THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY AUGUST 26TH: The Gemini Moon has taken wing and is gliding through the frequencies of thought, exploring ideas and feelings, that nurture our rational intelligence and our emotional intelligence. Today, the Gemini Moon squares off with the Virgo Sun, inviting us to be discerning and analytical about our thinking, plans and ideas. It’s a beautiful day to purify our minds, clarify our plans, make lists, get organized, and be brutally honest about the soundness of all we are contemplating.

ARIES:The Gemini Moon is gliding through your mind, nurturing your rational and emotional intelligence. The Gemini Moon squares off with the Virgo Sun today, inviting you to analyze your thinking, emotional patterns and reactions, and the soundness of your plans for work, life, and health that you are considering.

TAURUS:The Gemini Moon is gliding through your fiscal sector today, nurturing brilliant and profitable ideas that it’s a good day to further develop. Today Luna will square off with the Virgo Sun, inspiring the refinement of creative ideas as well as romantic possibilities.

GEMINI: The Gemini Moon is surrounding you with her love and light today, inspiring your most brilliant thinking and your most emotionally intelligent insights. Luna will square off with the Virgo Sun today, inviting you to analyze domestic plans and family patterns for what needs organizing, healing developing or releasing.

CANCER:The Gemini Moon is gliding through your spiritual sector, nurturing your connection to your angels, and to the Loving Source of your being. Today Luna squares off with the Virgo Sun, making it a beautiful day to seek constant Divine Guidance as you review and refine your best ideas and plans.

LEO:The Gemini Moon is gliding through your social sector, nurturing your best thinking about friendship and your capacity to communicate clearly with friends, allies and within groups. Luna squares off with the Virgo Sun today, inviting you to explore profitable ideas that you truly value with friends and allies.

VIRGO: The Gemini Moon is gliding through your career sector today, nurturing a variety of brilliant ideas that could lead to professional success. Today, Luna squares off with the Virgo Sun inviting you to bring your legendary discernment and analytical skill to bear professional ideas, plans and enterprises.

LIBRA: The Gemini Moon is gliding through your Higher Mind, which is also the sector of publishing and presenting. Today she squares off with the Virgo Sun inspiring you to refine and develop your best ideas, projects, plans, and the beliefs by which you live. It’s a great day to release false beliefs that hold you back, and embrace some powering beliefs that make you strong.

SCORPIO: The Gemini Moon is flying through your depths, nurturing your capacity to view your deepest emotional patterns from a higher perspective, with acceptance and detachment. Today, Luna squares off with the Virgo Sun, inviting you to discuss deep feelings and matters with trusted friends and allies. It’s also a great day to get clear about the details of mergers and finances.

SAGITTARIUS:The Gemini Moon is flying through your partnership sector, nurturing brilliant ideas to be shared with business, romantic, or creative partners. Today, Luna squares off with the Virgo Sun inviting you to clarify your thinking with or about partnerships, especially regarding professional partnerships, and the details of budgets, projects and enterprises.

CAPRICORN:The Gemini Moon is flying through your health sector, nurturing your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being today. Luna will square off with the Virgo Sun this morning, inviting you to clarify your thinking in general, and regarding work projects and the logistics required to refine, achieve and present them.

AQUARIUS: The Gemini Moon is flying through your creative sector, nurturing your most brilliant, creative, recreational or romantic ideas. Today, Luna squares off with the Virgo Sun, inviting you to reflect on the pursuits, people and activities that nurture you most deeply. it’s a stellar day to connect with your inner child and have some soul enriching fun.

PISCES: The Gemini Moon is flying through your home sector, nurturing your best domestic ideas and family plans. Today Luna squares off with the Virgo Sun, inviting you to refine ideas for family partnerships. It’s also a good day to split your time between relationships and your domestic needs..