THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY DECEMBER 20TH: The Moon in soulful Cancer begins her day facing off with Mercury in Capricorn, inspiring us to nurture the ideas and goals that we are committed to. Luna spends the rest of the day inspiring us to nurture the commitments, group efforts and dreams that call to us and delight our souls. It’s a perfect day to cultivate emotional comfort as we choose just what we most desire to nurture in our lives and in our souls.

Meanwhile the Sun prepares to leave buoyant generous Sagittarius for the year, on this last day of autumn. Review ideas, beliefs and philosophies that you are releasing and review those aligned with Truth that you are committed to on the eve of the winter solstice.

The Moon continues her journey through soulful Cancer in your home sector, where this morning she faces off with Mercury in Capricorn inspiring a day of nurturing both domestic and professional goals as you make time for self care. Luna spends the rest of the day nurturing your dreams and social connections. Enjoy pursuing your dreams.

The Moon continues her journey through soulful Cancer in your sector of mind, where this morning she faces off with Mercury in Capricorn to nurture your most fertile thinking and ideas you are committed to. Luna spends the rest of the day nurturing your professional connections and your vision for a visionary community on your wave length. Join her, acton your vision.

The Moon continues her journey through soulful Cancer in your fiscal sector, where this morning she faces off with Mercury in Capricorn to nurture your self worth and your capacity to manifest ideas, collaborations and mergers you are committed to. Luna spends the rest of the day nurturing your best ideas and your beloved dreams. Join her. Dream up your bliss.

The Moon continues her journey through soulful Cancer in your sector of self, where this morning she faces off with Mercury in Capricorn to nurture your authentic self and the relationships you are committed to that celebrate who you really are. Luna spends the rest of the day nurturing your most beloved projects and your inner liberation. Enlist your angels to elevate and inspire you.

The Moon continues her journey through soulful Cancer in your spiritual sector, where this morning she faces off with Mercury in Capricorn to nurture the self discipline that will lead to greater enlightenment and the manifestation of your dreams. Luna spends the rest of the day nurturing your deepest visions for relationships and fulfillment that are calling to you. Answer the call.

The Moon continues her journey through soulful Cancer in your social sector, where this morning she faces off with Mercury in Capricorn to nurture your social life, friendships and the collaborations you are committed to.  Luna spends the rest of the day nurturing the partnerships that align with your vision and your spiritual path. Join her. Advance shared dreams.

The Moon continues her journey through soulful Cancer in your career sector, where this morning she faces off with Mercury in Capricorn inspiring you to nurture the professional and family duties that you are committed to. Luna spends the rest of the day nurturing your dreams for a daily life that really inspires you.

The Moon continues her journey through soulful Cancer in your philosophical sector, where this morning she faces off with Mercury in Capricorn inspiring you to advance the ideas, executive plans, and publishing projects you are committed to. Luna spends the rest of the day inspiring your creative vision and your domestic dreams. Act on both.

The Moon continues her journey through soulful Cancer in your sector of emotional depths and mergers, where this morning she faces off with Mercury in Capricorn inspiring you to advance mergers and financial plans that you are committed to. Luna spends the rest of the day nurturing your vision for your home life as she assists with your evolving powers of invention.

The Moon continues her journey through soulful Cancer in your partnership sector, where this morning she faces off with Mercury in Capricorn to nurture your commitment to authentic communication within partnerships. Luna spends the rest of the day to nurture your most inspired dreams and the most inventive way to manifest them.

The Moon continues her journey through soulful Cancer in your work and health sector, where this morning she faces off with Mercury in Capricorn to nurture the vision you are committed to and the practical means of manifesting it. Luna spends the rest of the day inspiring you to take practical action to attend to the details that support your success and well being.

PISCES: The Moon continues her journey through soulful Cancer in your creative sector where this morning she faces off with Mercury in Capricorn, inspiring you to nurture the creative collaborations friendships and fun activities that you are committed to. Luna spends the rest of the day awakening your need to fulfill the dreams, that it is a perfect day to act on.