THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY DECEMBER 16TH: The Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer, inviting us into a beautiful day for self-care, and to nurture our sense of emotional security by being kind to ourselves and reassuring ourselves. It’s a beautiful day to cocoon a little, and take stock of the last few weeks of Mercury‘s recent retrograde and the upcoming holidays. It’s a wonderful day to mother ourselves, and create an inner environment in which we feel safe, comfy and secure.
ARIES: The Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer today, in your home and family sector, inviting you to nurture family relationships, domestic bliss, and emotional security. It’s a beautiful day to also nurture your dreams from the comfort of your home if possible.
TAURUS: The Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer today in your sector of mind, giving you a lovely day for mental relaxation and emotional reassurance. It’s a beautiful day to rest and cocoon with the ideas you are developing, as you attend to your feelings and the needs that they point to.
GEMINI: The Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer in your fiscal sector today, inviting you to nurture fertile and profitable ideas. It’s a gorgeous day for fertile, constructive activity to advance them, and to take stock of where various ideas need some further attention to get off the ground.
CANCER: The Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer in your sector of self, inviting you into a lovely day for all forms of self-care. It’s a gorgeous day for resting, nesting, and attending to your feelings and needs. You are the Mother of the zodiac, but it’s a beautiful day to prioritize your needs today.
LEO: The Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer in your spiritual sector today, inviting you to make time to cocoon in your inner ashram for some prayer, meditation, yoga and cultivating deep, inner peace. Today, your security comes from your connection to the Divine. Open to the nurturing care that is streaming to you right now from the Heavens.
VIRGO: The Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer in your social sector today, nurturing your most soul nurturing friendships, and the communities that mean the most to you. It’s a beautiful day for networking and reaching out with gentle loving kindness to new friends and old.
LIBRA: The Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer in your career sector today, inviting you to rise and shine like the beautiful silvery Moon. It’s a gorgeous day to nurture your success like a mother nurtures her young, and to nurture the success of others. Today, loving kindness is your best calling card.
SCORPIO: The Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer in your publishing sector of the higher mind, inviting you to make time for your best ideas, projects presentations, and to cultivate greater faith as you travel through the day. Take note of how well taken care of you are this very moment, and allow your gratitude to nurture your soul and your relationship to Divine Love and Abundance.
SAGITTARIUS: The Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer in your deepest sector today, nurturing your capacity for true intimacy, deep friendship, and brilliant, fertile, collaborations. It’s a beautiful day to dive deep, and connect with your deepest feelings and the needs they point to.
CAPRICORN: The Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer in your partnership sector today, inviting you to nurture the soul of the relationships you are committed to. Partnerships are greater than the sum of their parts. What do yours need today in order to thrive.
AQUARIUS: The Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer in your work and health sector today, inviting you to attend to the details of your domestic life, daily life, and the health and fitness practices that keep you in good shape. It’s a gorgeous day to make lists, and get organized, while practicing easy does it.
PISCES: The Moon is gliding through Cancer in your sector of art, self-expression, recreation, and romance, inviting you to make time for pleasure, fun delight, and art. It’s a beautiful day to put the needs of your soul first. All work, and no play, is out of the question today.