquarius, but in the earlier degrees of the sign indicting that the structure of group efforts, social plans and goals may need adjustment. The Full Moon is illuminated by the Leo Sun in your sector of romance, spotlighting affairs of the heart.

Today at 8:02 AM EDT the Full Moon traveling with massive Jupiter retrograde sheds her nurturing Light on liberating Aquarius, illuminating your career sector and big issues that are coming to light there. Saturn is also traveling retrograde in Aquarius, but in the earlier degrees of the sign indicting that the structure of professional plans and goals may need adjustment. The Full Moon is illuminated by the Leo Sun in your home sector, nurturing your most heartfelt desires for your home and family and how they inform your professional and public life.

Today at 8:02 AM EDT the Full Moon traveling with massive Jupiter retrograde sheds her nurturing Light on liberating Aquarius, illuminating your philosophical sector and big issues that are coming to light there. Saturn is also traveling retrograde in Aquarius, but in the earlier degrees of the sign indicting that the structure of plans and goals may need adjustment. The Full Moon is illuminated by the Leo Sun in your sector, Uranus the modern ruler of Aquarius is in Taurus in your

Today at 8:02 AM EDT the Full Moon traveling with massive Jupiter retrograde sheds her nurturing Light on liberating Aquarius, illuminating your sector of intimacy, depths and mergers, and big issues that are coming to light there. Saturn is also traveling retrograde in Aquarius, but in the earlier degrees of the sign indicating that the structure of mergers, goals and your emotional patterns are under review. The Full Moon is illuminated by the Leo Sun in your fiscal sector, who shines his light on your growing self esteem and finances this very day.

Today at 8:02 AM EDT the Full Moon traveling with massive Jupiter retrograde sheds her nurturing Light on liberating Aquarius, illuminating your partnership sector and big issues that are coming to light there. Saturn is also traveling retrograde in Aquarius, but in the earlier degrees of the sign indicting that the structure of plans and goals within committed relationships may need adjustment. The Full Moon is illuminated by the Leo Sun in your sector of self, who sheds his light on you reminding you of just how much brilliance and heart you bring to any relationship.

Today at 8:02 AM EDT the Full Moon traveling with massive Jupiter retrograde sheds her nurturing Light on liberating Aquarius, illuminating your sector of work and health and big ideas that are coming to light there. Saturn is also traveling retrograde in Aquarius, but in the earlier degrees of the sign indicting that the structure of work plans and health or fitness goals may need adjustment. The Full Moon is illuminated by the Leo Sun in your spiritual sector who is shedding light on the golden dreams that it is time to advance, one logistical action at a time.

Today at 8:02 AM EDT the Full Moon traveling with massive Jupiter retrograde sheds her nurturing Light on liberating Aquarius, illuminating your sector of children, art and romance, and big ideas and feelings that are coming to light there. Saturn is also traveling retrograde in Aquarius, but in the earlier degrees of the sign indicting that the structure of child rearing plans and  creative goals may need adjustment. The Full Moon is illuminated by the Leo Sun in your social sector, illuminating the friendships and collaborations that warm your heart and nurture your soul.

Today at 8:02 AM EDT the Full Moon traveling with massive Jupiter retrograde sheds her nurturing Light on liberating Aquarius, illuminating your home and family sector and big ideas, feelings and issues that are coming to light there. Saturn is also traveling retrograde in Aquarius, but in the earlier degrees of the sign indicting that the structure of family plans and domestic goals may need adjustment. The Full Moon is illuminated by the Leo Sun in your career sector, illuminating your creative gold and how it is your ticket to success.

Today at 8:02 AM EDT the Full Moon traveling with massive Jupiter retrograde sheds her nurturing Light on liberating Aquarius, illuminating your sector of mind and big, ideas, feelings and a new liberation that is coming to light there. Saturn is also traveling retrograde in Aquarius, but in the earlier degrees of the sign indicting that the structure of plans, ideas and goals may need adjustment. The Full Moon is illuminated by the Leo Sun in your philosophical sector, illuminating the creative brilliance you feel increasingly free to share with the world.

Today at 8:02 AM EDT the Full Moon traveling with massive Jupiter retrograde sheds her nurturing Light on liberating Aquarius, illuminating your fiscal sector and big marketable ideas, and other material issues that are coming to light there. Saturn is also traveling retrograde in Aquarius, but in the earlier degrees of the sign indicting that the structure of financial plans and goals may need further adjustment. The Full Moon is illuminated by the Leo Sun in your sector of emotional depths and mergers, shedding light on your golden brilliance that it is time to mine and market.

Today at 8:02 AM EDT the Full Moon traveling with massive Jupiter retrograde sheds her nurturing Light on liberating Aquarius, illuminating your sector of self, and big ideas, revealed truths and a new sense of freedom of expression that are coming to light there. Saturn is also traveling retrograde in Aquarius, but in the earlier degrees of the sign indicting that the structure of plans and goals may require further attention and some revision. The Full Moon is illuminated by the Leo Sun in your partnership sector, nurturing your desire for authentic connection as you recharge and restore by the light of the Aquarius Moon.

Today at 8:02 AM EDT the Full Moon traveling with massive Jupiter retrograde sheds her nurturing Light on liberating Aquarius, illuminating your spiritual sector and big dreams, visions and ideas that are coming to light there. Saturn is also traveling retrograde in Aquarius, but in the earlier degrees of the sign indicting that the structure of plans, dreams and goals may need structural adjustment. The Full Moon is illuminated by the Leo Sun in your sector of work, health and attention to detail who is shedding light in the tiny incremental actions the pave the way to your shifting dreams.