THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY FEBRUARY 3RD: Aries Moon goes void at 5:19 AM EST today and spends the entire day void till 10:33 PM EST, giving us a beautiful day to organize plans and strategies with an eye to success and victory. Today Mercury will harmonize with massive Jupiter to encourage our biggest most brilliant and beautiful plans, that it’s a stellar day to get ready, get set and prepare for.

ARIES: The Aries Moon is void most of the day in your sign, from 5:19 AM EST till 10:33 PM. It’s a stellar day for rest, relaxation, reflection regarding your feelings, and getting organized for success. Proper planning, getting grounded, and preparation, are key today. When the seas prevent sailing, a wise fisherman mends his nets.

TAURUS: The Aries Moon is void in your spiritual sector most of the day, giving you a beautiful window for meditation and reflection. Today, your angels ancestors and the Heavenly Source of your being, that always loves you, are all available to check in with for Higher Guidance. It’s a beautiful day to quiet  to quiet your mind and connect with your intuition.

GEMINI: The Aries Moon is void in your social sector today, making this a stellar day to organize your social calendar, reflect on your vision for your social life and go with the flow socially. It’s a beautiful day to vision map for the social life, collaborations and events you are committed to.

CANCER: The Aries Moon is void your executive suite today, making this a perfect day to get organized for success. Success comes from doing things in the proper succession. Sharpen your tools, crunch your numbers, work on spreadsheets and schedules. Prepare.

LEO: The Aries Moon is traveling void all day in your publishing sector, making this a beautiful day to be still and be guided by the higher mind and Heavenly Forces as you seek wisdom or express it for others. Today meditation is a perfect way to seek a Higher Guidance that is seeking you.

VIRGO: The Aries Moon is traveling void all day in your deepest sector, making this a stellar day for deep reflection regarding mergers, and your deepest emotional patterns, some of which are ready to evolve. It’s a beautiful day for journaling and organizing the details of mergers, as you prepare for change.

LIBRA: The Aries Moon is traveling void through your partnership sector today, inviting you to get quiet, and reflect on the partnerships in your life and your patterns within relationships. It’s a beautiful day to bring Divine Guidance into all earthly relationships, thus assuring positive change.

SCORPIO: The Aries Moon is traveling void through your work and health sector, making this a stellar day to roll up your sleeves and get organized for success. It’s a great day for housekeeping, cleaning, decluttering and organizing on all levels. Health, success and fitness require preparation and planning.

SAGITTARIUS: The Aries Moon is traveling void most of the day in your creative sector, making this stellar day for all manner of creative puttering and seeking inspiration. It’s a beautiful day to spend with your inner artist and your inner lover to awaken your love of life.

CAPRICORN: The Aries Moon is traveling void most of the day in your home sector, making this a stellar day for housekeeping on all levels. Set your house in order today, as you reflect on domestic plans and obligations do some nesting then some resting. Rinse and repeat.

AQUARIUS: The Aries Moon is gliding void through your sector of mind most of the day, making this a stellar day to practice silence, cultivate stillness, and when in doubt, practice restraint of tongue. It’s a beautiful day for reflection about your strategies. What victory would look like for you?

PISCES: The Aries Moon is traveling void through your fiscal sector today, inviting you to use the day to set your material and financial life in order. Make repairs, do the wash, crunch the numbers, pay the bills. Enjoy the feeling that cleanliness order and maintenance bring you.