THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY AUGUST 19TH: Happy Full Moon in Aquarius to All! Today at 2:26 PM EDT, Luna achieves fullness in social, liberating Aquarius. She then goes promptly void from 2:26 PM till 6:52 PM EDT when she heads into Pisces. 

It’s a beautiful morning and early afternoon to enjoy activities that align with this Full Moon. The Aquarius Full Moon is always illuminating the path to friendship, as well as the path to liberty, equality, fraternity, sorority and sheer genius. In the Full Moon chart cast for Washington DC, the national chart, the Full Moon is at the very late 27th degree of Aquarius, and found in the sector of mind in the chart, inviting us to nurture brilliant, innovative, collaborative ideas that will require group effort in order to achieve. The Aquarius Moon is partnering with the Leo Sun and Mercury in Leo, inviting us to release false beliefs developed in childhood and emotional patterns that no longer serve us. Liberation begins in the mind this Full Moon. As we free our minds our bodies, circumstances and bank accounts will follow!
Liberating Uranus is squaring off with the Aquarius Full Moon and the Leo Sun and Mercury retrograde, from the work and health sector of the chart,  inviting us to work to be free of, false beliefs, and ideas that we may have somatized. It’s also a great Full Moon to advance brilliant, innovative projects, or projects that involve healing that could be profitable. Partnerships look big this Full Moon with Jupiter and Mars joined up in Gemini in the partnership sector of the chart. It’s time to advance our biggest and most beautiful visionary ideas with the partners that align with our vision. Saturn, the ruler of Aquarius is the home sector in Pisces, as is Neptune in Pisces, and the north node in Aries, inviting us to review our domestic visions, and get our homes in order on all levels. It is time to begin drawing up the blueprints of our home lives and our dreams. The Full Moon chart cast for DC is Sagittarius rising inviting us onto the path of adventure, wisdom and generosity, as we explore big brilliant ideas, think outside the box, reclaim our genius and our power to rise and shine!

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ARIES: Today at 2:26 PM EDT, the Full Moon in Aquarius sheds her light on your social sector, illuminating the path to friendship, community, and groups with whom you feel aligned. The Aquarius Moon is partnering with the Leo Sun who is traveling with Mercury retrograde in Leo, inviting you to rethink review, and reflect on creative, romantic, and heart centered plans. The Full Moon is squaring off with Uranus in Taurus, inviting you to think outside the box when it comes to money, possessions, and values, and how they weigh in, with the plans you are considering.

TAURUS: Today at 2:26 PM EDT, the Full Moon in Aquarius illuminates the path to brilliant creative success. The Full Moon is shining in your career sector, and is partnering with the Leo Sun, and Mercury retrograde in Leo in your home sector. It’s a gorgeous day to reflect on work/life balance and the brilliant, creative collaborations that can lead to amazing success. Uranus, the planet of evolution, is in your sign, squaring off with the Leo Sun and the Aquarius Moon, inspiring evolutionary leaps that lead to big success by light of Aquarius Full Moon.

GEMINI: Today at 2:26 PM EDT, the Aquarius Full Moon sheds her light on your philosophical sector of travel, publishing, and presentations, illuminating the path to brilliant ideas, collaborations, and adventurous travels with beloved friends or community. The Full Moon is facing off with the Leo Sun and Mercury retrograde in Leo, inviting you to review, reflect, or reconnect with brilliant creative ideas, and those you love. Evolutionary Uranus is squaring off with this Full Moon, inviting you to take evolutionary leaps of the mind and explore liberating ideas, that free you from mental prisons of the past.

CANCER: Today at 2:26 PM EDT, the Aquarius Full Moon sheds her light in your deepest sector, where a whole new level of deep inner liberation is at hand. The Aquarius Moon is partnering with the Leo Sun, who is traveling with Mercury retrograde in Leo, inviting you to reconnect with profitable, brilliant, golden ideas. Evolutionary Uranus is squaring off with the Sun and Moon, inviting you to take quantum leaps, by getting support from brilliant friends and allies, who can help you with both your emotional and financial evolution.

