THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY JANUARY 13TH: Blessings of the Full Moon in Cancer to All! The gracious Moon spends the day waxing to her her Fullness in Cancer, her home sign, which occurs at 5:26 PM EST.

Today Luna is shedding her full light on our feelings and the needs they point to, beginning with our need for emotional security. Today the Universal Mother is infusing the Full Moon’s Light with the unconditional love of the Great Mother. In the Full Moon chart cast for Washington Dc, the national chart, the Full Moon is traveling with Mars in the spiritual sector of the chart which is also Cancer rising..
This configuration calls us to the Sacred Temple within, where peace, comfort and security can be found, along with a compassion that transcends our human capacity. It’s a beautiful day to go within and connect with the well of infinite peace and love that is even now surrounding us with a blanket of comfort and reassurance. It’s a perfect day to mother ourselves and the seeds of intention we are committed to growing.
It’s a beautiful day to nest, rest and connect with family, and friends who feel like family. Send blessings across the veil to beloved ancestors and unknown ancestors whose struggles you will never know, but who nonetheless have contributed to your life and being. Luna is receiving support from spiritual Neptune echoing the theme of giving and receiving spiritual sustenance to those in need..
It’s an especially beautiful day to send blessings to those dispossessed of their homes in California, North Carolina and in war torn areas. This deeply spiritual full moon reminds us that our deepest security is found in our conscious connection to Source, and that connection can never be broken Luna also receives support from evolutionary Uranus, inviting us to step out of outworn patterns that no longer serve us. The Capricorn Sun is also receiving support from Uranus, helping us to shed patterns and structures that no longer serve us, and step into a new level of emotional sobriety, security and spiritual awakening. It’s a beautiful day to shine like the silvery Moon with kindness, compassion, and nurturing Grace…
To learn more join my Tele seminar this evening head to my Events page….

ARIES: The Moon in soulful Cancer spends the day waxing through your home sector where she will be full at 5:26 PM EST. Today Luna is nurturing your need for a comfortable home, secure family, relationships, and a beautiful connection to your roots. This is also a beautiful day to find the highest and deepest level of security by connecting to the Loving Source of your being, that ceaselessly provides security, love and comfort, regardless of circumstances.
TAURUS: The Moon is waxing through your sector of mind, in soulful, maternal Cancer, where she will be full at 5:26 PM EST. It’s a beautiful day to nurture your most beautiful fertile and comforting ideas and visions. Today you may be called upon to be a voice of maternal reassurance to yourself, or those in need. It’s a beautiful day to silently or verbally be a comforting presence.

GEMINI: The Moon is waxing through soulful Cancer in your fiscal, material sector today, inviting you to nurture yourself by enjoying your surroundings, home furnishings and creature comforts. It’s a beautiful day to spend a little time and money on home furnishings, yummy food to cook, or whatever provides you with a sense of comfort, delight or emotional security. It’s also a stellar day to advance your most visionary, fertile ideas and profitable projects.

CANCER: The waxing Moon, your ruling planet, is in your sign soulful Cancer, her home sign, where this evening at 5:26 PM EST she will achieve fullness. It’s a beautiful day to take note of the feelings that are coming up for you, and the needs that they point to. It’s a gorgeous day for emotional self-care. Connect with your inner or actual mother, your grandmother’s, your loving ancestors, and ask them to wrap you in the silvery light of their loving comfort. Put self care first today. Do what will nurture your beautiful soul…

LEO: The waxing Moon is gliding through your inner ashram in soulful Cancer, the sign of the silvery moon, where she will be Full at 5:26 PM EST. It’s a beautiful day to put your spiritual life first and open to the love and comfort of the Universal Mother to surround you with her gracious and comforting light. Today, your deepest sense of security comes from Heaven, and from sharing graciously the Grace that you’re given with those who need it most.

VIRGO: The waxing Moon in soulful Cancer is gliding through your social sector, where she will be full today at 5:26 PM EST, inviting you to nurture friends, allies and beloved communities, and be nurtured by them as well. It’s is a gorgeous day to connect with people with whom you can be emotionally vulnerable. It’s also a beautiful day to advance soulful profitable collaborations.

LIBRA: The waxing Moon is gliding through your career sector, where she will be full today at 5:26 PM EST. It’s a beautiful day to commit to your soulful and worldly success and the professional projects that nurture your soul and your bottom line. It’s also a beautiful day to nurture the friendships family, relationships, and alliances that are part of your beautiful stabilizing tree of life. Nurture your roots. They are a great source of stability.

SCORPIO: The waxing moon in soulful Cancer is gliding through your philosophical travel sector, inviting you to give thought to where you feel most at home, and explore all that emotionally nurtures your sense of deep security and well-being. It’s a beautiful day to use your emotional intelligence to comfort yourself and others, and to increase their measure of emotional security, peace, and comfort.

SAGITTARIUS: The waxing Moon is gliding through your deepest sector, where she will achieve fullness at 5:26 PM EST. this evening. The Full Moon in Cancer illuminates, your deepest feelings, emotional patterns, and the needs that they point to. She receives planetary support to help you evolve out of patterns that no longer serve you. It’s a stellar day to dive deep, and connect with beloved ancestors, dear friends, and the partners with whom you can bare your soul.

CAPRICORN: The waxing Moon is gliding through your partnership sector, where she will be full in soulful Cancer at 5:27 PM EST. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on your committed relationships that give you the deepest sense of peace, comfort and well-being. It’s a gorgeous day to nurture your relationship to the Universal Mother, who Grandmother Moon is one expression of. Surround yourself with love, cocoon yourself in the silvery light that is always available to you and filled with kindness, compassion, love and comfort.

AQUARIUS: The waxing Moon in soulful Cancer is gliding through your work and health sector. It’s a beautiful day to nurture yourself by attending to the little things. It’s a lovely day for nesting, housekeeping, stocking up on healthy yummy food, attending to work projects and generally enjoying being fully engaged in the moment and the task at hand. The Full Moon is illuminating habits of mind, body and spirit that can lead to greater comfort, success and security as you adopt them.

PISCES: The waxing Moon in soulful Cancer is gliding through your creative sector, where she will be full at 5:26 PM EST this evening. This Full Moon is shedding her light on your inner child, inner artist and inner lover. It’s a beautiful evening to notice what feelings are coming up regarding your creativity, your emotional security, and your need for love and affection. It’s a stellar day to advance soulful, beautiful, visionary projects that you can pour yourself into.