THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY MARCH 15TH: The Aries Moon continues her energizing march through Aries as she waxes, inspiring another awesome day for advancing fertile plans and pushing through fears that block us. The Aries Moon inspires us to feel the fear and do it anyway. Be like her. Connect with your sacred inner warrior and dare to face your fear. You may lose or your may win, but you will never be here again, in this moment. Take the opportunity to at least confront the fear. You can then advance or get support in order to advance.
Further spiritual planetary support will become available this evening when Mercury, the messenger planet leaves Aquarius and wades into the compassionate waters of Pisces, joining the Sun, Neptune and Venus. Mercury reminds us to maintain compassion towards ourselves as we face fears, blocks or anything else we may be judging ourselves for. Mercury in Pisces also reminds our inner warrior that some fights can only be won, when we surrender and allow Divine Grace to fight through us. It’s a gorgeous time to enlist the aid of Divine Source in all battles great or small.
Mercury will also be awakening our imagination, and inspiring our most compassionate and visionary thinking for weeks to come. It’s a beautiful time to dream up beautiful realities. Commit to using your imagination for the next few weeks to envision what you want to create. See your dreams made manifest in your mind’s eye. Start with small visions, then move on to bigger ones. Each day imagine one small vision you can realistically manifest in the course of the day, thus building the muscle of creative imagination followed up with practical action to manifest your dream.
Mercury will be gliding through the visionary waters of Pisces till April 3rd, when he heads into strategic Aries. Till then open your minds to waves of compassion and inspired vision. It’s a gorgeous time to practice forgiveness, first toward the self then outward toward others. See just how many times a day you can shift from self blame or self judgment to self forgiveness. Bless yourself many times a day with the Holy Water of compassion. Enjoy the resulting peace and self acceptance.
The Aries Moon goes void at 11:40 PM EST.
ARIES: The Aries Moon is waxing through your sector, of self nurturing your capacity to act on your authentic needs and desires as she goes. This evening at 6:26 PM EST, Mercury leaves Aquarius and your social sector and joins the Sun, visionary Neptune and lovely Venus in your spiritual sector of dreams and visions. Mercury will be inspiring your most brilliant, visionary thinking for weeks to come. Open to your vision by Divine Design. Act on the vision that is revealed you.
TAURUS: The Aries Moon is waxing through your spiritual sector, nurturing your enlightenment and capacity for inspired right action as she goes. This evening at 6:26 PM EST, Mercury leaves Aquarius and your career sector and joins the Sun, visionary Neptune and lovely Venus in your social sector. Mercury will be inspiring your most visionary thinking, especially regarding group efforts for weeks to come. Reflect on what you most desire to dream up with friends, allies and community.
GEMINI: The Aries Moon is waxing through your social sector, nurturing your friendships and capacity to create a nurturing social life as she goes. This evening at 6:26 PM EST, Mercury leaves Aquarius and your philosophical sector and joins the Sun, visionary Neptune and lovely Venus in your career sector. Mercury will be inspiring your most visionary thinking regarding your career and your goals for long term happiness for weeks to come. It’s time to dream up your blissful success.
CANCER: The Aries Moon is waxing through your career sector, nurturing your capacity to act on your professional goals and achieve long term fulfillment and success as she goes. This evening at 6:26 PM EST, Mercury leaves Aquarius and your sector of depths and mergers, and joins the Sun, visionary Neptune and lovely Venus in your publishing sector of higher learning and beliefs. Mercury will be inspiring your gorgeous vision and the capacity to manifest and present it for weeks to come. It’s time to act on the logistics of your vision.
LEO: The Aries Moon is waxing through your publishing sector, nurturing your capacity to act on your most brilliant ideas or presentations as she goes. This evening at 6:26 PM EST, Mercury leaves Aquarius and your partnership sector, and joins the Sun, visionary Neptune and lovely Venus in your sector of emotional depths and mergers. Mercury will be inspiring deep healing of your soul with waves of compassion and self forgiveness for weeks to come. It is also a beautiful time to deep dive into the waters of your soul, in search of the buried treasure of lost desires and talents.
VIRGO: The Aries Moon is waxing through your sector of emotional depths and mergers, nurturing your capacity for mutually empowering profitable relationships as she goes. This evening at 6:26 PM EST, Mercury leaves Aquarius and your work/health sector and joins the Sun, visionary Neptune and lovely Venus in your partnership sector. Mercury will be inspiring your most compassionate communication, and visionary thinking within partnerships for weeks to come.
LIBRA: The Aries Moon is waxing through your partnership sector, nurturing your capacity to advance shared goals and desires as she goes. This evening at 6:26 PM EST, Mercury leaves Aquarius and your creativity sector, and joins the Sun, visionary Neptune and lovely Venus in your sector of daily work and health. Mercury will be inspiring visionary projects at work, while nurturing your dream of a daily life that truly nurtures your soul for weeks to come
SCORPIO: The Aries Moon is waxing through your sector of work and health, nurturing your capacity to clean, clear and organize your life on many levels as she goes. This evening at 6:26 PM EST, Mercury leaves Aquarius and your home sector, and joins the Sun, visionary Neptune and lovely Venus in your sector of art, romance and children. Mercury will be inspiring your most gorgeous creative output for weeks to come. It’s time to begin manifesting your creative vision.
SAGITTARIUS: The Aries Moon is waxing through your sector of art, romance and offspring, nurturing your capacity to fearlessly express yourself as she goes. This evening at 6:26 PM EST, Mercury leaves Aquarius and your sector of mind, and joins the Sun, visionary Neptune and lovely Venus in your sector of home, roots and family. Mercury will be inspiring you to act on your domestic vision for weeks to come. It’s time to begin manifesting your domestic bliss.
CAPRICORN: The Aries Moon is waxing through your home sector, nurturing your capacity to set your house in order on all levels as she goes. This evening at 6:26 PM EST, Mercury leaves Aquarius, and your fiscal sector and joins the Sun, visionary Neptune and lovely Venus in your sector of mind. Mercury will be inspiring your most gorgeous visionary thinking for weeks to come. It’s time to get clear on the logistics of your dream and begin to act on them.
AQUARIUS: The Aries Moon is waxing through your sector of mind, nurturing your capacity to act on your best ideas and assert yourself as she goes. This evening at 6:26 PM EST, Mercury leaves Aquarius and your sector of self, and joins the Sun, visionary Neptune and lovely Venus in your fiscal/material sector. Mercury will be inspiring you to act on the dreams that are yours to manifest for weeks to come. Reflect on the financing required to achieve the profitable vision that is cresting in your mind.
PISCES: The Aries Moon is waxing through your fiscal sector, nurturing your capacity to manifest prosperity as she goes. This evening at 6:26 PM EST, Mercury leaves Aquarius and your spiritual sector, and joins the Sun, visionary Neptune and lovely Venus in your sector of self. Mercury will be inspiring your most compassionate thinking toward yourself for weeks to come. He will also be awakening the dreams that are cascading through your mind like coming attractions at the movies. Pay attention to the visions that are coming soon to be manifested by you!