LEO: Today at 2:26 PM EDT, the Aquarius Moon sheds her full light in your partnership sector, where evolution and liberating change is at hand. The Aquarius Full Moon is facing off with the Leo Sun in your sector of self traveling with Mercury retrograde in Leo, inviting you to reflect, rethink and revise ideas about yourself and your creativity It is time to reconnect with your passion, and beloved ideas. Evolutionary Uranus is squaring off with the Leo Sun and the Aquarius Moon from your career sector, where it’s time to take a brilliant profitable quantum Leap.

VIRGO: Today at 2:26 PM EDT, the Aquarius Moon sheds her Full Light in your work and health sector, illuminating the path to freedom and authentic satisfaction at work, and in the pursuit of your health and happiness. Luna is opposed by the Sun and Mercury retrograde traveling in Leo in your spiritual sector, calling you back to golden visions, that require others to achieve. Liberating Uranus is squaring off with the Sun and Moon from your publishing sector where it’s time for evolution and quantum leaps in your beliefs and in the brilliant ideas you are called to share, publish or present.

LIBRA: Today at 2:26 PM EDT, the Aquarius Moon sheds her Full Light on your creative sector of recreation, fun and romance, illuminating the path to creative fulfillment, romance and joyful living. The Aquarius Moon is partnering with the Leo Sun, who travels with Mercury retrograde in Leo, inviting you to review, revise, and reconnect with friends and allies who warm your heart, and with whom you might like to collaborate. Uranus is squaring off with the Sun and Moon from your deepest sector where a new freedom, evolution and happiness is at hand.

SCORPIO: Today at 2:26 PM EDT, the Aquarius Moon sheds her Full light on your home and family sector, where evolution and upgrades are at hand. The Aquarius Moon is facing off with the Leo Sun and Mercury, traveling retrograde in your career sector, inviting you to get your domestic and professional ducks in a row, reconnect with golden ideas, and get ready for the quantum Leap that you are poised to take at home and in your career. Evolutionary Uranus is squaring off with the Sun and Moon from your partnership sector where big brilliant possibilities are leading to new love, new success, and a new freedom and prosperity.

SAGITTARIUS: Today at 2:26 PM EDT, the Aquarius Moon sheds her Full light in your mind where a new freedom and authentic brilliant expression is blossoming. The Aquarius Moon is partnering with the Leo Sun, who is traveling with Mercury retrograde in Leo in your publishing sector, inviting you to connect with golden, heart centered, brilliant ideas that could lead to new prosperity. The Sun and Moon are squaring off with evolutionary Uranus from your work and health sector, where a quantum leap in your approach to your daily life is leading to new thinking, new prosperity, and new success.

CAPRICORN: Today at 2:26 PM EDT, the Aquarius Moon sheds her full Light on your fiscal sector, where a new freedom, prosperity and collaborative power is lighting the way to new success. The Aquarius Moon is partnering with the Leo Sun and Mercury traveling retrograde in Leo, inviting you to explore creative mergers by the light of this Full Moon. Both the Sun and Moon are squaring off with evolutionary Uranus in your creative sector, where it is time for some brilliant out of the box thinking about art, collaboration, romance, child rearing, and recreation.

AQUARIUS: Today at 2:26 PM EDT, the Full Moon in Aquarius sheds her light on you and your sector of self, illuminating your feelings and need for authentic expression and connection. The Full Moon is partnering with the Sun and Mercury retrograde in Leo in your partnership sector, inviting you to review, revise your relationship patterns. It may also be time to reconnect with beloved partners from the past. The Sun and Moon are both squaring off with Uranus in your home sector, inviting upgrades within yourself, your relationships, and your entire approach to home and family.

PISCES: Today at 2:26 PM EDT, the Full Moon in Aquarius sheds her light on your spiritual sector of dreams, visions and retreats. It’s a gorgeous day to reflect on your visions that require group efforts and community to achieve. The Full Moon is partnering with the Leo Sun, and Mercury retrograde in Leo, in your work and health sector, where it’s time to review the logistics of dreams and visions. Evolutionary Uranus is squaring off with both the Sun and Moon from your sector of mind, where a giant, innovative, brilliant quantum leap is underway. New thinking leads to visionary new success and prosperity!