THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY NOVEMBER 22ND: The waning Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer, her home sign, nurturing our inner comfort levels, as she inspires our own capacity for self care. It’s a beautiful day to release fear, worry, self criticism or anything that interferes with our sense of inner comfort and well being. It’s also a great day to explore new approaches to nesting. Keep inviting yourself home today. Wherever you are, allow yourself to be there comfortably. It’s a stellar day to see just how often you can be loving and reassuring to yourself as you glide through the day cocooned in Luna’s healing and protective maternal Light.

ARIES: The waning Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer and your home sector, nurturing your roots and your domestic needs as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring wonderful leaps in your capacity to feather your nest. Take new actions to prosper and perhaps spend a little money on home improvements and family.

The waning Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer and your sector of mind, nurturing your mental and emotional well being as she goes. Today she harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring wonderful leaps in your personal development that allow you to step into your authentic self and shine. Nurture that emerging self today.

The waning Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer and your fiscal sector today, nurturing your capacity to take care of yourself financially as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring you to take a lovely leap of faith toward your beloved dreams. Follow up with practical visionary action.

The waning Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer and your sector of self, nurturing you with maternal, protective light as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring you to explore new approaches to friendship and networking that make your soul feel contentment and delight.

The waning Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer and your spiritual sector, nurturing your sustaining connection to Source, as she goes. Today she harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring you to take a leap toward your beloved vision as you take charge of administrative matters, Be the soulful CEO of your life and your dreams today.

The waning Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer and your social sector, nurturing your capacity to knit a community and social life that sustains you on many levels, as she goes. Today she harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring action way out of the box that advances shared ideas, beliefs or beautiful presentations that its time to transform or advance.

The waning Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer and your career sector today, nurturing your capacity for professional or public success as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring you to think outside the box, as you explore your approach to mergers and profitable collaborations.

The waning Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer and your philosophical sector, nurturing your emotional intelligence and wisdom as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring breakthroughs within your approach to business and personal partnerships. Think and act outside the box. Get comfortable outside your comfort zone.

The waning Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer and your sector of emotional depths and mergers, nurturing your deepening relationships with those you feel safe with as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring new breakthroughs within existing relationships and merging you are considering.

The waning Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer and your partnership sector, nurturing your cavity to commit to nurturing, secure relationships as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring beautiful breakthroughs within creative collaborations and romantic relationships. Follow your heart through the day.

The waning Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer and your sector of work and health, nurturing your mental, physical and emotional well being as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring breakthroughs within your family that lead to more soulful connections and a greater sense of soulful well being and family harmony.

The waning Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer and your sector of art, romance and recreation, nurturing your need for love, self expression and joyful downtime as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring you to explore breakthroughs in your capacity to build, manifest or monetize your best and most constructive ideas.