THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY AUGUST 5TH: Today as the moon continues her waxing journey through Leo. at 12:56 AM EDT Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo, one of the signs he rules. This Mercury retrograde will last for most of the month, and will begin in Virgo, inviting us to use our analytical intelligence and discernment to determine where changes adjustments and healing is required in our lives especially regarding details and logistics. On August 14th Mercury will back into heart centered Leo until August 28th, when he stations direct sign in the sign of the lion. 

This retrograde takes us from the head to the heart. Clear headed Mercury begins his journey, traveling in conjunction with Venus in Virgo. This conjunction is exact on the seventh, but is operating already. It’s time to be  to review our plans, especially involving love and relationship with detachment, clear eye analysis, and a higher view of how to be of service in the most beautiful way. It is also a beautiful time to heal our sense of beauty, love and harmony. Today the Moon goes void at 11:16 AM EDT, until 5:17 PM EDT,  when she heads into Virgo to assist with Mercury retrograde. It’s a good day to pull in and get organized with love, beauty, intelligence and fairness as our guides.

ARIES: Today as the new day begins, Mercury, the planet of thought, stations, retrograde in Virgo in your sector of health, work, logistics and organization, inviting you on a month-long journey to review, revise and rethink plans regarding work, health, love and romance. It’s time to organize your thinking with an eye to love, pragmatism and what will serve the greater good. It’s also a great time to reconnect with health practices and beautiful work projects that call to you.

TAURUS: Today as the new day begins, Mercury stations retrograde in pristine Virgo, in your sector of art, creativity and romance, initiating a retrograde that will carry you through the month. Mercury will retrograde back into Leo on August 14th inviting you to rethink revise and review domestic and professional plans that ignite your passion and joy of living. It’s time to get your logistical ducks in a row and rethink your approach to love, romance and children.

GEMINI: Today as the new day begins, Mercury stations retrograde in pristine analytical Virgo in your home sector, initiating a retrograde journey that carries you through the month, inviting all forms of housekeeping and organizing. It’s time to rethink your approach to home, family and roots. On the 14th Mercury backs into Leo, inspiring a heart centered review of creative ideas and romantic plans. It’s time to think with both your head and your heart, making sure that both are aligned with reason and with Divine Guidance.

CANCER: Today as the new day begins, Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo, in your sector of mind, inviting you on an inward journey to revise, review or reconnect with beloved plans that require some tweaking and attention to detail. On the 14th, Mercury will back into Leo, inviting you to review brilliant creative plans that it’s time to manifest or market, it’s time to think rationally, but with mighty love, practicality and beauty as your guides.

LEO: Today as the moon gets underway in her waxing journey through your sign mighty Leo, Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo in your fiscal/material sector, inviting you onto a month-long review regarding your values possessions, finances and all that is most important to you. It’s time to get your material and fiscal ducks in a row. On August 14th, Mercury backs into your sign radiant Leo, inviting you to rethink, revise, and reflect on yourself, how you think about yourself and anything that needs adjustment there. It’s a beautiful month to reclaim your beauty your radiance and your self-worth as you commit to the creative projects that light up like the Sun your ruling planet.

VIRGO: Today just as the new day begins, Mercury, your ruling planet stations retrograde in your sign, pristine, beautiful Virgo, initiating a retrograde that will carry us through most of the month. Mercury is traveling with Venus at the outset of this retrograde, inviting you to clarify, organize and review your plans, especially those involving love, beauty, creativity, and the arts and relationships. It’s time to reflect on how you think about and speak to yourself. On August 14th, Mercury will back into Leo, inviting you to move this reflection from your head to your heart and to seek Guidance of the Divine Heart that it is always wise to synchronize with.

LIBRA: Today, just as the new day begins, Mercury stations retrograde in pristine Virgo in your spiritual sector, inviting you onto a retrograde journey regarding your visions, dreams, and especially those involving love, beauty, relationship and the details of your larger vision. On August 14th, Mercury will back into Leo, in your social sector, inviting you to revise ideas and reconnect with beloved friends, to review collaborations, and projects that delight you.

SCORPIO: Today, just as the new day begins, Mercury stations retrograde in pristine Virgo in your social sector, inviting you into a month of reflection, revision or reconnection regarding your social life, collaborations and friends you love. It’s time to also clarify the details of collaborations. On August 14th Mercury will back into radiant Leo, in your career sector, inviting you to review and  rethink your approach to your career, and the creative gold that will get you the success you desire.

SAGITTARIUS: Today just as the new day begins, Mercury stations retrograde in pristine Virgo in your in your career sector, inviting you into a month-long reflection regarding your approach to success , and the organization, attention to detail and skill set, that will achieve it. It’s time for some revisions in your executive thinking. Halfway through the month on the 14th Mercury will back into Leo in your philosophical sector, inviting you to, revise review and rethink your approach to publishing projects that you feel passionate about.

CAPRICORN: Today just as a new day begins, Mercury stations retrograde in pristine Virgo in your publishing sector, inviting you into a month-long journey of reflection, revision and refining, your favorite ideas, publishing projects, and some of your beliefs. Halfway through the month on the 14th Mercury will back into radiant Leo in your deepest sector, inviting you to reconnect with your power, your passion, and your creative bliss. Creative collaborations may also require some review revision refining.

AQUARIUS: Today just as the new day begins, Mercury stations retrograde in your deepest sector, inviting you to dive deep, organize and analyze the details of collaborations, shared finances, joint holdings, and investments, as well as the emotional patterns that fuel and drive your intimate life. Halfway through the month on the 14th, Mercury will back into Leo in your partnership sector, inviting review and renegotiation with partners. It could also be time for heart centered reconnection as you reflect on what your heart truly desires within committed relationships.

PISCES: Today just as the new day begins, Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo in your partnership sector, where it’s time for a month-long review of the nuts and bolts of partnerships, attachment patterns, and all that requires revision, healing or adjustment within them. Halfway through the month on the 14th, Mercury will back into your health sector, inviting further healing regarding matters of the heart, creative projects, skills and anything to do with your work life. It’s time to do what you love and love what you do.