THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY JUNE 15TH: The day begins with the waxing Moon continuing her journey through radiant Leo, keeping the nurturing focus on our creative desires and our capacity to feel and express the contents of our hearts. The morning and early afternoon look great for decisive courageous action to advance or revise creative or romantic plans. At 1:27 PM EDT the Leo Moon goes void, inspiring a great afternoon for reflection and for organizing creative efforts and preparing for success. At 11:02 PM EDT Luna glides into Virgo to bless us with healing Light even as we sleep.
ARIES: The day begins with the Leo Moon continuing her journey through your creative, recreational sector inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for decisive action regarding your art and your heart. At 1:27 PM EDT the Leo Moon goes void till late tonight, inspiring an afternoon of reflection and organizing creative projects as you reflects on your hearts true needs. Late tonight at 11:02 PM EDT the Moon waxes into Virgo to nurture your body, mind and spirit.
TAURUS: The day begins with the Leo Moon continuing her journey through your home sector inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for decisive action regarding home and family matters. At 1:27 PM EDT the Leo Moon goes void till late tonight, inspiring an afternoon of reflection, housekeeping and organizing for success. Late tonight at 11:02 PM EDT the Moon waxes into Virgo to nurture your inner artist and inner child.
GEMINI: The day begins with the Leo Moon continuing her journey through your sector of mind, inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for decisive action to advance your best ideas and creative or romantic desires. At 1:27 PM EDT the Leo Moon goes void till late tonight, inspiring an afternoon of reflection and organizing your thought, feelings and creative projects. Late tonight at 11:02 PM EDT the Moon waxes into Virgo to nurture your roots with healing energy.
CANCER: The day begins with the Leo Moon continuing her journey through your fiscal sector inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for decisive action regarding your material life. At 1:27 PM EDT the Leo Moon goes void till late tonight, inspiring an afternoon of fiscal reflection and organizing your material life. Late tonight at 11:02 PM EDT the Moon waxes into Virgo to nurture your mind with peace and order.
LEO: The day begins with the Leo Moon continuing her journey through your sector of self, inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for decisive action regarding your true feelings, needs and desires. At 1:27 PM EDT the Leo Moon goes void till late tonight, inspiring an afternoon of reflection, self care and organizing or prioritizing your feelings, needs and true desires. Late tonight at 11:02 PM EDT the Moon waxes into Virgo to nurture your nervous system with healing light.
VIRGO: The day begins with the Leo Moon continuing her journey through your spiritual sector, inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for decisive action regarding your cherished dreams and creative visions. At 1:27 PM EDT the Leo Moon goes void till late tonight, inspiring an afternoon of meditation, spiritual reflection and organizing your dreams and the actions required to achieve them. Late tonight at 11:02 PM EDT the Moon waxes into Virgo to nurture you on all levels even as you sleep.
LIBRA: The day begins with the Leo Moon continuing her journey through your social sector inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for decisive action regarding social plans and creative collaborations. At 1:27 PM EDT the Leo Moon goes void till late tonight, inspiring an afternoon of reflection and organizing regarding social plans and group or networking efforts. Late tonight at 11:02 PM EDT the Moon waxes into Virgo to nurture your connection to the Loving Source of your being.
SCORPIO: The day begins with the Leo Moon continuing her journey through your career sector inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for decisive action regarding executive or professional matters. At 1:27 PM EDT the Leo Moon goes void till late tonight, inspiring an afternoon of reflection regarding your relationship to success and organizing to achieve it. Late tonight at 11:02 PM EDT the Moon waxes into Virgo to nurture your capacity for creating beloved community.
SAGITTARIUS: The day begins with the Leo Moon continuing her journey through your publishing sector inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for decisive action regarding your best ideas, empowering beliefs and inspired publishing projects. At 1:27 PM EDT the Leo Moon goes void till late tonight, inspiring an afternoon of reflection and organizing your golden ideas. Late tonight at 11:02 PM EDT the Moon waxes into Virgo to nurture your relationship to success, even as you sleep.
CAPRICORN: The day begins with the Leo Moon continuing her journey through your sector of depths and mergers, inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for decisive action regarding creative collaborations and joint finances. At 1:27 PM EDT the Leo Moon goes void till late tonight, inspiring an afternoon of reflection and organizing deepest desires and the projects that express them. Late tonight at 11:02 PM EDT the Moon waxes into Virgo to nurture your higher mind with inspiration.
AQUARIUS: The day begins with the Leo Moon continuing her journey through your partnership sector inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for decisive action regarding the relationships and collaborations you are committed to. At 1:27 PM EDT the Leo Moon goes void till late tonight, inspiring an afternoon of reflection regarding your feelings and needs within relationships, as you take stock of shared dreams, efforts and collaborations that require some organizing. Late tonight at 11:02 PM EDT the Moon waxes into Virgo to nurture the nooks and crannies of your soul.
PISCES: The day begins with the Leo Moon continuing her journey through your sector of work and health inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for decisive action regarding the practical details at work and in life that support larger success. At 1:27 PM EDT the Leo Moon goes void till late tonight, inspiring an afternoon of reflection, housekeeping and organizing as you prepare for success. Late tonight at 11:02 PM EDT the Moon waxes into Virgo to nurture your capacity for healthy and happy relationships.