THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY AUGUST 12TH: The Moon continues her waxing journey through transformational Scorpio. She begins her day harmonizing with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting us to release all that stands in the way of the visions that we are committed to. Clear the way of what is not aligned with your dreams today, and let your actions support your overriding vision.
Later today the Scorpio Moon squares off with the Leo Sun, inspiring us to deep dive to release what stands in the way of our capacity to rise and shine with mighty love, brilliant talent, and ferocious courage. Dare to share your beauty and power with the world today. Guaranteed, both are needed.

ARIES: The Moon continues to wax through Scorpio in your deepest sector, where today she harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to review your dreams for soundness and the executive aspects of your emerging vision. Later today, Luna will square off with the Leo Sun inviting you to reflect on the love in your heart, and all that stands in the way of your various heart centered commitments.

TAURUS: The Scorpio moon continues to wax through your partnership sector nurturing your capacity for deep sharing and vulnerability with those you love and trust. Today she harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to reflect on your vision for group efforts, collaborations and a beautiful spiritual social life. Luna will also square off with the Leo Sun today, inviting you to reflect on a loving home life and how partnerships, align with that.

GEMINI: the Scorpio moon continues her glide through your work and health sector, giving you another stellar day for transformational housekeeping on all levels, that clears the way for beloved professional dreams and visions. Luna will also square off with the Leo Sun today, inviting you to reflect on your most beautiful creative, romantic, and heart centered ideas and what needs to be transformed within you to achieve them.

CANCER: The Scorpio Moon continues her glide through your creative sector, inviting you to clear the way for love, romance, recreation, and sheer joy of living. Luna harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in Pisces today, inspiring you to reconnect with beloved dreams, visions that could be profitable, and to spend some money on what really floats your boat.

LEO: The Scorpio Moon continues her glide through your home sector, inspiring another fantastic day for cleaning, clearing, decluttering and making your home sparkle and shine, in alignment with your most beloved domestic vision. Luna will also square off with the Leo Sun today, inviting you to release ancestral patterns that stand in the way of your brilliance, talent and your capacity to shine at home and in the world, like the regal Sun your ruling planet.

VIRGO: The Scorpio Moon continues her glide through your sector of mind, nurturing your capacity to transform patterns of thought and feeling in a beautiful empowering way. Today keep your mind on your dreams and the visions that call to you and won’t let go. It’s also a stellar day to connect with beloved partners and share your dreams with them.

LIBRA: The Scorpio Moon continues her waxing glide through your fiscal/ material sector of values, inviting you to clear the way for deeper self worth, new prosperity and profitable projects that you love! It’s also a gorgeous day to spend money on what empowers and delights you. Luna will be squaring off with the Leo Sun today inviting you to make time for beloved friends, and spend some money on your social life and brilliant collaborations.

SCORPIO: the Scorpio Moon is surrounding you and cocooning you with her empowering love and light today, nurturing your capacity to cast off and ruthlessly release what no longer serves the evolutionary upgrade that you’re in the midst of. It’s a stellar day to reconnect with beloved creative dreams, and golden professional goals. Dare to rise and shine.

SAGITTARIUS: The Scorpio Moon is is nurturing your conscious connection to the Loving Source of your being again today, inviting you to consult with your angels your ancestors, and the still small voice within, as you recall your vision, and work diligently toward creating and manifesting it. It’s another stellar day to spend with your family, and to make time for creativity, which could fuel your domestic vision.

CAPRICORN: The Scorpio Moon is nurturing your social life again today, inviting you to connect with empowering friends, and brilliant visionary projects. Luna will square off with the Leo Sun today, inviting you to reconnect with your creative passion and your capacity to brilliantly collaborate with your fellow geniuses.

AQUARIUS: The Scorpio Moon is nurturing your public life again today, and your capacity to rise, shine and be seen out in the world. It’s a gorgeous day to spend some money on long-term goals, professional success and community efforts. Luna will also be squaring off with the Leo Sun today, inviting you to step out into the world with friends, partners, allies and those you love, it’s a gorgeous day to be seen and heard.

PISCES: The Scorpio Moon is gliding through your higher mind again today, inviting you to change your mind, change your emotional patterns, and advance the brilliant ideas that are calling and won’t let go. Keep the beam of your attention where you want it today! It’s a stellar day for your most visionary thinking and your creative brilliance.